Low Dimensional Game

Chapter 110 - The Prototype of Divine Kingdom

Chapter 110: The Prototype of Divine Kingdom

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The rays of the sun covered the entire world. The sunshine was gentle and warm, and clouds were hanging around it. A huge divine palace appeared in the sky, with clouds surrounding that as well. It all looked mysterious and magical.

Martin had been dead for a long time. He had lost his memory, but he did not forget to show reverence to the gods. He had a longing to enter into the divine kingdom. Under the guidance of a light, he floated toward the divine kingdom.

Martin’s awareness was scattered and out of form. After entering the divine kingdom, he took back his form and his looks. He wore a white robe, and became a saint. He stepped on the clouds and saw the divine kingdom that he had been longing for.

As the holy music sounded, he felt calm and peaceful. He had no troubles or sorrows, only joy. In fact, there were no sorrows, sufferings, tears and even death in this place at all. As Martin moved up the clouds, he reached the palace of god. A beautiful divine palace appeared before his eyes. The fountain of life was in the square, which was made with flawless cloud slabs flooring. Angels with wings were laughing, having fun among the clouds. The handrails of the aisle were made of pure gold. There were beautiful paintings and holy prints all around. The river under the bridge was flowing with sweet milk.

On one side of the clouds, many exotic animals were running about. The legendary Pegasus, unicorn, and other animals could be seen. In the center of the divine palace was the legendary holy tree, which was shining brightly. The rooftop was too tall to be seen, and the ground was filled with golden slabs. Gems were hanging at the top, exuding gentle rays of colorful light. As Martin walked up the stairs, he reached the peak, then entered into the inner hall of the divine palace. It was huge, making Martin felt like an ant in comparison.

There was a heavy, silvery door, engraved with holy pictures. It was about 100 meters tall. After passing through the door, Martin saw a god on the divine seat, floating in the air. The archangels and the angels that had been recorded in the Scripture of Light were standing in two rows to welcome him. Although Martin had lost his memory, he was filled with a strong sense of satisfaction. He knelt down, feeling blessed. He had entered into the divine kingdom and become one of them.

Following closely behind Martin was another person. He was pious and moving toward the divine kingdom in a prostrate position.

Lu Zhiyu could feel the majesty of the divine kingdom. Although it was not big, the basic structures were present. He would continue to improve it in order to turn it into a real divine kingdom.

The controlling force of the divine kingdom would be Gaia’s sub-brain. It would be Lu Zhiyu’s avatar. However, it only possessed some basic programming, without intelligence. After Lu Zhiyu had fixed the framework, structure, and directions, he would then hand it all over to Gaia’s sub-brain, entrusting it to then manage the kingdom. It would be competent enough to do the job.

After the divine kingdom had been formed, it had received the awareness of three disciples. Other than Martin, who had died at the hands of Li Weisi, there were two other priests who had died recently. One of them had died in a conspiracy of the wizards and nobles, and the other had died in a battle with the monster.

The three disciples had the divine seeds in them, and their awarenesses had entered into the divine kingdom. The strength of the divine kingdom immediately went up by one tenth, and the scales increased to around 30. The small, divine kingdom was beginning to expand.

“Good. This will do. I will let it develop by itself.” Lu Zhiyu was looking down from the sky of the divine kingdom. He had quietly appeared among the clouds, watching the three disciples entering into the divine kingdom and becoming part of it.

Awareness alone had no memories and identity. When it entered into the divine kingdom, it would become part of it. It would not live forever. As time passed, and the divine kingdom disappeared, it would need to agglomerate its soul in order to stay in the divine kingdom. When the awareness had a complete structure and power, it could even remember who he was, as well as memories from his previous life.

Every disciple was important to Lu Zhiyu. They not only could strengthen and expand the divine kingdom, they could also help to manage it and assist Lu Zhiyu.

Lu Zhiyu was extremely pleased with the establishment of the divine kingdom. His goal had been achieved. It would play an important role in increasing his influence, and specifically, it would hasten his power. When the divine system became more complete, and the number of priests with the divine seeds increased, his objective would be met more quickly.

The moon rose and set in the bitwall. After Lu Zhiyu had finished his job, it was past midnight. The moon in Maria’s Word ran on its track, and set down into the earth. There were two main stars, the sun and moon. They were circling around Maria’s World in the bitwall. The rest of the stars ran on their own tracks in the bitwall.

Lu Zhiyu opened the dimensional door and disappeared from the bitwall. Many people, who were looking at the moon, felt that some changes had taken place. They now noticed that the moon looked dimly lit.


In the northern part of Allen Continent, lived the orcs. From the plains of Red River toward the north, one could hardly find any trails of man. After 1,000 years of development, the orcs had changed tremendously. From a tribe, they had evolved into a civilized world, and had reached the era of feudalism.

As compared to mankind, they developed at a remarkable speed. They knew about civilization much earlier than man. When they became a state, man was still ignorant about civilization. However, the situation had changed completely.

As compared to man, the orcs were a large population with many races. There was no sense of identity and belonging among the orcs. Even after a thousand years, most of them were still living in tribes.

Man’s civilization and culture had been progressing, but the orcs were still fighting and killing one another in the northern region.

Ever since the orcs ended the city-state era ruled by the king and entered into feudalism, they went through the Sophoc Empire, the Charo Empire, and the Saelvig Empire. However, these empires took over only part of the land of the orcs. They had not united the orcs. Hence, most of the areas were still backwards and primitive.

More than 10 years ago, after the fall of the Saelvig Empire, there was chaos and division among the orcs. As man continued to develop, they had occupied 75 percent of the Allen Continent, whereas the orcs continued to live in the cold northern part.

A few hundred years ago, the orcs could still fight and contend with the human race. However, should there be a fight now, man would definitely win, as the orcs had never even stepped past the plains of Red River.

If the northern part of Allen Continent had not been desolate and cold, and there was no civil war in the human race, the orcs would not be able to lead a peaceful life. Moreover, there had been recent fights among the Light Clan and the monarchs.

With the continuous wars, massacres, merging of the tribes, and the establishment of cities, the orcs had started to live in harmony with the different races. They gave birth to mixed-blood, half-orcs, and it was difficult to tell which race they belonged to.

With the war that had stretched out to last a thousand years, coupled with struggles among the tribes, fights among the states and massacres among the races, the orcs that had fallen apart started to unite themselves together, and to make peace with one another. No one had expected the orcs, who were going downhill, to move toward a great change. They had the desire to change, and it required only a little spark to set the fire going.

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