Martial Arts System

Chapter 274: Soul Of Spearless.

Chapter 274: Soul Of Spearless.

The door of the bathroom was opened, and Azura came with only a small towel covering her beautiful figure with her smooth skin almost shining, while waterdrops trickled down her skin and landed on the floor.

Ichiro closed the Interface of the system and looked at Azura with a loving gaze.

She didn't notice it and opened the door to leave the room, but before that, she turned her head towards Ichiro and did a flying kiss, ''I will come back soon!'' She closed the door, and Ichiro heard her running towards her room.

Ichiro stood up and stretched his numb limbs. After fighting the whole night and putting a lot of stress on his muscles, it felt weird to finally relax and do nothing.

After stretching, he grabbed his phone from his pocket and dialed a number he had memorized.


The phone rang, and he had to wait for 10 seconds until the call connected.

''Hello, this is Star Restaurant; how may I be of assistance?'' He heard a professional voice, almost robotic, like the person had said the exact words hundreds of times.

''This is Kurogami Ichiro, I rented a table for two there, and I need it to be ready for tonight. Can that be arranged?'' Ichiro asked.

Star Restaurant is the new restaurant that opened in Coldland, and it is a world-famous Restaurant chain. The main reason for it to open here was because Abyss moved here, and it is widely known that his favorite restaurant is Star Restaurant.

But, it is very expensive, and common folks can never afford it.

''Oh!'' The professional voice became shocked until it became very respectful, ''Of course, Sir Kurogami. We will prepare the finest table for you and your lovely date!''

''Alright, thanks,'' Ichiro said and hung up the call.

He threw the phone back on the soft bed, and he went to do his mourning routine.

After showering, brushing his teeth, and putting new pair of clothing. He grabbed his spear from the Inventory and left his room.

After entering the first floor, he noticed the shoes being gone from the shoe rack. He looked at his wristwatch and started the 1 hour.

''If she is late, even one second… The deal is off.'' His eyes showed cunningness and shamelessness, which will definitely make Abyss cough blood in the future.

Instead of leaving the mansion, he turned around and walked past the stairs, and went to the last door at the end of the corridor.

He opened the door and entered his smithy, which still looked similar, except there was a familiar scent of Azura lingering in the air; who knows how long she has stayed in the smithy to manage to do that.

Ichiro looked at the interior of the forge. There was already charcoal and paper nicely placed like someone prepared everything ready beforehand.

He knew who it was, and a small smile appeared on his face as he grabbed the matchstick box from the top of the forge.

He grabbed one matchstick and once again used his thumb to lit the tip of the matchstick in a fire.

An average person would have used the matchstick box to light it up, but Ichiro used very unordinary way.

The matchstick left his hand as it flew through the air and landed in the middle of the papers.

After the fire was burning nicely, he used the air supply to keep adding more oxygen, and soon the fire was on another level in terms of intensity.

Ichiro grabbed the spear and put it inside the forge so that only the blade gets submerged inside the fire.

He needed an hour for the sword to turn into a golden color, but Ichiro used his great Blacksmithing mastery to increase the heat of the flames so that he could reduce that time as much as he could.

He didn't dare to do it before because it was his first time, but now he has enough confidence to do risky things like that.

An hour was reduced by half, and it took only half an hour for the blade to be golden colored.

He grabbed the tongs and held the blade steadily. He put down the spear on the anvil with the help of the tongs.

Ichiro looked around the smithy and saw a box of hammers lying on the ground. He grabbed the first one he saw and started striking the blade.



The first time when he did this, it took a few hours, but now he used the Blacksmithing Mastery to its fullest and completed it only in half an hour!

Soon, he stopped hammering, and his body was drenched in sweat. One reason was the incredible heat, and one was the exhaustion of speeding up the process.


He put the spear on the bucket, which will cool down the blade and show the result of his hard work.

Ichiro wiped his sweat with the towel and took a glance at the wristwatch, and saw the timer reaching zero.

His eyes narrowed, but then the door to the smithy was opened, and a black-haired girl appeared while breathing roughly, her face showing her exhaustion.

She looked depressed after seeing Ichiro finishing with Blacksmithing. She almost cried because she wanted to see a sweaty Ichiro!

She wiped her tears and clenched her fists, 'Mommy… Daddy… I will get my revenge… Because of you two…' She pouted and stomped the ground.

Ichiro raised an eyebrow after seeing Azura standing still, but then he saw her tears. His eyes became two dark pits of darkness, ''What happened?'' His voice was cold enough to freeze anyone to death, and his dark eyes could make even grown men cry.

Azura sat down and wiped her tears, ''I wanted to see you Blacksmithing! My day is ruined!'' She cried out and sobbed silently.

''Oh.'' Ichiro wryly smiled and wiped the rest of his sweat.

He glanced at the spear and saw the golden color being completely gone.

It was ready.

He grabbed the spear from its shaft and pulled it away from the bucket.

The first thing he saw was the blade being slightly different. It was more curved, with the tip being even sharper and deadlier.

*Ding* *Ding*

Notifications popped up.

Ichiro looked at the notifications with hope.






[Soul of Spearless has awoken!]

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