Medical Sovereign

Chapter 474 - Teaching and Delivering a Speech

Chapter 474 Teaching and Delivering a Speech

“Thank you, thank you for your constant support and encouragement, but now, please be quiet and keep the normal classroom order, will you?”

Embarrassed, Ding Ning touched his nose and had an awkward expression, for he never expected these girls to have such responses, which had ruined his original plan.

He did not expect that he also had so many fans in the medical college, but after thinking about it for a few moments, he knew that this was understandable. The reason was that these girls majored in medicine, so they must pay more attention to the affairs of medicine than other groups of people. It was normal for them to be his fans.

Ding Ning gave a gentle smile. “Mr. Hu is my graduate tutor. He is busy at home today, and I temporarily replaced him to give the course. As I said, if any of you can’t accept this, you can leave at any moment, and those who are willing to attend my class need to keep the classroom order.”

As his voice went throughout the lecture hall, those thrilled girls instantly sat docilely down with great excitement and also volunteered to keep the order. If anyone dared to whisper, they would immediately shoot a hostile look.

“This is not a joke. Listening to our idol is the quality we hardcore fans must have, or how can we be called hardcore fans?”

A few boys would have liked to leave, but they were shamefaced and stopped at once as they saw the collective killing look of the girls.

If they dared to leave now as they noticed this situation, they estimated that they would offend all the girls and might not get girlfriends anymore in the future, so it was wise to stay.

In the meeting room, the professors who were watching the large screen did not know whether they should laugh or cry. They never expected that Ding Ning could be so popular and successfully let the students stay in this way.

“Alas, this handsome young man is much more popular than us old guys!”

An old professor made a joke.

“Right, I never enjoyed such a treatment even when I was young, alas! As the saying goes, ‘The waves of the Yangtze River at the back push forward the waves in front, which, however, will disappear on the beach.’ I have to admit that I have grown old.”

Another old professor, who was a handsome guy when he was young, heaved a sigh with jealousy.

“This is not teaching, but a meeting in which an idol meets his fans.”

A more fashionable professor joked with kindness.

“Well, don’t talk that much, and let’s keep watching.”

Principal Lu was quite prestigious. When he gave the word, everyone closed their mouths obediently.

Mr. Hu and Mr. Zhang glanced at each other and smiled. “Anyway, Little Brother has got a firm foothold in his first class, and we don’t have to worry about what comes next.”

Seeing that only a few students left and most of them chose to stay, he was relieved. Even if half of them left, he would be embarrassed today, not to mention if all of them left.

“I have no idea about the progress of your study, so I can’t give you a specific lesson. Then, let me open a new discipline for you according to my understanding. That is the relationship between written words and life sciences.”

Ding Ning did not even use a loudspeaker, but his voice could be clearly communicated to everyone’s ears, making them feel that this was wondrous. Yet, what drew more of their attention was the new discipline he mentioned. “What’s the fucking relationship between written words and life sciences?”

“What’s the relationship between written words and life sciences?”

In the meeting room, these old professors looked at one another and were confused, but they immediately gathered their strength to stare attentively at the big screen.

They gathered here for two reasons: First, they would make remedies for Ding Ning’s first class if necessary; second, they wanted to know if they could learn something from Ding Ning.

Ding Ning picked up a piece of chalk, turned around, and wrote the character “病” (disease/illness) on the blackboard. In the puzzled eyes of everyone, he said aloud, “Our Shenzhou culture has a long history and profound knowledge. The ancients possessed the wisdom that we cannot imagine now. Creating characters was not an act of fabricating something out of thin air, but an act of creating something according to the natural truths between heaven and earth and human living habits. In fact, every Chinese character has special meanings.

“Character creation is divided into the sound assertion, shape assertion, and meaning assertion. Take the character ‘病’ for example. When two pieces of borneol clash with each other, they make the sound ‘bing’. This is the sound assertion for the character ‘病’.

“The character ‘病’ is composed of three parts: ‘冫’, ‘广’, and ‘丙’. The part ‘冫’, which is read as ‘bing’ and has the same meaning as the character ‘冰’ (ice), stands for the gesture of making borneol with hands in ancient times; the character ‘广’ means something very horizontally wide, but here it means that the shape of the ancient borneol is a rectangle and also has the meaning of extensiveness, and people eat grains and are sure to have illnesses or diseases, so ‘getting sick’ is widespread; the character ‘内’ inside the ‘丙’ stands for the behavior of taking something out of his clothes for an ancient and also means bright fire, and the beam ‘一’ refers to borneol, which means that the ancients stuck the borneol to the acupuncture points of the body to prevent heatstroke and cool down, so the character ‘丙’ stands for borneol and fire, which is ranked the third among the ‘Heavenly Stems’, so the ‘丙’ class is the third class. Therefore, the meaning of the character ‘病’ refers to the scene that the ancients put borneol on the skin of the human body to lower the temperature. That is to say, those who cannot rid of their ‘inner fire’ so that it causes the skin temperature to rise are called patients. This is the assertion of the character ‘病’.

“The two most notable features of the average patients are cold and fever. The nasal mucus unknowingly comes out suddenly, and only when it reaches the opening of the nose can it be felt, so this is catching a cold; when the heat goes to extremes, it is called a fever. The ‘inner fire’ causes the ‘inner heat’, which leads to a fever, and cooling down the fever is expelling the ‘inner fire’. Traditional Chinese medicine claims that when the meridian of a part is not smooth, some parts will get hurt; after the medication, the meridian will become smooth and the symptoms of these parts will be eased, and the pain will disappear. To be more vivid, the skin is a barrier for the exchange of internal and external magnetic fields, and the internal magnetic field wave stream will take the exhaust gas out of the human body. If it could not be taken out, that is called an illness. This is the definition of illness.

“The attack of the foreign evil air is called ‘疾’ (sickness/illness), the internal inflammation caused by the ‘inner fire’ is called ‘病’, and both of them are collectively called ‘疾病’ (disease). Almost all illnesses will appear on the surface of the skin in the form of ‘pain’, just like the rubbish in the sea. The buoyancy will push all rubbish to the surface of the sea, and the pressure inside the human body will also push all rubbish to the surface of the skin.

“If the fire in the human body is not released like the clouds and smoke over the city that won’t disappear until a long time later, this will lead to a phenomenon: The increase of voltage will cause the increase in air pressure, blood pressure, and water pressure. The ‘high air pressure’ will give us feelings like chest tightness and breathing difficulties; the ‘high blood pressure’ will make us feel palpitations and crazy pulse beats; the ‘high water pressure’ will bring us puffy skin and frequent and urgent urination. This is the significance of scraping, cupping, chiropractic, massage, and other treatment methods in traditional Chinese medicine. The purpose of it is to release the pressure in the body, so as to expel the electrons...”

With Ding Ning’s explanatory and eloquent talk, his fans stopped their fanatical gazes and behavior and sat quietly, and the boys also stopped their hostile gazes and listened with intoxication.

In the meeting room, all the professors looked serious and listened attentively, and many old professors even picked up paper and pens to take notes carefully.

Ding Ning’s teaching seemed to open a door for them, showing them a whole new world.

The entire lecture hall was silent, and only Ding Ning’s clear voice kept echoing in it.

“Hence, we can see that the ancients were born in nature, felt nature, observed nature, understood nature... They comprehended the truths between heaven and earth with their life experiences and created great and profound written words with their incomparable wisdom. Each of the words that came to life has its special meaning, and that is the external manifestation of a profound understanding of life sciences...”

“Unfortunately, due to the missing of some history and culture, Shenzhou, which has 5,000 years of history and civilization, has lost too many national treasures, and even the essence of traditional Chinese medicine cannot be inherited in its entirety. By taking this chance, Western countries with only hundreds of years of cultural heritage became the mainstream of the medical industry. We can’t deny that this is a great irony and sorrow. How can we not feel the great pain as Shenzhou people? Students, it is time to wake up. We have fallen to the state that those barbarians can trample on us to show off their strength, haven’t we? They have brought their Western medicine with strong side effects to Shenzhou to make money and also want us to thank them, right? Don’t you feel humiliated? Don’t you feel the pain in the heart? Don’t you feel sad? Don’t you feel ashamed?”

Ding Ning delivered the speech in an excited and impassioned manner, which aroused the strong sense of national honor and responsibility of all the teachers and students present.

“Right, we should think about why our great Shenzhou with 5,000 years of cultural heritage is still being trampled upon by Western countries that have only a few hundred years of civilized history.”

The inventors of the Four Major Inventions are all from Shenzhou. However, the precious wealth left by our ancestors did not play a role in our hands. Instead, they were further developed and widely promoted by the Westerners. This proved the saying, “Flowers blooming within the wall gives fragrance to the air outside the wall.” No doubt, this was a great irony.

Depressed, everyone stared with respect at Ding Ning at the podium. Burning inside them was a fire, which was suppressed, fermented..., waiting for a moment to erupt.

“Every student here is an elite of the medical college. As for our lost culture, we should work together to find, create, invent... Only if we are united and dedicated to rejuvenating our traditional medicine, can we take back the dignity that belongs to us and stop ourselves from being enslaved by anyone or any country.”

“I know this is difficult, but I believe that if we can keep working hard from generation to generation, we will be able to stand confidently on top of the world and proudly tell the world we are Shenzhou people, the great Shenzhou people who created history and miracles.”

Ding Ning’s arm waved hard and ended the first class in his life as the bell rang.

But everyone present did not move, and a flame named faith was burning in their eyes. Although it was still very weak, it would burn the whole world someday.

With a faint happy smile, Ding Ning did not move, either, and he only looked at everyone present quietly.

He did not expect this class to change anything, but he had successfully sowed a seed in everyone’s heart, a seed of resisting the invasion of Western culture.

This seed would soon take root, germinate, blossom, and bear fruit, spreading outward in the form of sparkling fire, so that more Shenzhou compatriots would become aware of our precarious situation and fill their hearts with a common hatred.

In just a few decades, Western medicine had quietly eroded the whole of Shenzhou bit by bit, making Shenzhou people form a deep-rooted concept: It was a matter of course for them to see doctors specializing in Western medicine when they were sick.

This was an extremely terrible habit. If the fellow countrymen continued to live in such a stupid way and pass this habit to their generations to come, Shenzhou’s traditional culture would completely disappear in the long stream of history.

Perhaps many people would turn up their noses at it, thinking that it was not important and asking, “Either Western medicine or traditional Chinese medicine can be used to treat illnesses, right?” But they did not know that this was the result the Western countries wanted to see.

If Shenzhou did not have its own culture and its mainstream culture was dominated by Western culture, those Western countries with evil wishes could even easily control Shenzhou’s economy and even affect its political decisions.

Let’s make a simple analogy. If Shenzhou Country lost its own medicine someday and only fully relied on Western medicine for treatment, once the Western countries turned hostile and stopped supplying all the medicines to Shenzhou and would not even sell them even if they were given high prices, what should Shenzhou people use to treat their illnesses? Would Shenzhou not be bullied at will by the Western countries?

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