Garcia, quite annoyed, pushed Sophie's hand away. Now she hated Mr. Sterling, and even the servant of the Sterling family looked like her enemy.

"Miss Rowe's not his lover," Sophie was helpless, "she once saved Mr. Sterling when he was sick and needed help most... I think Mr. Sterling's just kept his savior in his mind. Miss Rowe's important for him, but it doesn't mean he has feelings for her. After all, he was still young at that time and didn't know anything about romantic things."

Garcia reluctantly suppressed her anger but was still very angry. The girl was Mr. Sterling's lifesaver and meant so much to him? Then what about Savannah? She was his wife! How could he let his wife wait on their wedding day?

But she was afraid that Savannah would hear it, so she shut her mouth.

* * *

A private hospital, Chicago

In the ward, Charlotte lay quietly on the bed, her face pale and haggard. She looked much thinner after two days, and her dry lips moved slightly from time to time, "Dylan… Don't leave me…"

Dylan, sitting on the sofa, gazed at Charlotte, his expression unfathomable. His mouth pressed into a hard line.

The night before yesterday, Erik called and told him that the girl who had saved him was found.

She was Charlotte.

What's more, Charlotte sneaked into his mother's house in Chicago and committed suicide by taking poison in the garden, where the fire broke out.

In her hand, there was a suicide note, on which she left nothing but a request.

She asked Dylan to take a last look at her.

Luckily, when Erik called, Charlotte was found by the servants in his house and taken to the hospital for gastric lavage. However, she hadn't gone through the danger and was still in a state of half unconsciousness. On the bed, she suffered convulsions and vomiting from time to time.

So, Dylan had been in the hospital for the last two days.

The knocks on the door pulled him out of his reverie. Erik walked in and took a look at Charlotte on the bed.

Dylan stood up and motioned to Erik to ask him to go out with him.

They closed the door and stood in the doorway.

"Mr. Sterling, Miss Rowe's suicide is still kept as a secret. I didn't even tell Mr. old Sterling. I've arranged everything, and the doctors and nurses in the hospital will keep their mouths shut. Don't worry." Erik said in a low voice.

Charlotte was the lady of the Rowe family. If it was known by the media that she committed suicide in Sterling's house in Chicago, there would be no end to the scandal. What's more, the stock price of the Sterling group would also be influenced.

Dylan nodded. He looked deep in thought, completely distracted.

Erik continued, "the doctor said that Miss Rowe's not yet recovered, and her mood's not stable. He suggested that she should be accompanied by her relatives or friends, in case she should be depressed or hurt herself again."

Dylan knew that Erik suggested he stay and wait for Charlotte to recover.

Since Charlotte went wrong in Sterling's house in Chicago, he could not remain indifferent anyway.

What's more, she was his savior he had been looking for.

"The girl's Miss Rowe… You sure?" Dylan narrowed his eyes.

Erik hung his head and answered with certainty, "Yes, Mr. Sterling. I'm sure that the girl you've been looking for is Miss Rowe."

"Why couldn't you find her before?" Although he found the person that he wanted, he was not as happy as he thought. He didn't lose his head in excitement, and his tone was unusually calm and stern.

"It's my fault. Maybe it's because Miss Rowe lives next door to your house in Chicago, and I never thought the delicate girl from a good family has the courage to run into a fire in that case… Miss Rowe lived abroad these years with her parents, and she went to college in another place then. Moreover, she's different from the appearance described by you, so I never expected that the girl would be her..." Erik lowered his head apologetically.

"Charlotte's really different from the person I remember." That was also his doubt.

Unfortunately, he was unconscious that night and didn't see her very clearly. The only thing he remembered was her eyes. She turned her head for a moment, which was etched into his mind.

Her eyes looked like Savannah's, but not like Charlotte's at all.

"The little girl who saved you was in her teens, and it's normal for a girl to change her appearance after so many years," Erik explained quietly.

That seemed to be the right explanation.

Maybe he was so obsessed with her eyes that he forgot the girl was also growing up, and her appearance was going through the changes of time. She wouldn't always be the little girl in his memory.

Seeing that Dylan did not speak for a long time, Erik knew that he had accepted the fact. Then Erik took out some notebooks and handed them to Dylan. "They're the diaries of Miss Rowe. It seems that she has had the habit of keeping a diary since she was young. She took these dairies with her when she did that stupid thing the night before... Mr. Sterling, you can have a look at them. These diaries should also be one evidence that Miss Rowe's your savior."

Dylan glanced at the diaries in his hands. They had pink or yellow covers, attached by some cartoon stickers.

Some books were a little yellowed by age, and the edges were slightly worn.

He picked up the one that looked oldest and began to turn the pages. Suddenly his hand stopped, and his eye fell upon one of the pages, on which the letters were obviously hand-written by a girl.


March 21st Sunny

Something terrible happened last night. A fire broke out in the house next door. Dylan seemed to be unhappy after he came to Chicago this time, and he didn't go out or see any outsiders. I wanted to see him so much that I slipped into his house after the servants were asleep. I did not expect to see the fire when I found him in the pavilion. I even risked my life to save him out from the pavilion. I dragged him to a safe place and then left... After coming home, I pretended that nothing had happened, but my heart was still beating heavily. My fingers were burnt, but I didn't feel pain at all.

Looking back, I might get hurt or even die in the fire if I was not too careful. But I knew I would do it again – I would like to die for Dylan if I can save him.

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