Shuri's love for wine was akin to man's love for his car collection.

She knew much about this topic and immediately knew what it was.

Domaine d'Auvenay Bâtard-Montrachet Grand Cru may not be as legendary as the previous wine but it was still worth more than $25k at minimum per bottle.

Even the "cheap" wines of Domaine d' Auvenay sold at 5k at minimum.

"I would love to hear what you know about this wine."

Shuri gulped quietly before looking at the mysterious man with new interest.

Not only was this establishment special but she had the clear and distinct impression that this man had a far higher position than all the other hosts in this place.

She briefly wondered if he was the owner but she distinctively remembered that the owner was a woman.

"Well, there is not much to be said about this. The wines made under this label are also part of the most expensive wines ever made. Though this batch, in particular, has nothing special."

She smiled, "Drinking and savoring wine by itself is a form of art. Domaine d'Auvenay Bâtard-Montrachet Grand Cru makes its presence felt with tangy acids, a fleshy body, and a smooth, honeyed finish. Critics have compared it to a more dynamic version of the estate's Enseignières."

'What the fuck is Enseignieres?'

Adam had never felt like such an illiterate.

'Is this the difference between a nouveau riche and a noble?'

Excited as she was, Shuri started by explaining how the Bâtard-Montrachet Grand Cru had to be kept at a temperature of 13°C and with what kind of food it could be accompanied.

She continued to talk straight for more than ten minutes. Going from the taste to the history of the wine, the history of the creator, the geographical position, how the wine had been created, and in what condition.

It was only after calming down that she realized that she had been somewhat acting like a teacher giving a lecture. It was quite the faux pas.

"I am sorry. Are you sure I am not boring you?"

"Why would I be bored by speaking to such an intelligent person as yourself? I believe that any knowledge is worth acquiring."

Adam chuckled, "As you can see, I am lacking in such general knowledge and I am happy to learn."

"Happy to learn about wine?"

"Happy to learn about you and the wine."

He leaned forward slightly, "You see. I believe that the most important thing is communication and understanding of each other. People are not mind-readers."

'Though I will one day be and technically already am.'

"It's impossible to know everything about someone with just a look."

'Impossible for you. Not for me.'

"So shall we finally drink? You have made me very curious about what it will taste like?"

"Can you even drink with your mask on?"

"Well, we will have to find out, will we?"

The two chatted amicably until the wee of the night. Doing nothing much and not even touching each other.

Shuri had come to this place to find a way to distract herself and she had to admit that…She had found a very interesting one.

Watching him drink while pushing the mask aside had been rather funny.

"You know. This may be the most cliche Line either, but I really feel like I know you. You remind me of someone else."


Adam's heart skipped a beat but he did not show this.

"Mind telling me who I remind you of? I hope it's someone pleasant."

She smiled, "He is indeed very pleasant."

Shuri had been drinking for quite a while now and she could feel her face was slightly flushed.

She was not drunk. But the wine had helped her relax further.

"He is a special boy who while he didn't have it easy, never let it get to him. Now he is a very good student and I am waiting for him to graduate and take him in my firm if he wishes."

She shook her head, "Just to be clear this is not nepotism. I simply wish to have him on my side and he has the knowledge necessary to be s very good lawyer."

"Though she needs to be a little more extroverted I think."

Adam nearly choked at this, "Extroverted?"

"The one I am speaking about is very smart. One of the smartest boys I know. But being a lawyer isn't just about knowing the law. I really have many things I want to teach him. Since he isn't really a people person."

She took another sip of the wine and savored it slowly.

"You seem to like him quite a bit. Is he family?"


Shuri thought about Adam and blushed slightly before sighing, "I guess he is. He sees me as his aunt."

".And you don't?"

"I have been having weird ideas about him lately so I don't really know if I can still call myself family in good conscience."

'Why the hell am I telling this to him?'

She sighed. Perhaps this was indeed the best way.

Adam was major in all eyes of the law so even if rumors spread, nothing would happen.

She had no one to talk to about the thing that had been weighing on her heart.

"Can I tell you a secret?"

Adam placed a finger where his lips should be as a clear sign.

"Haha…Well. To be honest, I am starting to see him as more than a cute kid and this is messing with my mind."


"I mean. Adam is not a kid anymore. Be it physical or mentally. But…wouldn't it be like grooming? Isn't it creepy? And what would his mother think? In the first place, does he even see me like this?"

Once she started, nothing could stop her. Glad to finally have someone she could discuss with, she continued non-stop.

"As if it wasn't enough I may be facing a divorce soon. Does it mean I am latching at him because he is the nearest male available? Is it just a way of coping against the pain?"

Shuri was confused about her own feeling. She was sure that what she was feeling for Adam was not love but mostly physical attraction.

Even so, would he even be interested in her? And how would their relationship change after?

While it was true that she wasn't his blood-related aunt, she had still been around when Adam was nothing more than a baby.

She had watched him grow all the way and even helped in raising him some time.

Adam quietly filled her glasses and let Shuri down in one shot before talking.

"Your issues are certainly complicated."

Adam said as he thought about how he had missed the timing of revealing himself.

He had never thought he would come to hear about things like this. He felt both glad and slightly worried as he had violated her intimacy.

"I do not know your circumstances. But I believe that rather than stopping because of what society dictates you should act based on what your heart tells you. Only by doing so will you avoid any regrets."

He continued, "Your action might indeed be found disgusting by certain. But, as long as you broke no law and are not hurting anyone, why should you care?"

"Easier said than done."

"It's because it's hard that it's valuable." He continued, "Of course, if this doesn't work, I am perfectly willing to wait for you."

"Haha, you are quite forward."

"Intelligent, witty, and a sense of responsibility. What not to like?"

Shuri smiled as none of the praise went about her physical appearance.

The man really knew what he was doing.

The rest of the night continued on this tempo.

For once in her life, this had been all about her and while the so-called Cinder never acted outwardly outside of some compliment carefully placed, Shuri had to admit that she understood now how some of them could ensnare women so easily.

For an instant, she had even forgotten that the one facing her was literally being paid to act friendly with her.

This was quite frightening when one thought about it.

"Well, we are about to close. What will you do? If you do not mind, I can take you back."

While she wasn't quite drunk, she had still taken enough wine that driving was not safe.

"Of course, if you are uncomfortable we can ask a female staff member to bring you back."

Shuri smiled and shook her head,

"I will just call my secretary. She also works as my driver."

It was a little too soon to think about bringing a man she had just met to her house.

No matter how charming said man was.

"Very well then let's have one last drink to celebrate this beautiful night."

"Cheers !"

The clicking sound of the glass filled their ears.

A few moments later, Adam watched from the sky as the car left with Shuri inside.

It was easy for him to completely become invisible by hiding himself behind an illusion.

He had been worried and decided to follow her for a few moments in order to be sure everything was alright and she reached home safely.

But…Just as he was about to be satisfied and simply go home, from the corner of his domain he could feel people that seemed like they were following her car.

'Hum….What is this about?'

It seemed like the night was just beginning.


Edit: 19/05/23

(AN: Okay guys this is going to be long.

We are 10 days away from end of the month and I have 4.4K unlock. Firstly thanks for all those who subscribed and everyone else your support is magical. But I want to reach 10K unlock, this is one of the reasons I made this 99% off month. Which is why…I am going to try and write 3 chapters everyday for 10 days. I don't know If I will succeed but I will try. I have around 200 priv, if all of you guys unlock the chapter as they come then it won't be impossible.

This is both a challenge for me and an opportunity. If I reach 10k I will have a banner which means more promotion and ideally higher rank in the future. In the meantime, if I reach 10k, next month will still be 99% off for all tiers.

For those who are not in Priv and don't understand, 99% mean that simply by buying one of the Tier (10/20/23 chapters) you will only have to use 1 coin for unlocking for the rest of the month.

For example: With 99% off we have 444 coins base + 30 coins (If I post 30 chapters)

Without the 99% off it would be 444 coins + 360 coins (If I post 30 chapters)

I am making a great loss but if I can reach 10K unlocked chapters the Banner might be worth it. Since more readers will help, or perhaps I am just coping and it will fail. But heh, at least gotta try, right?

SUMMARY: Unlock chapters as they come, please. Sprint for 10K starting on 22. Peace.)

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