Martial Online.

Chapter 365 Sword Traveler

Near the entrance of the Crow Forest.

"Ahh…" Bella held a sword in her grip, facing her opponent with a resolute gaze.

Her opponent was a gray-eyed fox. It was a rather tricky opponent, as it moved fast and was rather cunning with its attacks.

Ambrose sat on top of a fallen wooden trunk, a wooden sword in his hand. He was ready to protect her at a moment's notice.

A short distance away, some players walked through the forest with their friends, planning to venture deeper into the forest.

There were a lot of players nearby, as this place wasn't far from Crow Forest's entrance. It was common to hear the sound of fighting and screams.

As the gray-eyed fox lunged forward, Bella used Nachbilder to avoid it and then swung her sword to strike the fox.

However, her attack only grazed the fox's fur, and it quickly retreated for the time being.

"You need to extend your arm further." Ambrose advised her. "If you had, you would have killed it."

"All right." Bella nodded with a resolute gaze and jumped after the sneaky fox, determined to finish it off this time.

The fox lowered itself and ran past Bella between her legs. It then quickly turned around, like a cat chasing a mouse, and jumped at her with its sharp teeth bared.

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm Bella flinched and put the sword between her and the fox. The fox's teeth smashed into the steel blade, and it started munching on it as if it were a piece of meat.

"Need help?" Ambrose stood up and asked.

"N-no, I got this!" Bella swung the sword, sending the fox flying. It crashed into the tree behind it, causing a loud cracking sound.

"Basic Slash!" Bella screamed, and the fox let out a pained yelp as it struggled to get back on its feet. In that moment, her sword ended its life.

"Aaah…" She breathed heavily and watched as the fox's body turned into pixels. "I-I did it…"

"Good, that is your third kill already." Ambrose smiled. "The fox was more challenging than the squirrels, so good job."

"Mm." Bella crouched and picked up the items the fox dropped, such as its teeth and its tail.

"Neigh!" A horse, pulling a fancy carriage, galloped down a dirt road that spanned across Crow Forest. The carriage was adorned with gold and silver decorations, and it was clear that the rider was someone of great importance.

Ambrose frowned, leaned against his wooden sword, using it as a walking cane, and watched as the fancy carriage approached them.

The horse slowed down and came to a stop, neighing and snorting as it waited for the rider to dismount.

The rider was a black-cloaked figure, hunched and hooded, their faces hidden in the shadows. He wasn't dismounting.

"The easiest way is to go to the World's Strongest Swordsman, isn't it?" Ambrose asked with a frown. "Find Reinhardt."

"Haha, I have tried!" Lancelot laughed. "However, he has gone missing. No one has seen him lately.

"However, I have heard of a swordsman who gained notoriety for his skills and strength. But he is also apparently a disciple of Reinhardt and perhaps the only person in the world who knows where he is.

"That guy is you, Ambrose, the Blade Master!"

"Hmm, so you want answers from me?" Ambrose questioned.

"Yes, but not now!" Lancelot pointed his sword at him and smirked. "I do not take answers from anyone for free. Please answer my questions if I defeat you first!"

Ambrose nudged his chin towards Bella, signaling her to stand aside as the fight might get messy. He then grabbed his wooden sword with both hands, moving into his fighting stance.

"A wooden sword?" Lancelot asked in surprise.

"In the hands of a true swordsman, any weapon is an instrument of death." Ambrose said. "This is no different."

"Well said." Lancelot's corner of the lips lifted into a thrilled smirk. "I'll accept this challenge.

"Show what you are made of, Blade Master!"

"Mortal Style, Geschwind!"

Ambrose vanished like a bolt of lightning and appeared behind Lancelot with his sword raised high as if he had already finished slashing.

Lancelot had also finished his sword slash within an instant. His sword was pointing down to the ground, and his expression looked serious.

Rip—Lancelot's shirt suddenly ripped, and his chest was exposed. There was a shallow cut on his chest, but he didn't seem to be injured heavily.

Ambrose lowered his sword and turned completely around. His sleeve suddenly ripped, and his arm was exposed with a shallow cut that didn't seem to be too serious.

"I applaud you!" Lancelot laughed and turned to face Ambrose with a giant smile. "That attack was fantastic!"

"You aren't too bad either." Ambrose said, and at that moment, a notification appeared in front of him.

[Secret Quest Activated!]

'Oh…' Ambrose smiled and narrowed his eyes as he read the details of the quest.

It was a rather simple one.

He had to defeat Lancelot before the time ran out.

However, this time, he didn't have hours of time.

[Time limit: 3 minutes]

'The rewards better be worth it.' Ambrose thought, and his aura suddenly turned serious. 'I suppose I have to go all-out right away.'

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