Low Dimensional Game

Chapter 155 - Mind of the Undead

Chapter 155: Mind of the Undead

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

After seeing Li Weisi’s chimera, Adonis Monar knew that he couldn’t waste any time messing around. He couldn’t wait to find Li Weisi and the Wizard Alliance’s old laboratory so that he could make use of their experimental records and notes!

The group started pushing forward aggressively. This cave truly was exactly like what the rumors had said; it could be called an underground city in the northern wasteland! The deeper they went, the more they found glowing moss on the sides of the walls. Soon, they did not even need torches, as the moss completely lit the way.

The fluorescent moss looked like twinkling stars in the dim cave. As they peered down the path, it was as if they were looking deep into a star-studded galaxy.

The group continued on and various landmarks began to appear. Some were normal buildings, while others were passages marked with wooden stakes and numbered entrances. Many of these places showed traces of previous occupation, such as several kerosene lamps that were found in some of the houses.

They also began to encounter more bodies of the monsters. These monsters could not reproduce. Hence, after so many years, most of them had died. Although there weren’t too many left, those which remained were the most powerful of them all. The team also encountered several crises, but under the leadership of Adonis Monar, there were no casualties.

They soon arrived at a fork in the road. The map pointed to the left, but Adonis Monar continued straight ahead. He then took some spellcasting aids from his bag and gathered them towards the wall, which was straight ahead of him.

Immediately, a dark whirling fireball appeared in his palm, then headed straight for the wall. The wall was quite thin, so it exploded on impact. It scattered outwards, the dust blowing towards them like a strong, gritty breeze. As the dust cleared, a passage was revealed.

Cough, cough!

“Give me the lamp!”

After taking the lamp, Adonis Monar tossed it inside the passage. The path had opened into what seemed like a huge and bottomless abyss. The lamp lit the surroundings as it fell, allowing Adonis Monar to briefly observe the interior from the entrance.

The space inside was indeed quite large. There were many buildings that had been built along the rock wall. There were also many entrances and exits, which connected the entire cave, forming a transit point for the huge underground city.

Adonis Monar imagined that, at the height of its heyday, tens of thousands of people had once lived here. Li Weisi had controlled all of them, as they were facilitating his experiments. Countless people had lived here, without ever seeing the light of day. It was here that Li Weisi had first embarked on his descent into the madness that ended up shaking the entire continent!

The oil lamp fell to the ground and cracked open. The scattered oil then quickly ignited into a flame. All of them could clearly see that a dark castle had been constructed at the bottom of the abyss.

Adonis Monar was delighted and exclaimed, “Found it! This is it!”

Adonis Monar ignored the people behind him, immediately jumping off the cliff. He was already a level two wizard, so he had the power to fly.

He hovered in the air like a giant bird. The distance from the bottom of the cave was not too far away, less than 100 meters. So, Adonis Monar landed at the bottom shortly.

The others took out some ropes that they had prepared and followed him down, while Adonis Monar went straight into the castle. The gates of the castle had already been destroyed. There were the bodies of a few apprentice wizards strewn about. It seemed that there had been a riot here.

The others came in with torches and looked around the castle. There were terrifying traces of battle everywhere, including bloody marks on the walls, marks from unknown weapons, monster bodies, human corpses, and numerous strange devices. The entire place was horribly eerie.

After heading upstairs, they found the laboratory of the wizards of the Wizard Alliance. The laboratory was like a slaughterhouse. They found various crystals, glass, precious stones, and gold, which had been used as currency and precious treasures in the human world. Here, they seemed to have been used to make a variety of experimental equipment to enclose what looked like animal entrails. Many of the large vessels were broken.

Adonis Monar, who was standing in front of a vessel, said, “This was used to create chimeras, but after Li Weisi’s death, chaos ensued. The beasts escaped and killed the rest of the people here. The apprentice wizards here were poorly trained and recruited by the Wizard Alliance to guard the base. Thus, they never had any formal wizard training. So, they definitely couldn’t defeat these monsters, which explains why all of them died here.”

As he continued upstairs, Adonis Monar saw traces of human experimentation. This made many of the others retch in disgust, but Adonis Monar was thrilled, as he started checking everything out.

“So, they used this tool, and modified this one here... And this was where they conducted the modification of the Owl Knights!” he exclaimed in delight. “Where are the experimental records? There should be detailed documents!”

Adonis Monar looked around the huge laboratory, finally finding a large number of parchment papers and books in a bookcase that was covered with dust.

“It’s here!”

He carefully wiped away the dust, not at all concerned with the filth that got onto his luxurious silk robes. In his eyes, these experimental records and notes were far more valuable.

Within the book, Adonis Monar found several dissection diagrams and various notes on experimental data, including specific records and summaries of the causes of failed tests. The meticulously kept records and processes detailed entire experiments.

Adonis Monar skimmed the book all the way to the end, as if he was looking at the world’s most precious treasures. After Adonis Monar put the book down, he continued to rummage around on the shelf. He seemed to be looking for something in particular.

“Found it! So, it really does exist! These are Li Weisi’s handwritten notes. So, Mind of the Undead really exists! They actually developed it. The legendary Owl Knight group was based on this experiment!”

Adonis Monar held the notebook and shuddered. At last, he burst into a fit of maniacal laughter. “Ha ha ha, it’s wonderful, beautiful! Li Weisi, you really are a genius!”

With these notes, Adonis Monar could build the wizarding path that he had wanted for so long. He packed the notes into his bag and looked at his followers. “Take all of the things on this shelf. Don’t miss a single sheet of paper. We’re returning to Babus!”

“As you wish!” All of them saluted him, as they were his vassals, sworn to protect him unto death.

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