Low Dimensional Game

Chapter 361 - The Ring of Anthony

Chapter 361: The Ring of Anthony

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The three Gods of Civilization had fulfilled their dreams to lead the civilization of steam and engines into the magic crystal era. They entered the Star Kingdom, guarding the civilization and its living beings.

The people in Niyah held a huge ceremony for them, pushing the magic crystal era that belonged to everyone to its peak. Magic crystal airships flew around Niyah while people played drums and gongs. Soldiers carried flags and played trumpets. They held this celebration for half a month. Then people built landmarks and architecture in Niyah to honor the three gods.

“A giant likeness of Frank!” It was a statue of a figure holding a slab of stone over his head, erected along the side of the Crete Canal. It was the embodiment of the God of Intelligence and Civilization.

“The Alva Magic Crystal Tower!” The magic crystal tower was hundreds of meters tall and became the tallest magic crystal tower in the world. It was the shiniest landmark in all of Niyah. It represented the God of Wealth and Trade and the God of Magic Crystal.

“Wilbert Library!” Built for the God of History and Race, Wilbert, who documented the rise and fall of all the races of civilization in history. He documented the rise and decline of every race. Inside Wilbert Library held books from all over the world, and it became the most famous library on the Alen Continent.

The Sumerian Freedom Alliance with its magic crystal system became the dominating kingdom in the new era. The bond between the three continents grew stronger and stronger as all the races could see that human beings had started to conquer both the sky and the ocean.

The Sumerian Free Alliance invented the new alchemy submarines. It was said that the idea came from an ordinary person who had the intelligence of a supernatural being without any supernatural power.

Adventurers started to explore every corner of Maria’s World in their flying airships. They hoped to finish the map of this enormous world by exploring places where no one had ever been to.

The crew members who drove alchemy submarines and explored the depths of the ocean, exploring the terrifying and dark ocean world, trying to find its secrets, looked for the remains of the ancient city of the Ocean God. However, most of those adventurers were swallowed by sea monsters.

The Silver Moon Kingdom on the Yala Continent...

Ever since the Sylve Kingdom vanished from the western area of the Yala Continent, the Moon fairy tribe went to the old home of the Sylve Kingdom and connected it with the original Silver Moon Forests, establishing the Silver Moon Kingdom.

Moon fairies of the Silver Moon Kingdom believed in Goddess of Harvest and all had special silver hair and angelic faces. The walked through the streets wearing loose white capes looking like goddesses.

Goddesses like these were everywhere in the Silver Moon Kingdom. Ever since Jonathan Brown built the railway to the Yala Continent and married a beautiful fairy wife who came from Sun Fairy Tribe, half fairies came into being. Half fairies didn’t have the life expectancy of full fairies, and they could only live for two hundred years. The royal family of the Hailuga Kingdom was made up of half fairies.

Many people who went to the Yala Continent had the same expectation as Jonathan did. However, only a few could attract fairies like Jonathan had. The fairies were very particular in their choice of partner.

The fairy sacrifice group and their supernatural sky team were powerful enough to intimidate any country. After the three continents were connected, the fairy ambassadors in each country were responsible for fighting fairy smugglers–those who would kidnap fairies and bring them to the other continents.

Lu Zhiyu, Verthandi, Delmedi, and Kelly sat in the spacious theater, watching the actors and actresses performing on the stage, while a crow so dark it could swallow light was speaking from the side.

This was the Corolla Theater of the Silver Moon Kingdom, and it used to be the first level of Corolla Tower. The events from many legends had taken place here, as it was the origin of fairy wizards and supernatural power. Now, it had become the theater and the library of the Silver Moon Kingdom.

Sometimes, enormous airships made of wood flew overhead through the sky. Those airships were full of forces of plants and other beings, however, they were just as solid as those made by humans.

There were walls of brambles and vines outside, surrounding the entire city. Public engine cars covered in vines and flowers traveled on the street, and there were red maple trees on the sides.

The city was established beside Hagrid Grand Canyon and Hagrid Falls. Water, the River of Lives, and Hagrid Bridge had become the embodiment of this place. It looked like a city of gardens from the outside.

There were many fairies in the city, and there were also many human beings and orcs. Half the creatures in the theater were human beings, and the show being performed on the stage was the well-known legend of the dragon knight Rooney.

“The great blessed beings, dragon riders, and king Rooney Elvis led the army and rushed into the palace to question him...”

“To be or not to be, that is the question. Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take Arms against a Sea of Troubles. This is the choice the hero Rooney has to make!”

“Luhmann Kingdom was destroyed, and the great Kingdom of Rosa d’Oro was born!”


“It’s the law of nature and survival of the fittest. In this war of human beings and orcs, there are no rights and wrongs, only survival or extinction. There was bloodshed, and heroes were slashed by blades. The blessed being riding the black dragons, Rooney, who was once the hero of the legend, has become old. He died in Niyah of Sumerian Plain.”

“The dragon was bellowing, taking its master’s body, and left. It vanished from the clouds.”

The crow was great at narration. The story was a mere legend to the audiences, but it was being watched by the actual witness of the history.

The show was finished. The actors did a great job relating this fabulous legend of dragon knight Rooney. There were schemes, patriotism, love, hate, and eternal parting. Many fairies cried while watching that show, and many children wanted to become the heroes on the stage.

Lu Zhiyu saw the crow. After the show was over, Verthandi and the others returned to their divine kingdoms. Lu Zhiyu went backstage and saw the black crow grooming its feathers. The crow raised its head and saw Lu Zhiyu.

“Oh my god, Anthony! You’re still alive!”

Lu Zhiyu shrugged his shoulders and said, “Of course I’m still alive. I just didn’t expect to see you alive. Black Jack, we haven’t met each other for almost four hundred years. You’re a level-five crow, yet you’ve become the pet of this theater. How surprising!”

He was the leader of the crows in wizard tower and he was the most powerful crow. He delivered all the letters of admission to the wizard tower, including those for Bohr, Akkad, Leves, and Katherine.

After a long time without seeing him, Lu Zhiyu thought that the crow must be dead. He hadn’t expected to see him on another continent.

“Of course I’m still alive. I’m a crow that loves my life, freedom, and peace. I’m into art these days, and I think stage productions are a great way to perform,” Black Jack flapped his wings. He looked kind of funny. However, nobody expected that this small body belonged to a mighty magical beast, or that it could easily destroy this Corolla Tower.

Lu Zhiyu asked, “Are you interested in returning to my side?”

Black Jack shook his head, “No, I have a new friend.”

“Dang, dang, dang! Here he is!”

A half-fairy teenager walked in through the back door of the theater. He looked like a theater employee, but there were bruises on his face as if he had just been beaten. However, it was normal for this to happen to a half fairy in the Silver Moon Kingdom.

“I’ll become the first person to completely explore the world. Not only will I explore this world, but I’ll also go see what is outside this world!” the fairy teenager said. He looked at Black Jack and noticed Lu Zhiyu.

Black Jack introduced him, “This is my new buddy, Rode. He’s a half fairy, and he wants to become a fairy pilot!”

“I’m about to become a real pilot. I’ve already signed up for the pilot school.”

“Okay, cut the talking!”

Black Jack stopped Rode from talking, then moved his wings like a human merchant and said, “Anthony, you’re being so petty.”

Rode then asked, “Who’s this, Black Jack?”

Black Jack lowered his voice and said, “Not your concern. Someone powerful beyond your imagination.”

Lu Zhiyu stopped talking for a while. After the three Gods of Civilization ascended to their thrones, he immediately started to ponder the structure of Maria’s World and how to end the era of gods. He took a look at the half fairy teenager Rode.

“You have the potential to become a supernatural being. You said that you wanted to explore the outer world. I’ll give you this ring. Hopefully, you can become a world-renowned adventurer someday,” Lu Zhiyu took ring off his hand and gave it to Rode.

“A ring? It’s so pretty! Is it some kind of treasure?”

“It’s a ring for space storage.”

“A space storage ring?”

“What’s the name of this ring?”

“You can call it Anthony’s ring, or the Philosopher’s Ring.”

Rode took it. He looked cautious as he had no idea what that ring meant to him. After Lu Zhiyu designed the theory of the space transportation door, he started to study the theories and rules of the space. This ring was a product of that study. Although Lu Zhiyu wasn’t able to make a stable transportation door, he had already created some basic space theories. Lu Zhiyu wished that someone could explore some new types of space witchcraft using that ring.

Black Jack couldn’t be more excited.

“How lucky you are, Rode. You might be the leading role of the next generation!”

“I’ll be a leading role everywhere. I can’t believe that stupid Bran passed me by, otherwise, I’d be the actor who played Dragon Knight Rooney!”

“Stop flattering yourself. Do you really think Bran would’ve chosen a half fairy like you to play Dragon Knight Rooney?”

“Who was that person?” Rode asked, realizing that Lu Zhiyu had disappeared.

“He’s long gone. He’s always like that, the most mysterious person in the world.”

“Who is he?”

“Who knows!”

After Lu Zhiyu arrived back at Capital of God, he reset the main engine of the divine kingdom to make sure Maria’s World, the Abyss World, and the Starsoul World were okay. And then, he went to check the chaos worms before he left the crystal wall world and went back to the world universe.

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