Magika no Kenshi to Shoukan Maou

Chapter 3.4.1 — Escape ~Love Simulation~

Volume 3 Chapter 4 - Escape ~Love Simulation~ Part 1

There was no time to be easygoing.

Kazuki and Koyuki went back through the path they came from with all their strength.

{After all the humans who know about this secret absolutely cannot be allowed to escape.}

That was what Nyarlatoteph said. He was also aiming for Mio and Lotte.

And then he planned to return to the surface and lead the Quad-core Magica to assault the Sword Division.

If he dealt with Kazuki in this underground and captured Lotte, then it must be expected that he wouldn’t have anymore hesitation in destroying the Sword Division.

Not to mention Kohaku and the others who were the forces of opposition toward the Magic Division, but the normal students who didn’t have any involvement would also be dragged in. Even if it was Headmaster Otonashi he would hesitate, but Nyarlatoteph wouldn’t show any mercy.

No matter what, that must be stopped. They need to meet up with Mio and Lotte as soon as possible and return to the surface.

But there was still one obstacle left even now. That was the method to escape from this level.

To return to the level where Mio and Lotte were located, they need to invoke Vepar’s tsunami magic twice at the same time.

Kazuki had to raise Koyuki’s positivity level to the point that would enable him to use that magic…!

“Koyuki! What is the level of the tsunami magic!?”

“Level 4!”

They had a conversation without slowing down their running feet, Kazuki confirmed the positivity level using Solomon’s ring.

Hiakari Koyuki―87

“Koyuki! Your positivity level needs three more points!!”


Koyuki was ‘what the heck are you talking about in this kind of situation’, that was the kind of face she was looking at Kazuki with.

“Koyuki…like me just a little bit more! Right now, immediately! Quick!”

Hearing Kazuki talk in a great panic, Koyuki yelled back with a bright red face.

“A, are you stupid!? E, even if you say to like you, how in the world am I going to do that!?”

“I don’t know either…what should we do!!”

While running with all their strength, they would soon reach the spot where they fell from the trap hole.

They couldn’t waste even a little bit of time in vain, Kazuki became impatient.

Suddenly inside his chaotic head, Kazuki remembered how Hoshikaze-senpai’s man phobia curbed her positivity level. One hypothesis was rising in his head.

“Perhaps Koyuki is not honest, so because of that the positivity level that originally should raise even higher is being curbed, maybe!”

“What's with that theory!?”

“I believe that Koyuki harbors affections for me, but…from Koyuki, you never showed that kind of sign clearly even once! That’s why if Koyuki expressed your feelings here, honestly and openly, something like a binding inside Koyuki’s heart will be released and your positivity level will increase! …Probably!”

“E, even if you say that kind of thing…that kind of…”

“Quickly! Everyone's in danger!!”

“U, uuu…someone like you…saying whatever happened to you is trivial, I never really meant those things! Actually, I care about what’s going to happen to you!!”

Koyuki who had said repeatedly that whatever happened to Kazuki is trivial, this is the first time she had said such things so honestly.

‘pyorori-n’, a small heart mark came flying from Koyuki’s chest.

“That’s good, just 2 more!”

“T, the truth is, all the times when I came to save you were not by accident at all! I became worried for you for a long time and my eyes kept following you, I chose the same quests that you took on purpose and followed you secretly! I was really shy, even so, you kept coming to me and always started conversations with me, I became even more shy…so in the end, I insulted you with abusive language like saying whatever happened to you is trivial!”

‘pyorori-n’, a small heart mark came flying from Koyuki’s chest.

“So it was like that…1 left!”

“The truth is I like you! I don’t know what I’m doing anymore! Why…why are you pushing me into a corner, telling me lies and being mean to me, is it to pull out what I really think like this!!? Even though you know I’m a coward!!”

The eyes on Koyuki’s bright red face were quickly getting moist.

“Stupid! Meanie! I hate you…I love you! I love you so much! I don’t know what I’m doing anymore!! Even though I always used such harsh words, you were always saying that you it was part of my charm…saying that I look cute in maid uniforms…I love it! Idiot! I don’t understand what I’m saying anymore idiot idiot idiot ―!!!”

Finally Koyuki was yelling and crumbling while her tears were spilling out.

“Koyuki, just now it went up around 5! It’s okay already!!”

“I, I can’t do this anymore…what are you grinning for…I’m so embarrassed I want to die…uggu, ueeeeee…”

“Koyuki, sorry! …We have already arrived, so let’s chant the spell together!”

“…Okay, gusu-“

Koyuki wiped her tears with her arms ‘guigui’, she tensed her face that still had some red left with her best effort.

“”O water surface wavered by our singing voice, manipulate and collect the small wave and turn into a tsunami! Coming from beyond and washed away into the distant…Oceanic NoiseTidal Wave!””

The moment they reached the dead end where they fell, both of them matched their breath and invoked the magic.

From behind them, a gigantic tidal wave was surging in.

The tidal wave swallowed Kazuki and Koyuki, smashing into the walls of the dead end. The water level of the underground dungeon was rapidly increasing, full to the brim with ocean water.

Grabbing the hand of the confused Kazuki who used this magic for the first time and didn’t have the knowledge to manipulate it, Koyuki manipulated the flow of the water and surfacing smoothly underwater. She looked just like a mermaid, Kazuki thought.


When both of them took their faces out from the water's surface, the ceiling was just overhead.

While keeping the water level of the tsunami magic, Koyuki chanted another spell.

“…Sinking hundreds of ships, O threat of the sea lurking in the depths of the ocean! Guided by my singing voice, surface…show the whole story! …Pierce your fang! Ice Buster!!”

Freezing the surface of the water, ice mountains came surfacing one after another, stabbing the concrete.

Even more than the size and the force, Koyuki concentrated in lowering the temperature.

The ice mountain which had its transparency and hardness raised to the limit pushed up the ceiling in the blink of an eye and broke through. Before long a big hole was opened up with splintering ice and stones falling around them.


Koyuki took Kazuki’s hand and rode the last created ice mountain. The ice mountains kept emerging just like that, then the two jumped from the ceiling hole to the upper level. The magic ocean and ice mountains used up their energy and disappeared, only a wide, gaping hole was left behind.

There was no time. Kazuki displayed the location of everyone using Solomon’s ring and searched for Mio and Lotte’s whereabouts.

“This way, let’s hurry!”

Both of them started to run while still holding each other's hands.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

While running, he was soon able to sense the two’s whereabouts even without using the ability of Solomon’s ring. A large magic power was whirling ahead.

The Quad-core Magica was using the elf’s vast magic power and chanting four different magics at the same time. Mio and Lotte were fighting back desperately. The raging waves caused by those spells could be felt even far away from the battlefield, to the degree that it was prickling his skin.

Before long Mio and Lotte’s voices became audible.

“Self Burning!”


At the opposite end of the passage―he could see their figures enduring the Quad-core Magica’s volley of continuous spells with defensive magic at the risk of their lives. A room with its door wide open could be seen behind them. It looked like they encountered the Quad-core Magica Nyarlatoteph directed when they were just escaping.

The number of Quad-core Magica was just one. Nyarlatoteph judged that it was enough with only this, it seems he was leading the last ten and headed to the surface.

In short, the invasion of the Sword Division was already starting.


“O nihility of ancient times, turn this emptiness residing in my chest into freezing breath. By the streaming silence of rejection, freeze and quiet…Glacier Wind!!”

While dashing near, Kazuki and Koyuki fired their magic into the back of the Quad-core Magica.

It was a lucky thing their position allowed for a pincer attack.

“Koyuki, give cover from that position!”

Koyuki stopped her feet at that location and undertook the role as the attack magic battery.

Kazuki didn’t drop his running speed and slashed the Quad-core Magica just like that.


“Kazuki-oniisan…I believed that you would come desu!”

The expressions of the two who were totally exhausted were colored with hope.

“I'll be the vanguard, so you two chant together!”

“Onii-san, thank you so much…I couldn’t become Mio-oneesan’s shield with just me desu…”

The armor that covered Lotte’s body told the story of the fierce attacks she received with its worn-out condition. Mio was a perfect type of rear guard magician, but even so it was not like Lotte’s defensive ability was that high.

Both of them needed a shield to protect them.

Kazuki flashed a streak of silver light from the mouth of his sheath. The Quad-core Magica was a mere scarecrow in close-quarters combat.

With her lacking battle and survival instincts, the Quad-core Magica was not able to fight at close range.

However, even though she was slashed like a scarecrow, her concentration on her spell was not disrupted at all. No matter how many times this enemy got slashed, her Summoning Magic would be finished with certainty.

To defend against this enemy’s attack, elemental advantage was important.

Kazuki had a feeling that he was enlightened to a new way of fighting.

He himself was able to use multiple Divas' Summoning Magic and manipulate multiple elemental spells.

In other words he could choose a defensive magic with an elemental advantage against the opponent’s offensive magic. If he, who was standing at the foremost line, could shut the offensive magic of the opponent using every element of opposing element, he would be an unshakeable rock in the Heaven and Earth Formation. He could do that…if he gathered a lot more bonds.

By using Foresight to predict the offensive magic of the Quad-core Magica, Kazuki continued to endure using defensive magic.

There were elemental magic that he still couldn’t defend against, but even before Kazuki raised his voice, Mio had already finished the long spell chanting from the back.

“O bird of paradise where the light of the heavens is residing at its body, reduce to ashes the sin on the earth according to my accusation! Aurora of JudgementIsrael Judgement!!”

Chanted with the force of all or nothing, Phoenix’s level 6 magic.

The avatar of Phoenix was rising on Mio’s back, shining like it was condensing the light of the whole world. That light was super condensed and became a high temperature laser, then it was fired at the Quad-core Magica.

Receiving that magic specializing in destructive power, the Quad-core Magica’s defensive magic was exterminated and she was defeated.


The defeated Quad-core Magica―the elf girl, Kazuki and the others fell into silence while looking down at her body.

The four people in this place right now, all of them knew now what kind of existence this girl was.

The silence for the requiem of her soul flowed for a moment, however they soon raised their faces.

“Let’s head to the surface.” Koyuki announced.

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