Medical Sovereign

Chapter 149 Unscrupulous Relatives

Ding Ning, who had devoured almost half of the pellet of the flood dragon, possessed the spiritual strength far superior to that of an ordinary person but didn’t know how to use it. If it were known by Night Lone Ranger, she would definitely be angry and thought that he had wasted his spiritual strength.

As far as Ding Ning knew, the spiritual strength could merely make him full of energy and not easy to get tired as well as make his five senses and six consciousness more sensitive. He had never thought that it could be used as a sort of strength.

It made him instantly think of the word telekinesis. He thought that it would be incredibly cool if he could make the cup fly into the air in distance.

Just as he fell into a reverie, things became blurred in front of him. His spiritual strength appeared in a vast space with countless luminous spots.

He curiously tried to touch a spot, and suddenly a memory came to his mind. This was a detective memory named robbery and murder on September 21st. In this memory, he was Zhao Gang. The sense of reality made him lost at that instant.

Ding Ning shivered all over and immediately realized that it turned out to be Zhao Gang’s spiritual world and those luminous spots were Zhao Gang’s memory. It made him hurriedly withdraw his spiritual strength and not dare to peep into it.

Peeping into someone else’s memory was infringing on his privacy. It was an immoral behavior. What was more, just the sense of reality that integrated someone else’s memory was very likely to make those who were easily influenced insane and mistakenly think of themselves as Zhao Gang thus to generate the second personality, the so-called schizophrenia.

In particular, he noticed that the memory luminous spot disappeared after being touched by his spiritual strength, which meant that this memory belonging to Zhao Gang had probably been swallowed by him so that Zhao Gang had probably lost this memory forever.

This discovery made him shudder with fear. If he carelessly swallowed all the memory luminous spots, Zhao Gang was likely to lose all his memories.

Meanwhile, if his willpower was slightly not firm enough, he would probably regard himself as Zhao Gang and thus to have two personalities due to schizophrenia.

It was a double-edged sword. If it were applied to treat an unconscious patient or investigate a case, it might have an unexpected effect. However, it was also possible to make the patient lose his memory and turn himself into a psycho.

Forbidden field! The word suddenly came to his mind.

Although the current technology was very developed, the scientific research results enabled human to have an increasing understanding of the mysterious brain.

But until today, the so-called brain secrets that people had discovered were just the tip of the iceberg, and people could not see the whole picture.

According to the results of scientists, the average human brain development rate was only 6 or 7%, while genius like Einstein had a brain development rate of 10 %.

Other studies showed that the brain needed to breathe like other organs, but the oxygen provided by the respiratory system was not enough. The higher the brain development rate was, the more likely it was to cause rapid depletion of the body. This was also the best interpretation of the idiom "those whom the God loves die young".

Some people speculated that the human brain had some mysterious connection with the operation of the universe, otherwise, why were the brain and the universe both composed of ninety-five percent of dark matter?

Ding Ning approved of the last statement. After all, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, each living individual was a small universe that ran independently. It was reasonable that it ran according to the laws of the universe.

Although this was only a speculation with no scientific basis, the fact that he had inadvertently peeped into Zhao Gang’s memory world made Ding Ning increasingly affirmative about this theory.

The one that uncovered the biggest secret of the human body could become the master of the world. It made Ding Ning have a deep understanding of the mindset of the pioneer of the mysterious organization.

Of course, at this moment, he did not have the time to think about such a complicated and mysterious thing. The tumor had successfully returned to its original location. Zhao Gang, whose central nervous system was no longer oppressed, began to wake up and open his eyes at a loss. At this moment, he was still in a state of numbness, but would soon be fully awake.

Li Wenwen had already burst into tears with joy, while there was brilliance flashing in Du Yuewen’s eyes.

Ding Ning turned around and stood up, saying to Executive Zhou, "I have helped him to make the tumor return to its original location, and it no longer oppresses the nerves. Now it is no more difficult to perform the operation. You can arrange it as soon as possible."

"You are not going to perform the operation for him? This is a great credit."

Seeing Zhao Gang began to wake up, Executive Zhou did not doubt Ding Ning’s words, and extremely admired him for his medical skills.

Ding Ning said in disapproval with a grin, "I’m not going to engage in political career. The credit means little to me. I would rather do you a favor by offering it to you. If I am in charge of the operation, it will make many people dissatisfied and displeased, and some observant people may confirm my crime of illegal medical practice."

"Okay, I don’t want to express my gratitude. In short, your business is my business in the future. If you need help, you can just tell me!"

Executive Zhou was extremely moved and said sincerely.

At present, anyone who could save Zhao Gang was the biggest hero. Ding Ning has paved the way for treating Zhao Gang, but offered the credit to Changjiang Hospital without hesitation. It was a great favor indeed.

"It’s not so complicated. I just find it too troublesome. Well, I am not staying here to bother you. You should arrange someone to perform the operation for him as soon as possible. I still have something to do. I will leave now."

Ding Ning waved his hand in disapproval, nodded at Du Yuewen with a smile and turned away without glancing at Li Wenwen. He seemingly had the unrestrained style of going away after solving the problem and hiding his fame and credit.

Du Yuewen bit her pink lips and looked at his back in a daze. She seemed to think of something, and there was sparkle in her pretty eyes and rosy clouds on her cheeks.

"Brother, you finally come here. I thought you are going to dump us."

Outside the oncology ward, Lele straightforwardly held Ding Ning’s arm, pouted and said coyly.

Huanhuan was more reserved. Although she also wanted to be close to Ding Ning like her sister, she paid more attention to her behavior in public. She quietly stood beside him and watched him with joy on her face.

"Uh, I just went to visit a friend, so I come here late. Don’t be angry!"

Ding Ning enjoyed the intimacy between brother and sister, because it was not artificial. He affectionately petted Lele’s small head, but she said coyly with disapproval, "You’ve messed up my hair."

"Okay, stop horsing around. Brother, are you the miracle-working doctor Ding Ning on the Internet?"

Huanhuan stopped her sister from horsing around, and looked at Ding Ning with anticipation.

"I’m not a miracle-working doctor, but just an ordinary doctor. Well, take me to have a look at your mother."

Although Ding Ning did not answer positively, he indirectly admitted that he was the most popular Ding Ning on the Internet, which made joyful sparkle burst in the sisters’ pretty eyes.

Until now, they still felt like dreaming. Two million yuan was a stupendous sum that they had never seen in their lives. However, Ding Ning just gave it to them, which made them feel it so unreal.

It made them extremely curious about Ding Ning’s identity. Was he a business tycoon who indulged in dissipation? Or was he a childe who was born in a wealthy family with the intention of experiencing real life? Or was he the illegitimate child of a big shot?

Driven by curiosity, they tried to search on the Internet. Unexpectedly, as soon as they typed the name Ding Ning on Baidu, almost all the pages were filled with the news of the miracle-working doctor Ding Ning.

They thought it was a guy with the same name, and clicked the video. But the result made them stunned. They didn’t expect that the nominally brother whom they had inadvertently met turned out to be a miracle-working doctor.

He could even cure the patient who had muscle necrosis and needed an amputation. There was a hope for their mother who was in middle and advanced stage of liver cancer, right?

Their mother who had raised them alone was the most important person in the world for them. The two sisters had a connection. After glancing at each other, they made the decision that as long as Ding Ning could cure their mother, they would follow him in this life.

If Ding Ning knew the sisters’ thought, he would definitely be speechless. He wasn’t after something indeed, but just couldn’t bear to watch the two girls become prostitutes and helped them with his ability.

Of course, more of his intention was to make up for the regrets left in the bottom of his heart. What was more, the sisters were really lovable, so he really treated them as his sisters.

This was a ward with eight beds and a poor condition. As soon as he entered the room, a mixed smell of disinfectant and sweat came to his nose, making him frown slightly.

The sisters’ mother was called Sun Lanying. She was just in her forties, but her half-white hair and rough skin caused by years of hard work made her look like an old woman with one foot in the grave. The torture of illness made her even tightly frown in sleep. With a greatly swelling abdomen, she was skinny and completely dehydrated.

"Huanhuan, Lele, didn’t I transfer money to you? Why not send her to a better ward?"

Ding Ning asked the sisters in a low voice.

Huanhuan pinched her lips and looked down with a little uneasiness, "Last night, our relatives came here to ask for money and said a lot of offensive words. We promised to return the money to them today. The ward has a poor condition, but the bed expenses are cheap."

"They dared to lend us money, because they were after our house. Now they know that we’ve sold the house, they broke off our relationship, forced us to return the money and even asked us to pay them high interest. I have never seen such relatives like them."

Lele pouted her mouth with her face filled with resentment. She looked at Ding Ning with gratitude in her eyes, "Brother, if you haven’t given us two million yuan, they will have hounded us to death."

"They are injuring you when you are in great difficulty. Are they human?"

Ding Ning considered the word "relatives" sacred and anticipated. However, Lele’s relatives actually did so terrible things. They were even more abominable than those who practised usury. It made him feel indignant and consider what they did a profanity of the word "relatives".

"My third uncle is the most hateful. He intends to make my sister and me make money and return him the money by drinking with the guests in his bar."

Lele said with annoyance.

"Humph, just ignore him. Break off with these relatives after returning their money today."

Ding Ning coldly made the decision for them. The sisters nodded repeatedly. Lele laughed and held his arm, "You are the only relative of ours in future."

"That’s right. I will take care of you from now on. Wait a minute, let me ask someone to change the room for aunt."

Ding Ning smiled and petted her head. He liked her attachment to him, and it could satisfy his desire to have a younger sister when he was a child.

"Brother, don’t bother. We’ve got used to living here. Besides, we asked the doctor, and the doctor said that they are in scarce need of beds now and there is no extra ward."

Huanhuan timidly pulled his clothes and whispered.

"Just drop it. Let me ask the doctor."

Ding Ning patted her little hand, took out the phone and called Executive Zhou.

Ding Ning just did Executive Zhou a big favor. Even if Ding Ning didn’t do that, Executive Zhou could change a ward with one word based on his appreciation of Ding Ning.

Executive Zhou promised him without hesitation, and immediately started the arrangement after hanging up the phone. Within five minutes, Sun Lanying’s attending doctor ran over breathlessly.

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