Maoyuu Maou Yuusha

Volume 4 7, “I am the Fearsome General of the Right of the Demon World.”

Volume 4 Chapter 7, “I am the Fearsome General of the Right of the Demon World.”

- The City of the Gate, Two Kilometres from the South Gate, the Plains of Strange Cliffs, the Holy Crusaders

Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!

The Leader of the Hundred Paladins: “We can see it! Advance! Advance! Children of Light!”

Accompanying Chaplain: “There! Our target is the City of the Gate!”

The Ash Green King: “Centre muskets! Maintain your formations!”

Musketmen of Light shuffle

“All is as the Spirit wills it!”

“All is as the Spirit wills it!”

“All is as the Spirit wills it!”

Spearman of Light: “For the sake of His Holiness!”

Sergeant of Light: “Long live the Holy Spirit of Light!”

Light Infantry of Light: “Long live the Holy Spirit!”

The Leader of the Hundred Paladins: “The enemy is right ahead of us, deployed in a square formation.”

The Ash Green King: “Hmm. The centre is comprised of infantry, the left wing of scattered light infantry. And the right wing…… Is that a giant?”

The Leader of the Hundred Paladins: “A giant…… Hehe, what shall we do about that?”

The Ash Green King: “It’s not like he’s as massive as a mountain. He’s just a few times bigger than a normal person at most. He would be a splendid target for our cannon.”

March, march, march

Sergeant of Light: “Advance! Advance! The enemy is straight ahead!”

The Leader of the Hundred Paladins: “Now we shall see their skill.”

The Ash Green King: “Let us sing of victory. Load muskets! Advance!”

————— The City of the Gate, Two Kilometres from the South Gate, the Plains of Strange Cliffs, the Demon Army


Aide-de-Camp: “They have come.”

The Witch-Queen of Banshees: “Mmm. I’m counting on you.”

Banshee Lieutenant: “The Crusaders have come! Warriors of the Banshees!”

Swordman of Banshees: “Yeah!”

Spearman of Banshees: “Let’s do this!”

Banshee Lieutenant: “I know just how fierce you guys can be! The enemy advance will be brutal and intense, but we have to halt it. We will not be fazed by their impertinent muskets! For the pride of the Tribe of Banshees!”

Spearman of Banshees: “Let’s go.”

The Witch-Queen of Banshees: “We are all relying on you.”

Banshee Lieutenant: “Leave it to us!”


Aide-de-Camp: “They draw close.”

Heavy Infantry of Dragons: “The humans are here.”

Javelinman of Giants: “Yes…… They come……”

Aide-de-Camp: “It’s finally about to begin. Ready! Giants, begin throwing javelins. We will rain javelins on them from this position.”

- The City of the Gate, Two Kilometres from the South Gate, the Plains of Strange Cliffs, the Holy Crusaders

Grass blows in the wind

The Ash Green King: “Here we are.”

Knight of the Kingdom of Mist: “Now it begins.”

The Ash Green King: “Mmm. - Centre First Company! Advance! Fire upon contact with the enemy! Move out!”

Musketman of Light: “Aghhhhh!”

Spearman of Light: “Advance! Advance!”

Sergeant of Light: “All is as the Spirit wills it!”

The Ash Green King: “Centre Second Company! Load muskets! Upon First Company’s contact with the enemy, you will be next to fire!”

Sergeant of Light: “Move out, do not be late!”

Light Infantry of Light: “Destroy the Demon Race!”

The Leader of the Hundred Paladins: “The City of the Gate will be ours!”

Attendant Chaplain: “By the Grace of the Holy Spirit!”

The Ash Green King: “The Spirit? The deciding factors on the battlefield are cold steel and raging fires.”

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Knight of the Kingdom of Mist: “First Company has made contact with the enemy!”

The Ash Green King: “Centre Second Company! Begin your advance! Do not allow the ground taken by First Company to be eaten up by the enemy! Spearmen to the centre to protect the muskets! Attack! Move out!”

Musketman of Light: “Aggggghhhhhhhhhh!”

“All is as the Spirit wills it!”

“All is as the Spirit wills it!”

“All is as the Spirit wills it!”

Sergeant of Light: “Second Company will take this victory!”

- The City of the Gate, Two Kilometres from the South Gate, the Plains of Strange Cliffs, the Demon Army

The Witch-Queen of Banshees: “Here they come.”

Banshee Lieutenant: “Draw your swords! Warriors, advance! Attack!”

Swordman of Banshees: “Aghhhh!”

Spearman of Banshees: “Attack!”

Aide-de-Camp: “I will go as well. The aim of the muskets is not very good. Keep your aim at their centre line. There!”

Javelinman of Giants: “Leave it to us……”

Whoosh whoosh

Auxiliary of Beasts: “Let’s go as well. The Right Wing feasts today!”

Skirmisher of Beasts: “Attack! Attack!”

Crack! Crack!

Banshee Lieutenant: “!?”

“Aghhhhh!!!” “What…… what……”

Swordman of Banshees: “Have no fear! Attack! Attack!”

Spearman of Banshees: “Warriors of the Tribe of Banshees! Advance!”

Javelinman of Giants: “Here we go……” Whoosh

Aide-de-Camp: “Incredible. So this is power of the muskets……”


“All is as the Spirit wills it!”

“All is as the Spirit wills it!”

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Aide-de-Camp: “What? A second volley!? That’s too quick!”

- The City of the Gate, Two Kilometres from the South Gate, the East Fortifications, the Army of Fiends

The Tattooed Chieftain of Fiends: “…… We Fiends should move out too.”

Magic Brigade Commander: “Understood. Let’s go.”

Fiend Mage: “Yes!”

Knight of Fiends: “Line up, we will take the fighting force of the Holy Crusaders along their side.”

Spearman of Fiends: “Understood!”

Crack! Crack!

The Tattooed Chieftain of Fiends: “It has begun. Magic Brigade, commence!”

Magic Brigade Commander: “Yes! Begin the Spell of Double Illusions!”

Fiend Mage: “Spell of Double Illusions!”

Fiend Mage: “Spell of the Illusionary Dream Mirror!”

The Tattooed Chieftain of Fiends: “Knights! An illusionary spell has just been cast upon you. Right now, your bodies seem thin and pressed to the enemy, like innumerable mirrors, they will have no way to determine each of you from the other. The enemy’s new weapon, the musket, is a projectile weapon. As a result, since they won’t be able to aim at you, the effectiveness will be greatly lowered. We will use a mounted charge to crush their formation! We will bite off their advancing unit, and in the chaotic fray, extract ourselves back to the City of the Gate.”

Knight of Fiends: “Understood!”

Spearman of Fiends: “For our homes!”

———— The City of the Gate, Two Kilometres from the South Gate, the Plains of Strange Cliffs, the Holy Crusaders

Knight of the Kingdom of Mist: “Enemy ambush from the left wing. It seems they intend to split us up with an attack.”

The Ash Green King: “So it would seem.”

Knight of the Kingdom of Mist: “The enemy is using some sort of illusionary magic, but they appear to be mounted cavalrymen.”

The Leader of the Hundred Paladins: “Your Majesty, is the situation against our favour?”

The Ash Green King: “Of course not. It is all as expected. Let them taste the power of the muskets and their overwhelming numerical inferiority. Commander of the Left! Load muskets!”

Light Infantry of Light: “Take aim!”

Light Infantry of Light: “Get ready!”

The Leader of the Hundred Paladins: “This is……”

The Ash Green King: “We will contain their ambush from the left and the right. We will use a defensive formation. No matter how you think about it, five thousand cavalry will have a hard time against twenty thousand spearmen. And just how will they fare against ten thousand musketeers.”

Knight of the Kingdom of Mist: “We can do it.”

The Ash Green King: “Your targets are the cavalry! Do not be fazed by the illusion! Aim your guns level and fire! Fire!

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The Ash Green King: “Reload quickly and fire again! Prepare the second volley!”

———— The City of the Gate, the Plains of Strange Cliffs, the Army of Fiends

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

The Tattooed Chieftain of Fiends: “What!”


“My hand!”

“The horse! The horse exploded!”

“What! What is going on!”


Spearman of Fiends: “What kind of attack is this!? Aghhhh!”

Crack! Crack!

Magic Brigade Commander: “Support them! Do something! Support the knights!”

Fiend Mage: “Agh! Take this, Fireball!”

Fiend Mage: “Take this too! Ball of Frost!”

Boom! Boom!

Spearman of Fiend: “At least let us get to them! Aghh!”

Crack! Crack!

The Tattooed Chieftain of Fiends: “!”

Magic Brigade Commander: “It’s impossible! They are too many!”

Fiend Mage: “Commander! The enemy attack is not stopping!”

The Tattooed Chieftain of Fiends: “Combine your magical abilities and cast something big!”

Magic Brigade Commander: “Understood! All sorcerer level mages gather now!”

Magic swirling


Magic Brigade Commander: “Aghhhhh!”

- The City of the Gate, Two Kilometres from the South Gate, the Plains of Strange Cliffs, the Demon Army

Aide-de-Camp: “A direct attack on the headquarters!?”

Javelinman of Giants: “Ahhhh!”

Aide-de-Camp: “This is, a cannon!? But I’ve never heard of such a massive thing being able to fire properly before. How is this possible?”

Boom! Boom!

Javelinman of Giants: “Aghh…… my hand.”

Aide-de-Camp: “Fall back! Dragons! Dragon units, advance! Support our retreat! Mercenaries follow me! We will assist the chaos of the Banshees!”

Human Cavalryman: “Damnit.”

Human Swordsman: “Come! I’ve been on the battlefield since I was born. I’m not going to let down all those defenceless peasants!”

Dragon Heavy Lieutenant: “Orders received. Move out!”

Auxiliary of Beasts: “Have no fear!”

Skirmisher of Beasts: “Let’s go!”

Aide-de-Camp: (What a tremendous difference in fighting power!)

- The City of the Gate, Two Kilometres from the South Gate, the Plains of Strange Cliffs, the Demon Army

Banshee Lieutenant: “! This is bad.”

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Swordsman of Banshees: “Advance! Cut them down!”

Spearman of Banshees: “Alright! Aghhhhhh!!”

Human Cavalryman: “Stop them! Press the attack!”

Musketman of Light: “Ahhhh!”

Spearman of Light: “Die! Demons!”

Human Cavalryman: “Aghhhh!”

“All is as the Spirit wills it!”

“All is as the Spirit wills it!”

“All is as the Spirit wills it!”

Spearman of Light: “For the glory of the Patriarch!”

Sergeant of Light: “For the Holy Spirit of Light! Advance! Attack! Attack!”

Clang! Clang!

Aide-de-Camp: (No, this chaos…… Agh. We knew from the start that their numbers would be overwhelming. This is what they call a Saturation Attack*. I should have expected this from the start. We knew that we were inferior in fighting power. We were too na?ve…… From the start, this has been an army designed for the express purpose of carrying out a saturation attack.)

Crack! Crack!

Aide-de-Camp: “No! Witch-Queen! Please fall back! We must regroup within the City!”



Saturation Attack: The act of concentrating your military force in order to overwhelm the enemy’s ability to respond effectively. Within the novel, in response to never before seen magic which eroded their ability to aim accurately, the Ash Green King massed his firepower to fire indiscriminately, ensuring that even if only a small percentage of the bullets hit, it would be enough. In this way, he was able to counteract the illusionary magic.


- The City of the Gate, Two Kilometres from the South Gate, the Plains of Strange Cliffs, the Holy Crusaders

Survey Soldier: “The enemy’s right wing, a section of Giants, has gone silent. They are retreating.”

The Ash Green King: “What of the centre?”

Survey Soldier: “The dust blowing about is obscuring our view, however, it appears that the cavalry which ambushed us earlier has been destroyed. The remaining forces appear to be fighting within the chaos.”

The Ash Green King: “How very good.”

Knight of the Kingdom of Mist: “What now?”

The Ash Green King: “First and Third Company can stand down. Blow the horn. You take command of Fourth Company and drive into their formation.”

Knight of the Kingdom of Mist: “Understood!”

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Musketman of Light: “All is as the Spirit wills it!”

Spearman of Light: “Attack!”

The Leader of the Hundred Paladins: “Way too much gunpowder flying about. What is going on?”

The Ash Green King: “A smart commander would have ordered a retreat by now. I cannot confirm, but it appears that the attrition rate has far exceeded their acceptable threshold.”

The Leader of the Hundred Paladins: “So, what’s left to do?”

Attendant Chaplain: “We cannot allow it.”

The Ash Green King: “Yes. The frontline is currently locked in a very messy stalemate. When they order a retreat, the masses of people moving to the rear will create a gap, within that gap I will send my reserve force, a six thousand man strong division of elite musketeers armed with the latest flintlock muskets…… When the Demons see that division, they will know it is their end.”

——— The City of the Gate, Two Kilometres from the South Gate, the Plains of Strange Cliffs, the Demon Army

Auxiliary of Beasts: “We will show you the ferocity of the Beasts!”

Skirmisher of Beasts: “Cover the retreat of our comrades! Advance!”

The Witch-Queen of Banshees: “It’s a retreat.”

Banshee Lieutenant: “Infantry, evacuate the wounded and move back!”

Aide-de-Camp flinches

Auxiliary of Beasts: “We can do this!”

Skirmisher of Beasts: “Go go go!”

Banshee Lieutenant: “Damn.”

The Witch-Queen of Banshees: “What’s wrong, why can’t you retreat faster?”

Banshee Lieutenant: “If we show them that we are turning our backs too quickly, they will take advantage of this gap. And we would effectively have abandoned the Army of Fiends as well.”

Aide-de-Camp: (What’s this…… I’ve got goosebumps on the nape of my neck……)

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Auxiliary of Beasts: “Ahhhhh!”

Skirmisher of Beasts: “What!? Reinforcements!”

Banshee Lieutenant: “Reinforcements!?”

Aide-de-Camp: (What!? Now we have to face their reserve forces!?)

Swordsman of Banshees: “What! Why do we have to face this too!?”

Spearman of Banshees: “Aghhhh!”

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Aide-de-Camp: “Damnit! Damnit! Damnit! Help! Help us retreat! We have to search for a weak point and concentrate our breakthrough from there!”

Waaggghhhh! Waaaaaghhhh!

Aide-de-Camp: “!?”

- The City of the Gate, the Plains of Strange Cliffs, the Army of Fiends


The Silver Tiger Lord: “Make way, make way, make way! I am the warrior king of the Beasts, the Silver Tiger Lord! I will kill those who throw aside their swords as well! Come with me! It will be a close fight!”

Dual Swordsman of Beasts: “Ohhhhh!”

Axeman of Beasts: “We the elite Beast warriors will never abandon our allies!”


The Demon King: “Do not be fixated on the enemy! Leave them in their chaos! Our objective today is to save our friends and help them withdraw to the City of the Gate!”

The East Fortress Base Commander: “Let’s do this!”

The Tattooed Chieftain of Fiends: “Ugh……”

Dual Swordsman of Beasts: “Yaaaaaa!”

Axeman of Beasts: “Take this!”

The Demon King: “Magic Brigade! Cast Spells of Obscuring on the infantry! You need to protect our comrades. Cavalry move to protect the Magic Brigade! When the situation allows for it, make sure to retreat to the east! Hurry!”

The Silver Tiger Lord: “Put your all into it! Fight together! Move! Warriors of the Beasts! Eat up their left wing! Throw your spears! Break them!”

Auxiliary of Beasts: “The Silver Tiger Lord has returned!”

The Silver Tiger Lord: “I have returned! And we will all return alive to the City! Lend the wounded your shoulders! Anything is fine, we will get back!”

“The Demon King!”

“The Demon King has come to reinforce us!”

“Pull back, the Demon King’s Army is covering our retreat!”

“For her Majesty the King!”

“We are protected by the Ruby Eyes!”

Auxiliary of Beasts: “Attack!”

Skirmisher of Beasts: “Attack! Bring them to their deaths!”

Dual Swordsman of Beasts: “Agghhhh!!”

“For the Demon King!”

“For the Ruby Eyes!”

- The City of the Gate, Two Kilometres from the South Gate, the Plains of Strange Cliffs, the Holy Crusaders, the Holy Carriage

“For the Demon King!”

“For the Demon King!”

The Primarch: “…… It’s here.”

Attendant Bishop: “Huh?”

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The Primarch: “The Demon King…… comes.”

Attendant Bishop: “What?”

The Primarch: “The centre of the battlefield…… is now chaotic and messy.”

Attendant Bishop: “How were you able to tell?”

The Primarch: “Hehehe, a sign from the Spirit.” Cough, cough

Knight of the Hundred Paladins flinches

The Primarch: “My child.”

Knight of the Hundred Paladins: “Yes!”

The Primarch: “Take the dragoons and surround the Demon King…… Its defences should be thin. I see that have thrown all their forces to support the retreat…… The thinness of their defences will…… surely be their greatest folly……”

Attendant Bishop: “Knights, prepare to attack!”

Knight of the Hundred Paladins: “Yes!”

The Primarch: “Light bless your brave souls.”

Knight of the Hundred Knights: “Hundred Paladins! We have our orders from the Holy Primarch! Move out!”

- The City of the Gate, the Plains of Strange Cliffs, the Midst of Battle

“Destroy them!”

“Attack! It’s a retreat!”

“We will defend you, press on!”

Aghhhhh! Aghhhhhhh!!

Knight of the Mist: “You dog of the Demons.”

The East Fortress Base Commander: “A dog is enough. Because I have teeth. Let me bite off the pride you have in your human shape!”

Knight of the Mist: “Die! Heretic!”

The East Fortress Base Commander: “Whatever you say!”


Knight of the Mist: “Why would a human join the Demons!”

The East Fortress Base Commander: “Why do you insist on attack an opponent who has not attacked you!”

Knight of the Mist: “Demons are the enemy of Light. The source of all evil.”

The East Fortress Base Commander: “What a pathetic way of thinking.”

Knight of the Mist: “Damn you, do not take the name of the Church in vain.”

The East Fortress Base Commander: “Oh I won’t! I don’t play with sheet!”

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Knight of the Mist: “Uncivilised barbarians!”

The East Fortress Base Commander: “Listen to yourself! Aren’t you ashamed!”

Knight of the Mist: “Shut up! Shut up!”

The East Fortress Base Commander: “In order to seize the treasures of other people, you bear your sword against them. You are no more than a common bandit!”

Knight of the Mist: “To the victor the spoils of war. That is a norm on the battlefield.”

The East Fortress Base Commander: “Yes indeed. We have the same view then!”

Clang! Clang!

Knight of the Mist: “!?”

The East Fortress Base Commander: “I said we have the same views. You lousy knight!! That’s why — Whether Human, or Demon, or even a Spirit, we’re all the same. You and I, are pathetic existences worth not even a hair of effort! Ha!”


Knight of the Mist: “Shut up! Shut up, you mangy dog!”

The East Fortress Base Commander: “Shut me up with your blade then.”

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Knight of the Mist: “Traitor!”

The East Fortress Base Commander: “And that’s why I will never retreat!”

- The City of the Gate, the Plains of Strange Cliffs, in the Midst of Battle

Boom! Boom!

The Demon King: “Hurry! Don’t expose our right flank! Go go go!”

Human Cavalryman: “Your Majesty, this place is unsafe. We must move quickly.”

The Demon King: “But the Magic Brigade—“

The Silver Tiger Lord: “Go, your Majesty…… This is just a battlefield. There are better places for the Demon King to be.”

The Demon King: “……”


Dual Swordsman of Beasts: “!”Bang! Bang!”

Axeman of Beasts: “What!”

Auxiliary of Beasts: “Where is the attack coming from!? Is this magic?”

“The Demon King!”

“The Demon King should be around here, search for him!”

“We shall deliver the hammer of death that incarnation of evil, that traitorous Demon King!”

The Silver Tiger Lord: “Kuh. Seems like they found out that the Demon King was on the battlefield somehow. We’ve got to go quickly.”

Human Cavalrymen: “Yes!”

The Demon King: (So the musket was really this powerful…… and how convenient. It’s a compact delivery and concentration of firepower, and its ability to cause such chaos and disruption to enemy lines along with its merciless efficiency. To think that I allowed people like the Holy Crusaders to obtain such malevolent weaponry…… This too, is my fault.)

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The Demon King: (And just how many of them are there? Two hundred thousand? Three hundred thousand? I can’t even tell by listening. I’ve never even experienced such massive numbers before. This is bad. This is really bad…… With such tremendous numbers, such efficient weaponry, they could quite possibly completely exterminate the Demon Race to the very last man.)


The Demon King: (Wh- What am I even thinking about. Could such an unrealistic fantasy be true…… However, this evil destructive and devastating ability, will likely result in overflowing amounts of blood. Even though less than half a day has passed since the start of the battle, the earth has soaked in so much blood, it seems to be turning the very air around it black as well…… So this is the hell created by gunpowder…… I…… I……)

Bang! Bang!

The East Fortress Base Commander: “Your Majesty! Get down!”

The Leader of the Hundred Paladins: “Hahahahahaha! Hahahahahaha! Woman of evil, Demon King! This is where you will lose your life today!!”

Clang! Clang!

The Demon King: (It’s impossible. There’s too many. We can’t escape.”

Bang! Bang!

The Silver Tiger Lord: “Agh!”

The Demon King: “Silver Tiger Lord!”

The Silver Tiger Lord: “Hehe. Hahahaha!”

The Demon King: “Silver Tiger Lord! You’re bleeding!”

The Silver Tiger Lord: “Hahahaha! Hahahaha! Come, Demon King, hurry! Hurry into the City.“

The Demon King: “But……”

The Silver Tiger Lord: “Go to where the people are waiting for you.”

The Demon King: “No! Silver Tiger Lord! Don’t you leave! I won’t allow it!”

The Leader of the Hundred Paladins: “Heh. You were lucky that I missed. The second time, I definitely won’t!”

The Silver Tiger Lord: “Did you think I would let you!!”

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The Silver Tiger Lord: “Those who are far away, hear this; those who are close by, see it with your eyes. See the military pride of the most noble of Demon Races, the Tribe of Beasts. See their leader, the white tiger. Standing with pride, with my seven foot spear. I am the fearsome general of the Demon World! My family name is Kai, my personal name is Souun, with black eyes and snow-white hair, they call me the Silver Tiger. You pathetic soldiers are no match for me!”

Dual Swordsman of Beasts: “!”

The Demon King: “Silver Tiger Lord!”

Knight of the Hundred Paladins: “Die!”

Knight of the Hundred Paladins: “Die you monster! Die!”

Bang! Bang!

Bang! Bang!

The Demon King: “Silver Tiger Lord—“

The East Fortress Base Commander: “No! Your Majesty, you must not go!”

Bang! Bang!

The Silver Tiger Lord: “Hahahahaha! The battlefield is the hometown of us Beasts! This is a fun battle, Your Majesty! Such dream-like days. My heart feels light, whatever I say, whatever do, all make me happy. Hah! Hah!”

The Demon King: “No! No!”

The Silver Tiger Lord: “- I will try to keep my promise. We the Beasts are people of war. However, while we may be rough and while, we will not endure shame. The loyalty we have sworn to the Demon King will be repaid to the very end! Hahahahahaha!”

The Demon King: “Silver Tiger Lord!”

The East Fortress Base Commander: “……”

The Silver Tiger Lord: “Hahahaha! Human warriors. Base Commander. I apologise. And I will leave this to you. Of the three promises I have made, two have been accomplished, but the last one still needs to be done. Hahahahahaha!”

Knight of the Hundred Paladins: “You monster!”

The Silver Tiger Lord: “Shut up!”


The Silver Tiger Lord: “The Demon King is weak. Weak. Unreliable, light and emotionless. However, the entire Demon World is being supported on her shoulders…… Base Commander. I recognise you as a wild warrior as well! A great man! A battle buddy and a drinking buddy! I can rely on you.”

Bang! Bang!

The East Fortress Base Commander: “-“

The Silver Tiger Lord: “After my death, support…… the Demon King…… to the end……”

The Demon King: “Silver Tiger Lord!!”


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