Martial God Conqueror

Chapter 59 Sealed Spiritual Root

Submerged in the swirling pool of energy, Du Shaofu sat still as his fingers began to form a chain of seals. The spirit liquid slowly penetrated into his flesh through the tiny pores, his body absorbing with greed, traveling along his veins and meridians filling his entire body.


Under the spirit liquid’s stimulation, Du Shaofu felt as if something wanted to jump out from inside him causing agonizing that he cried out in pain, unable to hold it in akin to an awakening dormant beast struggling to be free.


And at this time, a strange muted light burst out from Du Shaofu’s Shenque, connecting with every meridian and his bloodline circulated his body and met with the starting point at his Shenqu. A terrifying atmosphere swept out, and a net made out of the same strange muted light wrapped Du Shaofu whole inside it.


Up above the valley, the terrifying atmosphere that came from the light net caused it to quiver, involuntarily kneeling down in surrender.

“Heavens, this is...”

Floating above the pool, Zhen Qingchun’s expression changed watching the light enveloped Du Shaofu, dazed, before exclaiming, “Martial Pulse Spiritsignet, that is a Spiritsignet!”

All of Zhen Qingchun’s focus was on the light around Du Shaofu, looking as if he found something out unbelievable that he was shocked speechless, “Spiritual root, this kid’s spiritual root was sealed, and not because it is low grade. What a clever means of sealing!”

Soon, when all the spirit liquid was absorbed, the pool returned to its previous calmness, and the mysterious light that shrouded Du Shaofu disappeared too. Du Shaofu was found unconscious floating in the water.

When he woke up at the edge of the water on a flat rock, he was fully dressed, the Demon Scale Tiger and Zhen Qinchun’s face reflected in his pupils as he opened his eyes.

“What happened just now?”

Du Shaofu asked, he only remembered feeling like something wanted to jump out from his body before losing consciousness.

Zhen Qingchun stared at Du Shaofu, his voice low, “I’ve made a mistake; I checked your body just now, you kid’s spiritual root was sealed!”

“What do you mean?”

Du Shaofu tried to sit up, feeling dizzy in the head Du Shaofu hit his head a couple of times before it seemed to have any effect and felt better.

“Simple. You actually have an excellent spiritual root that even I find it hard to believe. However, you must have pissed someone badly for them to hate you this much. From the moment you were born your spiritual root was sealed, and the person who did it is stronger than me even at my peak strength.” He wasn’t able to understand the seal in its entirety with just one look, and he also cannot understand why such a powerful expert would want to seal an infant’s spiritual root.

“Someone sealed my spiritual root?” Du Shaofu’s face was a little ugly when he heard this, he stared straight at Zhen Qingchun, “Is what you said, true?”

“Do I need to lie to you?” Zhen Qingchun rolled his eyes.

“Who is it that hates me to so much?” Anger burned in Du Shaofu’s eyes. He was a broken vein martial waste, and his spiritual root was sealed; this proved that the person wanted him to spend his life in mediocrity, cannot cultivate and has no spiritual root. What an insidious person!

Zhen Qingchun paused for a moment, thinking before adding, “When I was checking your body, I truly find it full of secrets. You freak kid actually had a Golden-winged Garuda’s arcane bone connected into your own ribs, no wonder you can cultivate their technique. But, other than the Golden-winged Garuda’s breath, I discovered there is another breath in your body that is just as strong. Pity, that I can’t determine it in my current condition.”

Zhen Qingchun stopped; when Du Shaofu fainted, he had seized the chance to check his (DSF) body, and the result, until now still contain traces of shocked from the discovery. Zhen Qingchun continued, “Also, you should’ve been a martial waste, but I’m not sure how you miraculously healed like something changed inside your body that made the seal inside on your spiritual root loosened. Probably due to the Golden-winged Garuda, and the other existence in your body, because you spiritual root has traces of them.”

“Then, has my spiritual root recover?” Du Shaofu looked at Zhen Qingchun and asked.

“No,” shaking his head, he added, “But, I have two good news for you.”

“What good news?”

“The first good news, from your martial pulse and your sealed spiritual root, I can guarantee that you’re no ordinary person, there’s no way an ordinary person has such spiritual root and martial pulse.”

Zhen Qingchun looked at Du Shaofu, his eyes narrowed to a slit, “Due to the changes inside your body, coupled the spirit liquid’s effect the seal has loosened slightly.”

“What are you trying to say?” Du Shaofu was puzzled.

“In other words, you can become a Spirit Talisman Master. Your spiritual root and spirit force are good enough, and a bright future in runes and talismans awaits you. However, you will come across barriers due to that seal on your spiritual root; if I could regain my strength, there is half a chance to break it, I’m too weak in this state.” Zhen Qingchun added.

Du Shaofu got up, on his resolute face, emotion rippled silently.

Zhen Qingchun asked, “What are your plans?”

Du Shaofu raised his head, saying, “I want to know who has this big of a hatred with me, and I also will help you to heal faster?”

“Didn’t you say I am a swindler, guarding against my every move; if I recovered, aren’t you afraid I will harm you?” Zhen Qingchun retorted, smiling faintly.

“I already knew you aren’t a swindler from early on, if you wanted to harm when you could have done so when I was unconscious just now.”

Du Shaofu calmly met with Zhen Qingchun’s eyes and said, “I know you want to recover as soon as possible and I need you in peak condition to help me break the seal on my spiritual root.”

In his heart, Zhen Qingchun was truly shocked; in general when people in similar circumstances won’t be able to calm down for a long time. The first thing they would’ve done is to look for their elders, instead of that, this young man in front of him made his decision in the shortest time without alarming anyone.

Zhen Qingchun brows were scrunched together; Du Shaofu did not look for the Du Clan elders because he knew they weren’t aware of the matter. According to Zhen Qingchun’s explanation, the one who sealed his spiritual root was someone very powerful, and Du Clan may not be strong enough against them. Thus, telling the elders is useless, the only way is to become strong, then he can find out who did this to him.

“You worship me as your teacher, follow what we discussed before,” Zhen Qinghcun said.

“What I said was we’ll discuss about it after I become a Spirit Talisman Master, I didn’t promise to be your disciple.” Du Shaofu righteously deflected.

Zhen Qinghcun twisted with rage, “You’re trying to shrink from our agreement!”

“I have no intention to shrink from anything. You think too much from the beginning.”

Du Shaofu said seriously. If he really did worship him (ZQC) as Master, then he would need to listen to everything that wretched looking face and said. Otherwise, he would be accused of disrespecting Master. Du Shaofu doesn’t want to jump into a pit.

“Boy, you think you know everything after learning the Great Origin Soul Mantra! Let me tell you, from now on don’t expect I will teach you a single thing more from my wide knowledge and don’t hope I will help you to break your spiritual root’s seal.”

Zhen Qinghcun spat the words ferociously; numerous experts had knelt and begged him to take them as his disciple, but he dismissed them as unqualified, and now he’s being pushed to the side by this kid!

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