Low Dimensional Game

Chapter 330 - Leave the Earth

Chapter 330: Leave the Earth

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“Open the portal on the upper level of the base!”

“The captain ordered us to open the portal on the upper level of the base!”

“Open the portal on the upper level of the base!”

Many of the members were shouting out orders, and after a rumbling sound was heard, the gates on the ground that were covering the entire Byrne Island opened layer by layer, revealing the base of the original Byrne Island. After that, the spaceship Truth immediately appeared.

At this moment, Lu Zhiyu, Gu Chaoran, Molly and Fabio ascended from the control room. The control room also ascended to the ground level, and as the light shone on them, a projection appeared on the light screen.

Lu Zhiyu was standing at the middle of the main control room, and the largest light screen projection was in front of him. It was showing the situations of the oceans, including a three-dimensional projection that showed the situation of Byrne Island, including all of the dangerous areas and all of the data in the atmosphere.

As for the other three people, they were sitting in front of their own control panels, and the scenes in the light screen kept changing, showing them what they wanted to see. They were checking the data within the spaceship, preparing the spaceship to fly into the space.

Although the spaceship could be managed by David alone, Lu Zhiyu had still designed different access authorities to aid in managing and controlling the spaceship. They didn’t necessarily need to control the spaceship, but mostly just needed to give orders instead.

On the management level, which was under the main control room, everyone else was lying in the dormant cabin. Aside from preparing for the dangers they were going to face, everyone was also waiting for Truth to successfully enter the space and get onto the right track.

Everyone had felt pretty stressed before they went into the dormant cabins, as they didn’t know what would happen when Truth was finally launched. Some of them even wondered if they might die during the process.

At this moment, everyone in the world shifted their attention to the spaceship. There were ships everywhere, scattered all around the islands, and the satellites around the base kept transmitting the pictures of the base to television stations and over the internet. Every media outlet was covering the launch.

For most of the people, this was the most exciting moment of their lives, the chance to see humans conquer the universe! It was a milestone to all human beings. Yet, the officials of all of the countries were very anxious. Specifically, they worried that something might happen when Lu Zhiyu, who they viewed as a plague, left.

“The anti-gravity system of the spaceship has been turned on!”

“Countdown to ten!”

“Ten! Nine! Eight!... Four! Three! Two! One!”

As the crew was preparing for the launch, the spaceship was shaking slightly. Soon after this, the spaceship started to ascend from the ground slowly.

At this moment, Gu Chaoran, Fabio, and Molly, who had stayed in the control room, were extremely nervous and couldn’t breathe. The control room was filled with tension, as everyone was afraid that something might go wrong.

“The data of gravity field is working well, and the gravity inside is stable!”

“All the data of the spaceship shows that the spaceship is working just fine. Nothing unusual is happening inside Truth!”

“Truth is still ascending! One hundred meters! One thousand meters! Five thousand meters!”

“It’s working fine!”

“Ten thousand meters! It’s about to enter the atmosphere!”

While all of the reporters were giving the play by play of what was happening, everyone was holding their breath in the spaceship, as they were afraid that something deviating from the original plan would happen and cause a major accident. As for those outside the spaceship and outside Bryne Island, they were all gazing at the sky, thrilled to be witnessing history!

At this moment, an enormous spaceship that was more than one hundred thousand meters in length rose into the sky. It was glowing as it accelerated!

At the bottom of the giant spaceship, a horizontal insignia was seen, which stood for infinity, and under that infinity sign was the word “Truth.” When seen from sea level, Truth looked like an enormous mountain as it detached itself from the ground and ascended slowly into the sky.

When they saw this amazing scene, everyone in the world was thrilled. Nobody would have ever imagined that this was possible! After all, the spaceship Truth was so giant, and it was way beyond their imaginations of what an exploration spaceship should look like.

Soldiers, journalists, officials, scientists and all of the commoners who were watching this scene on their televisions or computers were all amazed as the spaceship ascended into the sky. Some of them had their mouths wide open, while some of them jumped up and down because of the thrills that filled their hearts.

“Conquer the space and the ocean! This is the era of human beings!”

“I’m excited! I’m ecstatic! I can’t describe my exhilaration!”

“Is this Truth? Is this the spaceship that was made by all of the resources and scientific research from all over the world? Oh my god! It’s way beyond our imaginations!”

The reporters were just as excited as the crowd and those watching on the televisions at home, as this was truly a monumental moment for all human beings. It felt like this world of the future could only exist in someone’s fantasy, yet it was all really happening!

On the internet, the news of this launch was exploding, and soon, many discussions arose, all of them filled with speculation, suspicions, expectations and longing. The people were all voicing their opinions on this matter, and they were all looking forward to a future interstellar era for the earth and everyone upon it.

As Truth kept accelerating and rose further, skyrocketing upward into the atmosphere, it gradually got farther and farther from the people on the ground. Eventually, it was nothing but a small dot before it disappeared from the people’s sights entirely. It then stopped on the predestined track that was 700 kilometers away from the earth.

“We’ve successfully entered the earth track!”

“Everything inside the spaceship is normal!”

“It has entered the track steadily, and the pressure inside the spaceship is one 100,000 pascals, and it’s 21 degrees inside...”

As the semi-brain David in the main control room shouted out the data of the spaceship, it was only at this moment that three people in the main control room felt relief fill their hearts.

At that moment, Lu Zhiyu looked up and saw the vast and dark universe space. The stars were shining with a dim white light, but the earth down below was even more attractive to him.

The earth looked like a perfect combination of blue ocean and continents that were intertwined with different patterns and floating white clouds. The scene was truly breathtaking.

Even though he thought it was indeed beautiful, Lu Zhiyu still wasn’t that amazed by the scene. After all, he had seen that same scene in Maria’s World several times.

Although each time was different, they were all just as beautiful as the one he was seeing now. However, he was looking at his mother star at this moment, so his emotions were kind of different than the others’.

As for those other people, they were all attracted by this scene. They immediately started to miss the blue planet that they had just left, and Molly even started to tear up.

Lu Zhiyu just didn’t feel the same way. Those on the earth, who felt relieved, would never have guessed that Lu Zhiyu had his dimensional doors everywhere on the earth, which meant that no matter how many light years Lu Zhiyu was away from the earth, he could still get back to the earth whenever he wanted via these dimensional doors, immediately showing up in front of them again.

As for those living in the management level below, they woke up after the alarm was triggered, climbed out of their dormant cabins, and gathered in the meeting area. Immediately, they all started asking questions and commenting at once...

“We have left the earth?”

“We’re already in the space? It seems that we’ve arrived at our scheduled track, and now we’re touring around the earth!”

“Why didn’t the gravity change? Does this spaceship really have a gravity system in it? If so, how did they accomplish this?”

“Look, you guys! We can see the outside from here!”

It could be seen from the windows of the starship that traces of gleaming light were coming from the sun. They were shiny, like pentagrams, and they were cast upon the earth below. At this moment, all these people could see was that blue planet.

“The earth!” they all yelled in unison.

Lu Zhiyu sat in his control chair after everyone had finished their work. David’s projection had just finished reporting all of the necessary data.

Lu Zhiyu then stood up and announced, “We’ve already finished the first step of our plan, and we’ve perfectly achieved our goal. Now, all of the members from the control committee must go to the main meeting room and start the first meeting. Then, we’ll talk about our plans for the future!”

Lu Zhiyu was pretty satisfied with this launch, and those present had also become the true managers of Truth, thus earning the identities of members of the control committee of Truth. All of these things pleased him.

Lu Zhiyu had several steps planned for the starship Truth. The first step was to briefly explore and examine the inner area of the solar system, starting from the moon. They would then examine other planets of the solar system once the Hope of Atlantis arrived in the solar system.

As they made their way, they stopped by a couple of planets to examine them. The remaining power from the Dark Mother Tree had been scraped by Lu Zhiyu’s mythical power, yet Lu Zhiyu still wanted to check to see whether there was some remaining power that had intruded into the interior part of the solar system. He also wanted to check to see whether there were any other life forms in the solar system.

The second step was to explore the Alpha system in Centaur that was the star system that was the closest to the solar system. It was also the star system that was the closest to human beings.

Lu Zhiyu wanted to go and check that place out and conduct some experiments that he didn’t dare attempt in the solar system. The third step was to go to black hole v616 in Unicorn, which was the black hole that was the closest to the earth. It was around 200 light years away and infinitely heavier than the sun.

This third step would be a long journey, but at least the v616 black hole in Unicorn was set to be the final destination. After that, Lu Zhiyu figured that he could also try to find an inhabitable planet for living creatures or try to find a star system that could be reconstructed to sustain life. Yet, all of that could be decided later.

Along the way, Lu Zhiyu also wished to find some other living civilizations and some special life forms. He was also hoping to find some mysterious and special domains in the universe.

Aside from those plans, Lu Zhiyu also had a very important plan that he was presently hatching in his mind, which was to create a spawn race for himself. It would be different from the spawns that he had created before. This time, it would be a seed that Lu Zhiyu threw into the universe, which would be an extension of Lu Zhiyu’s power in the universe.

This race must have the ability to adapt to the environments in the universe, and it be a universe race that had great potential. As for the large residential area inside the spaceship, he had already prepared a plan for that as well.

This wasn’t an easy job. So, Lu Zhiyu planned to give the exploration tasks to Gu Chaoran. Then, after giving the tasks to Gu Chaoran and the others, he would set the programs for the intelligent sub-brain David and go back to the crystal wall and perfect it.

This was the first time that Lu Zhiyu had chose to create his own spawn, so when Lu Zhiyu was designing and creating them, he was more cautious and serious than he ever had been before.

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