Medical Sovereign

Chapter 212 Registration

"What? Feeling sorry for me? No, not necessary. In fact, I am very happy, quite happy."

Xiaoyao swept off her tears and smiled radiantly as if the entire room had become bright. "Through what I said, I want to tell you that one’s lifetime is only a few decades, and it is the happiest thing for you to stay with your deeply loved one. Don’t create puzzles for yourself! Otherwise, when you are old, you will regret that you have missed the most important person in your life. My mother passed away in peace with a smile. Her lifetime was ordinary but very happy because she knew that, without her, I would still be the prince of the Wei Family, and could still be loved. I was very sad that time, always crying, and I hated my father loved more than one woman, but when I saw my father and auntie crying uncontrollably, I suddenly understood that their love was sincere."

Xiao Nuo’s chest seemed to have been blocked by something, having unrelieved uncomfortableness, but Xiaoyao smiled, cried and continued, "Since then, I have told myself that unless I didn’t fall in love, and if I did, I would stay wholeheartedly with the man for a lifetime. When the black-masked man appeared, my heart suddenly beat without even a reason. I thought I had found the man I had been waiting for. I didn’t have to know about his appearance, nor if he was a good man or a bad one. Since the moment my heart beat for him, I have decided that he will be the pursuit of my lifetime. Maybe this is love at first sight. You may think I am silly or stupid, but I really think like that. Therefore, I chose to stay in Ninghai, where he lives."

"You are too idealistic. Do you know him? Do you understand him? Do you know what kind of person he is?"

Xiao Nuo disagreed with her, bombarding her with these questions.

"I don’t have to know about these things. I just know I love him. That’s enough."

The look in Xiaoyao’s eyes had never been so decisive. With blurring stuff in her eyes, she stubbornly mumbled, "If he were a beggar, I would beg with him; if he were a murderer, I would pass the knife to him; if he were a robber, I would be the one to remind him of the danger; if he were a rapist..."

Xiao Nuo was stunned but jokingly asked, "And then?"

"I would act as the woman for him to release his insanity," Xiaoyao said sheepishly, her face slightly blushing.

"If he were not satisfied? You also said he, he is very potent."

Xiao Nuo herself felt shy because of what she said. Compared with Xiaoyao about talking dirty, she was much less professional.

"Then, I would make clear of what kind of women he liked. If he liked the women like you, I would help him put rape drugs to make you pass out."

Xiaoyao spoke with a smile.

"You lost your humanity once you had your beloved. How can you treat me like this?"

Xiao Nuo pretended to be furious, holding Xiaoyao’s neck to crazily shake. But the words "rape drugs" reminded her of the ridiculous time of last night, and a tinge of red color secretly climbed upon her cheeks. She felt so shy.

She cursed in her mind, "Stinky rogue! You were like a piledriver and repetitively drove, and I am still soft now."

What she hadn’t told Xiaoyao was that her physical condition was much better than that of a normal person, and she woke up even earlier than Xiaoyao. When she found that it was Ding Ning on top of her, she began enjoying herself wholeheartedly. The incredible pleasure made her blush when she thought of it.

The key point was the Perfected Formula of Fire had broken out the first layer after last night, and she had become one of the practitioners.

Of course, that was the biggest little secret in her heart, and she would not even share it with her close friend.

Ding Ning, who was registering for studying at Ninghai University, had also improved somewhat in cultivation.

Although he couldn’t remember if he had truly slept with Xiao Nuo and Xiaoyao last night, he surprisingly found that Yangqiao meridian—one the eight extra meridians of the human body—had been opened.

The previous True Qi had been operated through the 12 Standard Meridians, and the True Qi in the meridians had nearly reached its highest limit. But one meridian had been opened, and this increased the storage of his True Qi, and his power had also improved with it.

Don’t belittle this meridian! According to the orthodox martial arts theory, when one’s all eight extra meridians were opened, the person would be able to develop his Dantian.

Meridians were the channel for the True Qi to operate. Only if he developed his Dantian could he be counted as a real martial artist.

If Ding Ning hadn’t had the superpower, his bones hadn’t gone through unusual changes and become even harder than steel, he hadn’t swallowed the finest blood of the clam blood dragon and the clam pill and strengthened his body, and his spiritual strength hadn’t rapidly improved, he wouldn’t have been even counted as one in the Xuan Martial Arts Realm with his qualification.

After all, the standard of reaching the Xuan Martial Arts Realm was to develop Dantian. What he didn’t know was that other practitioners who wished to develop Dantian didn’t have to open the Eight Extra Meridians. For them, if they opened the 12 Standard Meridians and accumulated enough True Qi, they would naturally develop their Dantian.

The standard of entering the Earth Martial Arts Realm was to open the Eight Extra Meridians, but Ding Ning had taken a different practicing path from others because of the mysterious stone man.

His 12 Standard Meridians were far wider and tougher than common martial artists’. If the meridians of a common martial artist were like a gurgling creek, his meridians would be a river that never stopped running, and his True Qi storage in meridians was no less than that in Dantian of a common martial artist.

This means that in the same level, the storage of his True Qi was dozens of times more than others’. If they only competed for the consumption of the True Qi, he would be undefeated. Also because of his terrifying skills of shooting arrows and wielding sabers, he had gained the strength to fight those from in higher levels.

That was the reason why Night Lone Ranger thought he was a Xuan Martial Arts Realm artist although he only had the qualification of the Human Martial Arts Realm.

In fact, the reason was simple: practicing martial arts was like constructing a tall building from the ground. The deeper and more solid the foundation was, the stronger and more stable the building would be.

The practicing speed of Ding Ning was not quick, and he was even much slower than common practitioners. In his age, so many youths who had a slight talent had reached the Xuan Martial Arts Realm in the ancient martial arts circle.

A few topmost talents had even set foot in the Earth Martial Arts Realm. Being only two or three years older than him, Night Lone Ranger had already reached the level of a celestial spiritual master, but he was still in the Human Martial Arts Realm.

But you had to admit, the foundation of his martial arts was hundreds of times more solid than that of anyone. A man who had enough strength accumulation and became successful in his old age was but like that.

In his eyes, the Heart Sutra of Bodhi could only help him cultivate his mentality and had no other important functions, but it was in fact the heavenly level mentality-practicing method that had long been lost from the Buddhist sect.

Buddhism highlights that everything is empty, compassion is required, tolerance makes you great, and you will be strong enough without earthly desires. These qualifications were the downfall of all evil demons and monsters.

In the eyes of martial artists, methods and martial arts were the essence of survival, had relations to the speed and quality of the True Qi practice, and were divided into four levels: Sky, Earth, Xuan, and Human.

In the ancient martial arts circle, most martial artists practiced the Human Martial Arts method. A sect which had the Xuan Martial Arts method could be counted as a super genius in an area, and only a few ancient great sects had the Earth Martial Arts method, which was regarded as their top treasure. The Sky Martial Arts method was usually treated as a legend.

We could say that with a Xuan Martial Arts method book, one could launch bloody fights in the complicated human world. If the Earth Martial Arts method appeared, even those seniors who had no earthly desires couldn’t help themselves coming out to fight for it, not to mention the Heart Sutra of Bodhi, the Sky level mentality-practicing method.

As we all know, the martial artists who committed crimes against nature and took away the fortune of heaven and earth were afraid the most of going the wrong way in practice, for its light consequence was they would become the disabled after their meridians had been messy, and the serious consequence was they would die and their strength would disappear.

But the mentality-practicing method was the killer of the monsters in your mind. It could help strengthen your will and mentality, make your mind extremely strong, and make your will even harder than fine steel, and the monsters in your mind couldn’t invade. Then, you know how precious the Heart Sutra of Bodhi was.

The Cattle-butchering Skill was the killing martial art feat of an unknown level, in which fighting was used to sustain killing and the intention of killing was fostered. The stronger the intention of killing was, the more powerful the martial arts feat would be. It was extremely easy to go the wrong way, and one’s brain was easy to be possessed by evil air. If so, the person would become a lunatic who only had killing in his mind.

That was also the reason why Ding Ning’s father severely warned him not to practice other methods and only regard the Heart Sutra of Bodhi as his major practice. Only the Heart Sutra of Bodhi could suppress the intention of killing and evil air generated when he practiced the Cattle-butchering Skill. That was his father’s care of him.

Certainly, now Ding Ning was still confused about it and even regarded the Heart Sutra of Bodhi as a great drag. Except that it could help him remain calm and focused, the book seemed to have no other obvious functions. The speed of practice was also as slow as the moving speed of a turtle, and it was even not so quick to practice as the methods such as the Perfected Formula of Fire.

But he didn’t know that the Inner Qi one collected after practicing the Heart Sutra of Bodhi was the finest True Qi in the world, and its quality was much superior to the quality of the dilapidated and messy True Qi that other martial artists collected after practice.

In the world where magic powers had slumped to their trough and spiritual aura was thin, such a practice speed he had mastered was already quite sensational.

At the same time, he had also neglected one essential detail, which was that the True Qi and the five elements of the human body all had their properties, such as the Perfected Formula of Fire that Xiao Nuo was practicing with. Her True Qi belonged to the property of fire.

If you asked Xiao Nuo to save a patient who belonged to the water property with her True Qi of fire property, the two kinds of properties must fight against each other. That was not saving but killing.

No, his True Qi had no properties and could merge into any kind of human body. That was the magic of the Buddhist Sky level method, which could embrace the essence of everything in the world and was the most suitable way to save lives.

Otherwise, if his True Qi entered the body of a patient and it did not work with the five elements and True Qi property of the patient, the True Qi would be fiercely expelled.

But he was now still in the phase of ignorance. With only a little knowledge of the True Qi, he naturally thought this was normal, for he had not realized it yet.

Registration was but a form, for all his tuition fees had been paid by Changjiang Hospital. After successful registration, Ding Ning got the key to the allotted dormitory and went straight to dormitory building No. 17.

At Ninghai University, dormitory building No. 17 was the only apartment for graduate students where males and females stayed together. It only had seven floors, with the males lodging from the first floor to the third and the females lodging in the rest.

Ding Ning had been allotted to dormitory No. 109, which was an apartment with its independent washroom. Or perhaps he had been specially treated. Only three students including him lodged at apartment No. 109, and his two roommates were seemingly not medical students yet.

Two of his roommates had probably gone to attend their classes, and he saw no one in the dormitory. The wall was white with slight yellowish color, and there was a fluorescent tube sticking to the ceiling.

There were two bunk beds, with each lower bed covered with quilts. Obviously, they already had owners. Each upper bed was left to collect luggage, plastic bags, and other stuff.

In the aisle, there was a long table. On top of it, apart from two laptops, there were a few messily placed books, magazines, and a bonsai of cacti.

The window directly faced the playground, and the sunlight was nice. The room was not as clean as spotless, but it was clean and tidy without the smells of instant noodles, ham, stinky socks, or others.

Ding Ning randomly chose one upper bed to clean. He sorted out the things on the bed and put them away on the table without knowing whom they belonged to.

He was decently satisfied with the environment. Compared with the dirty, messy, and poor college dormitory environment where underpants, stinky socks, instant noodles, ham wrappers, and other garbage were scattered everywhere, this room was so much better.

As a man who slightly enjoyed extra cleanness, Ding Ning cleaned the whole apartment once again.

He didn’t bring his luggage because of the hot weather. Knowing that he still had some time, he planned to go shopping.

He was a newcomer after all, and it was unsuitable not to spend nights in the dormitory now. It was not a bad idea to use a bamboo mat to show he was here. At noon, he was also going to treat his two dormitory members to lunch to strengthen their friendships.

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