Madam Li’s Identity Is Exposed Again!

Chapter 83 - Chapter 83: Chapter 83: Tell Mayor Wang What You Have Done

Chapter 83: Chapter 83: Tell Mayor Wang What You Have Done

Translator: 549690339 |

“Mom, he… he… it’s him!” Wang Feng, sitting on the sofa, suddenly started trembling, pointing at the person in the doorway and shouting excitedly.

Madam Wang felt a chill in her heart but still asked him, “What do you mean, ‘it’s him’?”

“The one who hit me, it’s him!”

Finishing his statement, he remembered he was in his own home. He calmed down a bit, then said viciously,

“Dad, it was him who hit me, and he said he wouldn’t let our family off the hook.”

Mayor Wang knew his son could cause trouble, but he had not expected him to bring the sky crashing down! His face turned red with anger as he yelled, “Shut up!”

Madam Wang immediately protected Wang Feng, pushing back, “Why are you yelling at the child? He’s still young. Speak to him properly.”

“Speak properly? I wish I could strangle him to death right now!” This time, Mayor Wang’s anger was heartfelt, his face fearsome. Even Madam Wang, who was usually domineering at home, became frightened and hugged Wang Feng’s head, not daring to retort any further.

Though Mayor Wang was furious, he knew it wasn’t the time to be angry. His cheeks twitched as he forced a smile, and he apologized in a lowly voice, “Master Jue, my son is ignorant. If he has offended you, I apologize to you. I am sorry. Please, for my sake, let him go this time.”

“Ignorant?” Who else but Li Beijue could be the visitor? He savored that word, his noble falcon-like eyes cold as ice, “It seems Mayor Wang is still unaware of what his young master has done.”

“Don’t… don’t… don’t grab me, Uncle Wang…” While speaking, Huo Yi had already caught Huang Yu trying to sneak away. Huang Yu’s face turned pale with fear as he struggled desperately. But his feeble strength was no match for Huo Yi, who held him firmly and threw him in front of Li Beijue.

With a thud, Huang Yu hit the floor face-first.

Instinct made him sense danger; he didn’t care about appearances and tried to run away, scrambling on all fours.

But as soon as he got up, he was kicked and sent flying across the floor.

“Ugh…” He groaned in pain, convulsing and rolling on the ground. Like a turtle flipped on its shell, he struggled to get up.

Unfortunately, fate wouldn’t allow it.

The next second, the ruthless man’s foot was firmly planted on his stomach.

“Alt!” Huang Yu let out a dreadful scream, so loud that everyone else in the villa turned pale.

“Tell Mayor Wang, what did you all do?” His voice was so cold it seemed to hail from hell itself, yet everyone could feel the thunderous rage hidden beneath his calm, “Speak!”

Huang Yu, sweating profusely from the pain, didn’t dare to hide anything and recounted everything that had happened in the private room. This time, he told everything they had done. With each word he spoke, the air grew colder. By the time he finished, the air had almost solidified!

Damn them! They actually dared to treat Chi Enen like that!

Li Beijue, unable to contain his fury, kicked the man on the ground in the stomach.

“All — ” Huang Yu flew out like a kite with its string cut, slamming into the wall with a thud before collapsing back to the ground, unconscious.

The scene was too bloody and violent, and everyone present, except for Huo Yi, turned pale.

Especially Wang Feng, who, seeing Huang Yu’s fate, was shaking like a leaf blowing in the wind. He clung to Madam Wang’s clothes tightly and cried out in terror, “Mom, mom…”

Madam Wang was also scared, her thick foundation unable to hide her deathly pale face as she beseechingly looked towards Mayor Wang.

“Does Mayor Wang understand now?”

He was dressed completely in black, as if to merge with the darkness. His handsome face bore no expression, his deep features sharper than a knife’s edge.

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