Low Dimensional Game

Chapter 259 - Elf Empire (Ⅲ)

Chapter 259: Elf Empire (Ⅲ)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The city of Sylve, which was founded more than a thousand years ago, was the place where the oldest elves lived. The oldest Tree of Life, which gave birth to the elves and also grew here, was still the habitat of the elves.

A long time ago, the elves had started an important reform. They abolished the old council system and built an elf empire, which they named the Sylve Empire.

They then began to manage all of the cities and towns by using a system that was quite similar to the human world. It was during that time that Wendy was crowned as the first elf Queen.

On Sylve’s sacred altar, under the witness of tens of thousands of elves, a series of alchemy fireworks were set off and instantly rushed up into the sky.

A large number of elf wizards surrounded Wendy, while Wendy held a magic wand that was decorated with the Philosopher’s Stones. This was the ceremony where she officially became the elf Queen, accompanied by the cheers of numerous elves!

The dissolution of the Council of Elders also meant that the elves needed to set up various state institutions, which had to be manned by a large number of talents. There was truly so much to do!

Hence, Wendy and Wolfe were quite busy. In addition to Sylve, they had established two cities in the Forest of Life, Haig City, which was built around Corolla Tower near Hagrid Grand Canyon, and Seth City, which was near the sea.

The towering Tree of Life was then transformed into a palace. Stairs were also built around it. At present, Wendy was in the lower hall, holding a conference on the compilation of the Elf Code.

“We need an Elf Code, so that we can let all of the elves the standards of proper behavior. If anyone violates the laws of the Code, there will be severe punishments. This is a necessary thing that must be done to maintain order!” Wendy said.

“I disagree with you, as such strict laws can only erase the true nature of elves! We don’t need this kind of thing. After all, we are elves! We don’t need to learn from human beings.” An elder old council member quickly objected to the idea.

Another elder took this opportunity to chime in with their own opinion, “But, there will also be disputes among the elves, which will destroy and damage all of the elves. For example, there are disputes between the Moonlight Elves and the Daytime Elves currently, while there are numerous squabbles erupting constantly in many of the villages and towns.”

Yet another elder spoke up, “Yes, and times are different, so we must learn to change, too. The fleets of human beings have begun to land here, and they are becoming stronger and stronger. Sooner or later, they will fully conquer the sea. We must be prepared for that!”

Soon, a heated debate arose among the leaders. As everything was just beginning, the elves felt like they were wading across the river in the darkness. Everyone seemed very cautious and uncertain.

Many of the Sylve Empire officials present here were also members of the old council. At this moment, although they all had different opinions, Wendy decided absolutely that there must be an Elf Code. Then, everyone began to discuss the provisions of the Code.

Most of the provisions had been settled through negotiations long ago, but in order to come to a unanimous official agreement, Wendy had called this conference. Finally, except for some minor remaining details, the first edition of the Elf Code was finally approved and the huge Elf Code stone tablet was placed on the main square in Sylve.

Wendy had never thought that it would be so much harder to run an empire than it was to be a wizard and build a wizard college! In fact, it was ten times more complicated and difficult!

As the Queen, it was impossible for her to satisfy everyone. Every law would inevitably hurt the interests of some people, yet Wendy had to make a confident choice in order to maintain stability within the empire.

Even though it was well past midnight, Wendy was still awake in the palace. She was reading a lot of documents regarding the renovation of nearby villages and towns. She also had some reports to go over, as creating jobs and setting the salary system for elves’ wages were also her responsibilities.

Amid all of her duties, Wendy recalled what her mentor Anthony had told her, “It’s not enough just to have an Elf Code. It’s necessary to have a system that covers all of the wizards in the empire. In order to build a successful wizard empire, you have to enable wizards to assimilate into the elf community.”

Wendy then began to think to herself about how to incorporate this wisdom into her own way of ruling...

How about starting by building a wizard city where wizards can benefit others with their skills?

I could let all of the wizards find their perfect positions in this empire! That way, the wizards would no longer be so isolated from the others!

In my wizard empire, wizards could even have ordinary professions! Then, they would become the cornerstone of the empire and support the operation of the empire!

Wendy’s eyes lit up. Although she had succeeded in enabling wizards and elves to live together in harmony, she hadn’t known how to help wizards make the best of their powers in order to serve the empire. She had just never thought about how to plan such things systematically!

Wendy was inspired and had an ambitious look in her eyes. Wendy had never seen this kind of city, nor had she imagined it before.

Even in the wizard tower, all of the wizards were dedicated to developing more powerful witchcraft and increasing their life spans. As such, none of them really thought about using witchcraft to help ordinary people.

At this time, Wolfe came in through the corridor outside. Apart from him, there was hardly anyone else left in the palace.

“Have you not slept yet? These things can’t all be done in one day!” Wolfe sat down. As if he had known that Wendy hadn’t rested yet, he had come bearing yummy snacks and milk tea!

“No, I am too excited. I have this feeling that the whole system is slowly taking shape in my hands. The great goal of leading the elves forward is making me obsessed!” Wendy said excitedly.

Wendy talked to Wolfe about her plans, explaining her vision of the future, including how she hoped to build Sylve into a city of wizards, so that the light of witchcraft would shine on the whole city!

Wolf listened to her and nodded. “But this is not a simple thing. It requires a lot of manpower and resources. It also requires a lot of wizards to join us!”

Wendy immediately responded, “What we have the most of is time, right? So, we can spend decades building a beautiful house of our own, take hundreds of years to learn a new skill, and spend a thousand years to change our futures!”

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