The meticulous arrangements of the two factions combined with Chu Nan finally had an effect three months later.

In these three months, the strange blood mist still invaded the five planets at irregular intervals and completely at random.

All the strong and complete adults on the first four planets were invaded by the blood mist and were no different from the 17 planets that had been killed previously. However, when it came to the fifth planet, this planet happened to be located in the territory of the United States of Melaita and happened to become the first planet in the United States of Melaita to vigorously push the "Life Stabilization" cultivation method Chu Nan had created.

Although a short three months was not enough for everyone on this planet to learn and master this cultivation method, with the help of this cultivation method that was specially targeted at the blood mist, the burly human who had spent time learning and mastering this cultivation method still successfully resisted the corrosion of the blood mist for three days and finally survived.

As soon as the news spread, it immediately caused a commotion.

This was the first planet to be invaded by the blood mist but most of the humans successfully survived. When the reason for this result was announced, Chu Nan's name immediately resounded throughout the entire Milky Way. The cultivation method he created quickly became known and recognized by everyone.

As the trend on the Milky Way Network arose, those who were still suspicious of their government suddenly promoting this cultivation method immediately changed their minds and began to actively learn it.

At the same time, many of the Star-Grade Martial Artists who had ignored Chu Nan's call for various reasons changed their minds and began to contact him through various channels.

Another month passed and the special class that Chu Nan specially opened for Star-Grade Martial Artists finally successfully began.

In this class, Chu Nan only explained one thing, and that was the method to resist the blood mist.

Of course, this was completely different from teaching ordinary people.

The strength of a Star-Grade Martial Artist was far stronger than ordinary people, so the responsibility they admitted was naturally much greater.

Under the example of the two factions, the other countries in the Milky Way issued statements in response. Almost every Star-Grade Martial Artist in every country also replied.

Even Star-Grade Martial Artists like Supremacy Alahuk, who originally did not have a good reputation in the Earth Federation, stood up at this moment and contributed to protecting the planet they were on.

In just three months, there were actually more than 10,000 Star-Grade Martial Artists who publicly replied!

As for the Star-Grade Martial Artists who did not publicly respond, many of them still went to Chu Nan's place to learn the Blood Resistance Divine Technique.

If all the people were included, the total number was even close to 20,000.

Unprecedentedly, all the countries in the entire Milky Way and all the top-notch Star-Grade Martial Artists were united. No one or faction could stop this wave.

In the face of a crisis that might affect the life and death of the entire human race, even if some mentally abnormal people wanted to cause trouble, they were quickly suppressed by this extremely powerful wave.

Of course, even if 20,000 Star-Grade Martial Artists had all learned the Blood Resistance Divine Technique, it was still impossible for them to successfully defend every residential planet.

There were more than 100,000 habitable planets in the entire Milky Way. Although many of them were not inhabited at all or there were very few people living, it was still impossible to send two Star-Grade Martial Artists to every inhabited planet to help resist the defense.

Therefore, the Declan Empire and the Noctem Chamber of Commerce cooperated with the other countries of the Milky Way to discuss and finally made a decision to carry out a national migration that involved the entire Milky Way.

The goal of this great migration was to migrate all the humans on the planets where fewer humans lived to larger planets and gather them as much as possible. This way, when resisting the invasion of the blood mist, there would be much fewer strongholds to defend.

Of course, this was an extremely huge project. Even if every country and faction in the Milky Way cooperated in front of this disaster, it still required a large amount of manpower, material resources, and time.

This was only a passive defense plan. If he wanted to completely resolve this matter, he still needed to resolve the source of the entire incident.

However, if he wanted to resolve it, he needed a chance. A chance to find Feng Mingxi and completely deal with him.

In the third month after the Declan Empire and the Noctem Chamber of Commerce jointly issued a statement, all the countries in the entire Milky Way and almost all the humans began to mobilize, Chu Nan finally had this opportunity.

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