Low Dimensional Game

Chapter 44 - Supernatural Power

Chapter 44: Supernatural Power

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

What is supernatural power?

That was the question that had been bothering Lu Zhiyu for a long time. To him, this kind of creatures shouldn’t be limited to be able to control only its own body. They should be able to interfere with the world and lives around it using mind power as well. This was what a real supernatural creature should be able to do and how mind power should really be used.

This required a lot of knowledge about rules of the world. Temperature would be an example. What was temperature? General speaking, temperature was a physical quantity that expressed how warm or cold an object was. But on microscopic level, it measured how violently particles vibrated or moved. According to the kinetic theory, temperature represented the average kinetic energy of the constituent particles. Temperature was a result of the thermal motion of a large amount of particles collectively.

Lu Zhiyu thought that a mythical creature would be able to detect the speed of the particles. For creatures on his level, it would be very difficult to control particles. There were simply too many of particles. How powerful would the mind power had to be in order to control so many particles at the same time?

Lu Zhiyu thought maybe there were other ways to control temperatures. There was no need to increase or decrease the speed of all of the particles. As long as the mind power was able to push or change the momentum and speed up the movements for the particles within a small area, the impact would be extended to the other areas and thus increase the temperatures without any limits. The stronger the mind power was, the temperature of the larger area could be impacted. And vice versa, stopping some particles could cause the other particles to slow down and the temperature to drop. The more powerful the mind, the larger the area could be impacted. A strong mind could lower or increase temperature indefinitely.

Lu Zhiyu was excited by this idea. He felt that he was getting closer and closer to developing his first template. He looked at Sakun, who was still lurching around in the life chamber and shrieking, radiating chaotic messages with its mind. It of course did not know how to control anything yet, but Lu Zhiyu did, and that was enough.

Lu Zhiyu needed to develop a genetic template that could carry the code for controlling temperature. He could then insert it into Sakun’s genetic codes and turn it into a mythical creature that could control the temperature. If it worked, it would become a natural thing for Sakun and Sakun didn’t have to know the theory behind it.

“It seems like I am the only one who could alter the genes. Without the ability to change genes, even if one could use the mind power to handle atom, they still would not be able to make specific modifications to the genes, let alone creating life templates!”

“For the other mythical creatures, their mind power couldn’t change their own genes either. If they wanted to evolve, the only path would be to seek out other mythical creatures’ genes and fuse the two genes, or to adjust their genes based on the genes from other mythical creatures.”

Lu Zhiyu finally realized just how powerful the ability to transmit messages really was. It might appear very weak because it would only convey messages and modify messages. This was not something that had direct physical impact. However, to Lu Zhiyu, it was an invaluable power.

He took Sakun to the dimensional castle for a few months and began developing the mythical creature template for Sakun. Sakun was based off of an octopus and could control temperature. He named the template Zero Degree Sea Monster. He took deified cells from Sakun and began experimenting. He found that when he tried to prod the cells with his mind power, the cells resisted him. As soon as he made contact, Lu Zhiyu could feel the conciousness of Sakun was trying to interfere him. Lu Zhiyu did not want to fight against it, knowing that the only part of him that was deified was his brain, while the rest of him was still normal. He did not want to risk getting assimilated by Sakun’s mind. If he came into contact with Sakun’s cells, the cells may invade his own.

He remembered that he had some of Sakun’s undeified cells, but he immediately pushed the thought away. Those normal cells couldn’t handle a mythical creature’s template and would be crashed instantly.

Seeing no other way, Lu Zhiyu used the mind power to convey his friendly intentions to Sakun, asking it to let down its guards. He built a large pool in the castle so Sakun could have a place to swim and play. He also tried to show his friendliness by feeding Sakun every day. Maybe Sakun could feel his friendliness, or maybe the conflicting minds drove Sakun to madness. Slowly, Sakun’s mind stopped resisting him.

Once that happened, with his mind power, Lu Zhiyu reached into Sakun and found its genes. Like Lu Zhiyu, after becoming a mythical creature, most of genes from Sakun’s ancestors were eliminated, and only the necessary genes were left behind. Lu Zhiyu took the advantage of this time, and imprinted the Zero Degree Sea Monster template into Sakun’s life template. Then he immediately withdrew. Lu Zhiyu extracted one drop of blood from himself. He could see that the blood he placed on the template began to change drastically.

He injected the blood into Sakun’s body and saw that its body changed drastically as well. Its head became narrower, and its tentacles grew longer. Its skin and organs were all changing as the cells realigned themselves, and formed its special organs and hardened shell. It became the dark, beautiful sea monster Lu Zhiyu wanted.

It worked!

The monster looked exactly like what Lu Zhiyu had designed. Dark, hardened skin and a fluid body structure. It looked beautiful, and its body was even harder! Sakun swam around in the pool, smashing into the wall of the pool, leaving large holes on the stone wall. However, these hits did not harm the body at all. The shell on Sakun’s body was almost as hard as titanium. Lu Zhiyu was very satisfied with Sakun’s appearance, but he still hadn’t seen the most important part.

Suddenly, Sakun jumped out of the pool and shrieked at him. Lu Zhiyu felt a strong wave of mind power slamming into him. He knew that Sakun had used its power. He summoned his own mind power to protect himself from being affected. The temperature in the room rose significantly as the water in the pool reached a temperature so high it caused a small explosion in the room. The temperature was high enough to heat the rocks. The temperature in the entire floor was raised a few hundred degrees and ordinary human would not be able to survive.

However, Lu Zhiyu walked out from the steam. The power he gave to Sakun, he himself of course would also use. Although Lu Zhiyu didn’t imprint the power into his deified cells, and it was troublesome for him to use such power, he had only needed to balance the temperature around himself, so it was not a problem. Afterall, Sakun would not be able to harm Lu Zhiyu.

Sakun waved its tentacles around, and the ground its tentacles touched froze over. In the blink of an eye, the boiling room was turned into ice land.

Lu Zhiyu smiled, satisfied with Sakun’s power. “Not bad, not bad. This is what a mythical creature should be!”

Right now, Sakun was still young, and it was already very powerful. It would only grow more powerful as it matured mentally and grew physically. One day, it would be able to do things that were only heard of in legends, such as boiling the ocean or freezing an entire continent. Of course, that day was still tens, hundreds or even thousands years away!

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