Chapter 225: Judgment

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

As everything had happened so suddenly, it took awhile until everyone finally reacted. After returning to their sense, they immediately started to cheer. Many soldiers at the top of the city even started crying and kneeling on the ground, crying out...

“The evil ones deserve this bad karma!”

“God has not forsaken us.”

“He answered our prayers!”

The King of the Dead also looked up at the sky. Suddenly, he saw an intense ray of light that was shining down from the sky. All the way from the void of the bitwall, the giant Divine Kingdom was projected onto the sky.

The projection of the Divine Kingdom even covered the entire battlefield, as well as all of Primonius! On both the sky and the ground, everything was surrounded by the holy light of the Divine Kingdom! Then, as the clouds subsided, a giant gate of the Divine Kingdom appeared.

As the massive realm of suppressive power was covering the entire area of the Divine Kingdom, all of the ghosts’, the King of the Dead’s, and the zombie dragon’s special powers and witchcraft were suppressed! This left the ghost army befuddled, and many of them wondered aloud...

“What is this?”


“What is this power?”

The King of the Dead instantly sensed the power of the realm. It was a power that far surpassed his grasp and imagination. It was a power that even surpassed his origins!

At this moment, the gate of the Divine Kingdom opened. Instantly, a shiny angel appeared at the gate and spread her giant illuminating wings. It was Archangel Kelly!

“Judgment!” As Archangel Kelly held her hand, a giant pillar of light struck down from the gate of the Divine Kingdom.

The pillar immediately traversed thousands of meters to instantly pierce through the King of the Dead and the zombie dragon! The dragon instantly disintegrated into countless little particles, then faded into the air. As for the King of the Dead, he was struck and had fallen, but had tapped into the energy of countless ghosts on the ground and returned to life!

This was the immortality property of mythical creatures. As long as the undead were still under his control, he would not die!

“I am immortal! Even God can’t kill me! Hahaha! I am the God of the Dead! I am...” Before the King of the Dead could even finish his sentence, he was struck by another ray of light.

However, he immediately rose again, thanks to the ghosts! He then shrieked, “You can not kill me! I am undying the Undying King!”

Countless lights struck the ground as if they were weaving a fish net. The King of the Dead died again and again. He screamed again and again, but then rose again from the dead once more.

Large amounts of skeletons constantly gathered each time, merging together to rebuild the body of the King of the Dead. It was if they were all retaliating and against and defying God’s natural order of life and death!

However, even despite the skeletons’ and ghosts’ efforts, this last time, the King of the Dead could not do anything other than remain moaning on the ground like a pitiful lost dog. His powers were completely suppressed by the power of the realm.

“Realm of Light!” Archangel Kelly shouted from above, while a much more intense light was launched from the Divine Kingdom.

The light was like the sun, glazing across the ground and instantly evaporating anything in its path. It wiped out all of the ghosts and everything on the ground!

As every ghost was fading away, the King of the Dead was constantly dying, then being revived by the ghosts. Every time he was revived, he was painfully killed again.

“How is this possible? I am the God of the Dead! No one can kill me! No one!” His crazy voice was roaring and echoing in the sky.

The voice was so grim, it could make one feel the pain of h*ll itself. However, the King of the Dead could do nothing but look at the irresistible power that was annihilating him and his ghost army. No matter what he tried to do, he was powerless.

Countless soul flames gathered in the air to form the consciousness of the King of the Dead. This was the manifestation of all of the consciousness of the dead, but without a body. As such, it was exposed in front of everyone.

Under the realm that was covered by the Divine Kingdom, the soul flames were slowly being separated, while countless consciousnesses were being taken apart.

The once sky-piercing soul flame was now being separated into parts, until finally, its core part was exposed. It was Adenos!

Meanwhile, the ground rippled like water. Black waves rippled across it, as the entire ground became more and more surreal. Then, a black underground world appeared!

The core of that world was a bright black ball. Countless black hands extended from the core, then grabbed the soul flames.

Many of the soul flames were guided to the Divine Kingdom. The soul flames were then directed to one of two paths, heaven or hell. The soul flame of Adenos was the only one that was left behind.

The Divine Kingdom in the sky and the underworld on the ground appeared simultaneously. This scene shook everyone within Primonius, rendering them utterly speechless. No one had expected this!

At this moment, Archangel Kelly suddenly spoke from above. “Judgment! Adenos, you are to reside in hell forever!”

Adenos was then tightly grabbed by thousands of black hands, which dragged him down to the underworld. His memories were immediately erased, then he was thrown into the River Styx.

Adenos was then transformed into a rower, who was wearing a black robe and was covered completely by bandages. He had to row on the black boat forever, tasked with transporting the important souls across the River Styx.

This was an important task, as all of the souls that fell into the River Styx would lose their memories. Even the souls that were just crossing it would experience immense pain and suffering.

As for Adenos, he could never leave that boat. Moreover, due to the influence of the River Styx, he would never again have any memories. Thus, he would forever be known as the mindless rower.

Lu Zhiyu suddenly appeared at the corner of the wall. He was holding a core of consciousness that had been separated from the soul flames of the King of the Dead. It was the consciousness of Delmedi!

Lu Zhiyu held onto the heavily injured Verthandi. After a blink, they were both transported inside the palace within Primonius. He put her on the throne and tidied up her clothes and hair.

Lu Zhiyu reached out his hands and was trying to heal Verthandi, when she quickly opened her eyes, then reached out and held his hands tightly.

She then weakly said, “You have come!”

Lu Zhiyu went down on one knee and leaned on the throne. He looked into her eyes and said, “Yes, I have returned!”

Verthandi’s eyes were blinking as she asked, “Do you still hate me?”

Lu Zhiyu knew what she was talking about, so he shook his head. “I was very angry with you, but you are my daughter! Whatever you do, I will always forgive you!”

Verthandi’s face was filled with joy, but it was also very pale. She had no intentions of living much longer.

Verthandi looked into his eyes and shook her head. “I was happy, but let’s end it here! My life has been good enough! I have all I have ever wanted, even though I still have a lot of regrets! Besides, long life is a curse, old man. Not everyone has the courage to face living forever!”

Hearing her words, Lu Zhiyu suddenly fell silent. As Verthandi ran her fingers through Lu Zhiyu’s black hair and tucked his messy short hair behind his ear, her eyes were full of kindness.

“Even though I still don’t understand what God is, I have to think that it must be lonely, right?” she asked.

Lu Zhiyu grabbed her hands and brought them up to touch his face. He then smiled and said, “You were the one who brought color and brightness to my life!”

Verthandi nodded and smiled. “I am glad!”

After saying that, her pretty face suddenly paled. “I am so tired! I am really exhausted, so I need a break! Old man, please hold my hand.”

Lu Zhiyu held her hands and asked, “If you had another life, what would you want?”

Verthandi’s eyelids were shaking as she slowly closed them. She then replied, “I would want to be with you all the time!”

Lu Zhiyu leaned on the throne for awhile in silence. Then, he suddenly heard cheering from the outside.

Lu Zhiyu then picked up her body, turned around, and slowly faded into stardust, taking her far away from this place.


103rd year of the San Calendar, the wizard tower, the Black Forest of the Kingdom of Rosa d’Oro

There was a massive party happening. Every wizard mentor, all of the working staff, and every student had gathered in the great hall of the wizard tower.

“According to the recommendation of my fellow mentors, the fourth master of the wizard tower is... Edward Kelermo!”one of the mentors announced.

Edward had grown up, and had now become more mature. He put on the silver-edged wizard robe, which was a symbol of one’s being the master of the wizard tower. The robe had a silver mark on it that represented the wizard towers, and it was attached with a badge of the wizard tower.

Everyone was cheering, including the students and their mentors. Ever since the wizards were suffered heavy losses twenty years ago in the battle of Danello City, this was the first time that a new level four wizard had appeared.

Everyone was hoping that Edward could inherit his teacher Bohr’s last wish to make the wizard tower even greater. Now that he had done so, the whole wizard tower was so hyped! ( .c om )

There were decorations everywhere, like it was some kind of a festival. Amid all of the hubbub, no one even noticed the giant flying castle that flitted over their heads in the sky.

The giant castle was flying in the air and was covered by many clouds. Its base was a metallic semi-sphere that contained different layers of units, including a control room, a storage room, a laboratory and a library.

The top portion of the castle was the living section, which had large areas of beautiful western-styled houses and lush botanical gardens. At the moment Lu Zhiyu was reading in one of the studies. Eva had brought some tea to him.

Not long after he took his first sip, two little girls rushed in, clearly in an argument.

“Papa! Older sis was bullying me!”

“It was because you were being so stupid!”

The two blonde girls grabbed Lu Zhiyu’s leg from both sides and pointed their fingers at each other. Lu Zhiyu quickly looked at the younger one and asked, “If she is always bullying you, why do you keep following her around all of the time?”

The two of them looked very similar to one another. In fact, they kind of looked like Verthandi and Delmedi.

However, these girls had wings! The older sister had white wings, while the younger sister had black wings.

These two girls were clearly not humans. In fact, they were angels!

Moreover, they each had level four powers from the day they were born. Once they became adults, they could even reach level seven! However, reaching that level of maturity would take them a long time.

At the moment, these two angels were running around Lu Zhiyu, still fighting. He grabbed each of them, one under each arm, and ran out of the room.

“Stop arguing! Let’s go play outside!” he said as he carried them towards the sunshine. ( .c om )

From outside, they could see layers of clouds floating underneath their feet, and the sunshine was bright and warm. They could also see human cities and villages on the ground underneath them, as well as farmlands that were intersecting with lakes and forests!

“Where are we going?”

“Yea, papa, where?”

“Let’s go up and fly way up high!”

The angel girls were talking over one another, as they were very excited.

“Ah, but will we be melted by the sun if we were to fly too close to it!” Lu Zhiyu laughed.

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