Martial Arts System

Chapter 136: Medical Bay.

Chapter 136: Medical Bay.

[Superior Being's Might!]

Rafael unleashed another punch, but Alice redirected it with her soft hands and did a counter-attack with her tiny fist.

Rafael quickly put his arm as a block and managed to stop the tiny fist, but then Alice crouched and sneakily moved behind him.

''?!'' Rafael turned his head, but then Alice grabbed his leg and threw him to the ground.

''Ugh.'' Rafael faceplanted on the ground,

Alice unleashed her kick towards Rafael's head.

But Rafael felt something approaching, and he decided to start rolling on the ground and barely managed to dodge the kick.

Rafael quickly stood up and went into his fighting stance.

Alice's forehead was drenched in sweat, but it made her skin look shinier and beautiful.

But Rafael didn't have time to admire the sight because Alice started attacking again.

Giron and Richard looked at the fight with neutral faces.

'She is strong… Maybe the Age of Growth can improve her physique so she can use that style longer…' Giron thought.

Michael watched the match in the medical bay while the nurse was putting a cast on his arm.

'I can't fight anymore in this tournament…' Michael sighed and thought while looking at the cast.

''Done,'' Nurse said with a smile.

''Thanks,'' Michael replied and kept looking at the screen.

The Nurse nodded and left the medical bay.

Michael looked at the scene and saw Rafael punching at Alice's abdomen.

''Tsk…'' Michael clicked his tongue— even though he wanted his team to win, it still pained to see Alice getting hurt.

But then… The door to the medical bay opened, and a gentle young man appeared.

''Michael, right?'' The gentle-looking young man asked.

''Yes?'' Michael said with a frown.

''Ah… Nice to meet you, First King— I am Avery, you might have seen my matches.'' Avery said with a gentle smile.

''I have… What do you want?''

Avery walked closer and gently said, ''I have a message for Ichiro.''

''For Ichiro? Why don't you say it to him?'' Michael narrowed his eyes.

Avery chuckled, ''Because that piece of sh*t isn't worthy enough.''

Michael gritted his teeth and stood up, ''Who the fuck do you think you are?!''

''I am Avery.'' Avery simply replied.

'He must be the one…' Michael was certain that this blond-haired young man was the piece of sh*t who was Ichiro's enemy.

''Tell him that… If he doesn't fight against me… He will lose his precious girlfriend… And I will be sure to send him videos of our lovely honeymoon.'' Avery smiled creepily and turned around.

''See you~'' Avery said and was about to leave.

But then Michael grabbed his shoulder, ''Who the fuck do you think you are?!''

Avery looked at the hand, ''Did you touch me?''

''What does it look like?''

Avery shook his head and elbowed Michael's torso.

''UGH!'' Michael stumbled backward, and he felt something breaking.

Avery grabbed him from his white hair, ''You dare to touch me!''

Avery roared and threw Michael to the nearby wall.


''Ahh…'' Michael landed on the floor and cried in agony.

Avery angrily stomped towards him, ''You disgusting beings, you should be grateful that I even talked to you!''

Michael shakily stood up.

[Heavenly King's Mighty Roar!]

Michael disappeared and appeared in front of Avery.

His left hand looked like pair of claws, and with those, he attacked Avery's throat!

But… Avery simply grabbed his wrist and broke it as well.

''ARFGHHHHH!'' Michael shouted in agony.

Avery chuckled, ''So fragile.''


Avery kicked Michael's torso, which sent him flying towards a nearby wall.

After he crashed to the wall, his vision started getting blurry until darkness filled his vision.

Michael lied on the ground without moving a muscle.

Avery took a napkin and wiped every part Michael touched.

''Filthy…'' He gritted his teeth and left the medical bay.

After he left.

Michael's body trembled, 'I-I-Ichiro… D-Defeat him…'

''UGH!'' Alice fell down on her knees while clutching her stomach in pain.

Rafael wiped his sweat and looked at Alice silently.

The audience was silent.

Her teammates as well.

Snowland's coach looked at Irwin and saw him nodding.

The coach sighed and threw a white piece of clothing towards the arena, signaling that they had given up.


Sighs of disappointment came from the crowd, but they also cheered for a great match.

Rafael put his hand forwards.

Alice looked at him and grabbed his hand.

Rafael helped her up and left the arena after that.

Alice limped towards her team's stands, and her friends helped her sit.

''I-I am sorry…'' Alice muttered sadly.

''You did great, facing against uninjured King and almost winning is a great achievement.'' Her friends told.

Alice sadly smiled and nodded.

Rafael reached his team's stands and sat down on the chair.

''Ahh…'' He groaned in pain.

''You alright?'' Giron asked.

Rafael sighed, ''I-I will be fine after some rest.''

''Go to the medical bay.''

Rafael nodded and left the stadium.

He walked in the corridors and met a blond-haired young man who walked past him without even looking at him.

'That was Avery… I think.' Rafael shrugged and reached the medical bay.

He opened the door and was about to go lie on the bed, but then he saw a young man lying on the ground.

''M-Michael?!'' Rafael cried out and rushed towards him.

''Ugh…'' Michael groaned in pain.

Rafael carried him to a nearby bed and laid him down gently.

''Who did this?!'' Rafael shouted angrily.

''A-A-Avery…'' Michael said painfully.

''T-That bastard!'' Rafael was about to go chase him.

But Michael grabbed his hand, ''D-Don't… He is strong… A-And… H-He is Ichiro's enemy…''

''Ichiro's?! You mean…''

Michael nodded and closed his eyes, ''He is that piece of sh*t…''

''Should I get the doctor?'' Rafael asked after seeing his state.

Michael shook his head, ''N-No… G-Give me bandages… I will hide my broken wrist.''

''But why?'' Rafael asked.

''T-T-They d-don't need to know…''

Rafael sighed and grabbed bandages, and started covering Michael's broken wrist.

''Oww…'' Michael kept crying in pain.

''Stop being a baby.''

''FUCK, IT HURTS!'' Michael shouted.

Rafael chuckled.

Shortly afterward, he was done covering it.

''It will be painful,'' Rafael mentioned.

Michael sighed, ''Yup…''


The door to the medical bay was opened, and a beautiful black-haired girl appeared.

She shyly looked at the two young men and nodded.

She went to one of the beds and sat down, but she kept taking sneaky glances towards Michael.

Michael blushed and went instantly silent after she arrived.

Rafael rolled his eyes, ''Take care.''

He left the medical bay, leaving two individuals alone in the medical bay.

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