The overall diagram of this spatial model actually completely included Chu Nan, Angie Prairie, Supremacy Oville, and Feng Mingxi. If all the vibration trajectories were combined into a single entity, it almost turned into a huge cage that filled the entire space.

After confirming this model, Chu Nan instantly understood.

No wonder Feng Mingxi could unleash such terrifying strength in this space while the others were restricted everywhere.

It turned out that this entire space was completely under his control.

In other words, this space had already become his exclusive domain!

After confirming this, he also confirmed the source of the strange spatial vibration.

Feng Mingxi was clearly extracting the special power of this extremely special domain to replenish himself. The reason why he did not really activate the power of this special domain space to completely crush the three of them was only one possibility. His control of space was not really as perfect as his own domain.

Just like Quinn of the Declan royal family that Chu Nan had fought more than ten years ago, although he had just broken through the Star Dao and controlled the power of his domain to set up a domain, his control of it was not that exquisite and perfect. Therefore, he was found by Chu Nan and repelled.

Now, Feng Mingxi should also not have perfect control of this special space. Therefore, he could only rely on the power of his domain, but he could not completely unleash the power of this special domain. He even had to be careful not to be discovered.

If he could break through this special domain space, he might be able to defeat or even kill Feng Mingxi.

However, what should he do?

Chu Nan looked around and frowned.

This was an extremely special space connected to the 83rd level of the teleportation door in the Endless Abyss. It was also the space closest to the galactic center. It was even guessed to be the true galactic center. The environment here was so special that even the stable space inside the teleportation door had become strange. Any ordinary object or human who entered this space would be directly broken down by the space and randomly sent to any place in the Milky Way.

It was easier said than done to destroy this space.

That was not right.

Chu Nan's fists flew. A moment later, countless dense lights lit up with him as the center and intertwined to form an extremely complicated and dense light net.

Under the map of this light net, balls of extremely thick red mist filled the air.

Chu Nan instantly understood.

The life force that Feng Mingxi had been extracting was actually in this space.

He had actually fused the extremely terrifying life force of more than a billion ordinary people and six Star-Grade Martial Artists into this space and treated it as his storage room.

However, on second thought, he understood. If not for this place, how could Feng Mingxi control such a terrifying life force and maintain it?

Moreover, the planets he chose to extract life force were located in the south and north of the Milky Way, nearly 100,000 light-years away. If not for this space, how could he corrode so many planets in a short period of time?

Chu Nan stretched out his finger and probed the red mist. He could not help but sigh.

"These things are all living human lives."

In the distance, Feng Mingxi slapped Supremacy Oville and Angie Prairie back and sneered.

"What? Are you still sighing meaninglessly? What's the meaning of ordinary human lives to us? Now that I've placed them here, they've obtained another meaning of eternal life. When I completely study this cultivation method and inject this life force into the human body I created, it's equivalent to obtaining a new life. At that time, I'll be the god who created a new life, a new world! I'll be the new generation's Nuwa!"

Chu Nan looked at him coldly. After he finished speaking, he replied expressionlessly.

"Nuwa is a woman. Do you really want to be a pervert?"

"Hmph! Ignorant!" Feng Mingxi sneered, "At this point, what's the point of gender differences like men and women? As long as I'm willing, I can create countless men and women at any time, and I can even create people who are completely genderless. If you're still stuck in such a shallow thought, don't blame me for looking down on you. You're a powerful enemy I acknowledge and my former friend. I can kill you, but I don't want to look down on you."

"Then I'm really indebted to you." Chu Nan grinned and shook his head, "However, unfortunately, I don't want to see you become such a so-called god. Sister Oville, Angie Prairie, attack."

As if they had been waiting for Chu Nan's call, as soon as he finished speaking, a milky white light that was much stronger than before suddenly erupted from Supremacy Oville and Angie Prairie's bodies. The two of them became extremely bright and almost impossible to look at.

Just the two of them illuminated a large area of space.

Against the light of the two of them, the red mist that appeared after being lit by Chu Nan instantly disappeared like a morning mist encountering the morning sun.

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