Chapter 202 CH 196: TALK IS CHEAP

The situation was very awkward, to say the least.

'What the fuck is going on here now?'

Adam's lips almost twitched out of disbelief as he observed the detective, with an overly passionate sense of justice, complaining in front of him about the woes of her job. He was absolutely baffled by her sudden behavior and didn't know what to do.

When he had initially seen her in the hallway of the bureau, he had even forgotten who the hell she was and was actually quite a bit surprised when he had spoken out his name as if she had known him for a long time.

It was only after reading her information that he remembered about this cop that had come to the hospital to investigate his circumstances back then with Sae's father.

Since she was the partner of Sae's father, he had decided to be as polite with her as he was able to and he had honestly no reason to act like a douche with her.

But what followed in the last few minutes made him feel like he was talking to a person who might have a severe case of bipolar syndrome or multiple personality disorder. He wasn't exaggerating here. Her behavior had been just way out of the top from the moment she had laid her eyes on him.

From looking at him like he was the killer of her parents to apologizing to him out of nowhere with a truly apologetic tone in her voice. Then, completely out of nowhere, she started talking to him like they were old bosom friends, complaining about her job, and acting all philosophical.

Even looking at the state of her emotional stats made him feel dizzy as they switched and moved so damn fast that Adam almost felt like there was something wrong with his powers.

The way her emotions changed would even make a roller coaster going at full speed blush in shame and feel inadequate for not being able to deliver the twists and turns and spontaneity that the riders would be able to feel fulfilled with.

'Is this woman mentally sick or something?'

He wondered briefly before deciding that whatever she was feeling, it wasn't his problem at all. He was not about to deal with a literal mental woman when he had come here to just fetch Shuri from this place.

His training as a psychologist was only for his own self-interest. He had no interest in giving counseling to someone who was not his client or someone he was not really particularly close to.

The only reason he didn't immediately leave was that the topic she had brought up was something that he was also deeply immersed in these days for quite some time.

In a way, the two of them had many similarities but the differences between them were even more startling. He had studied to become a lawyer and she had studied to become a cop.

He did it in order to become rich, she did it for justice and to save the people in need.

Even now, his motivation in life was always related to the accumulation of more and more power and nothing else. It was money when he thought that he only lived in a capitalistic society and it became the pursuit of strength and might when he realized that the real world was actually a jungle with the law of survival of the fittest being applied at every moment.

Even then, this transition had not been easy for him. It was not easy for him at all. Adam had been raised to respect the law and order of the society and outside of some minor offenses, he had never broken any big laws even while working as a fighter for Yui in the underworld fighting arenas.

However, the philosophy he had been living with changed in its entirety when he had awakened to the supernatural world. The rules and laws of the supernatural world were very much different from those of the human world and he had to quickly adapt to them in order to survive.

Even though there was a smidgen of order on the surface of things, this was only done to hide the cruel reality that ran deep in the world of the supernatural. Adam had chosen to not be on the side of those who refused to fight back. He also refused to be on the side of those who never took the initiative to fight for themselves or for the ones they loved and cherished.

In order to protect himself, to become stronger, and to reach greater heights in this life… he had decided to trample on others in order to not be trampled on in return. To take the life of another in order to protect his own and the lives of those who cared for him. That was Adam's new philosophy and view of the life he was currently living.

"Miss Detective, may I ask you a question?"


"If you were given true and absolute power, a power that would let you ignore anything and anyone if you could have as much influence as you wished… Do you really think you would be able to bring true justice to this world?"

Detective Themis Smith kept her silence as he heard his words. She knew very well that the world was not as easy as that and that there were way too many variables for just absolute power to establish what one wished. But still, she spoke…

"If I had power…"

She laughed quietly, dark thoughts swirling in her mind as she replied in a weak voice, "If I had the power I would make a difference…"

Adam smiled at her and replied in a blunt manner, "I think you wouldn't." His words may be cruel but there was no doubt about this in his opinion.

She looked up and growled slightly under her breath as she replied to him in a slightly hostile tone, "What do you mean?"

Adam simply looked at her, unimpressed by her anger, he had faced a literal prince of hell. This show of emotion could not even make him twitch "Let me tell you something I learned from my little experiences."

He pointed at himself and spoke out in a soft but steady tone, "Those who say, I would do it if I could are just people who like to talk big but never deliver when it actually matters.

"Talk is cheap. Action speaks louder than any words ever could. You complain about the injustice and cruelty of the world that we live in. But what did you actually do to change the situation, huh? Can you tell me about that? Well, outside of just complaining like a 12-year-old, that is…"

Adam hated Whiner. Whining did nothing to change your situation. He also wanted to whine. But life was a bitch and showed him many times that if he had enough time to whine then he had enough time to grind.

He laughed quietly, a slight edge in his tone that he unconsciously leaked out, "Did you try increasing your rank to obtain more power in the bureau? Did you try to do some manifestation? Perhaps a petition to convert this situation?"


"Of course, I am sure you have a very logical reason for not doing so and there is nothing wrong with that… But… If you can give excuses for your inactions. Why can't the others do the same for the convictions they believe in?"

This was simply the way of thinking of hypocritical bastards. Adam knew. After all, he was sometimes a hypocrite as well.

He smirked when he saw her eyes widen in disbelief, "You became a cop. Clap~ Clap~ Clap~ Good. Wonderful. But what else? What did you actually try to do to make a difference in our society, huh? I am all ears…"

He waited in silence… When he received no answer even after waiting for some time, he just nodded, "I thought so. Before fixing the world, try fixing yourself first."

Adam stood up and straightened his clothes, "Well, it was enjoyable having this discussion with you."

He waved his hand and left Themis alone in front of the vending machine as she started to think deeply about the discussion she just had that left her completely speechless.

Indeed. What had she done until now?

Nothing. Not a single thing worth mentioning…

She suddenly felt utterly useless…

'I… What can I do then?'

She wanted to ask him while shouting her lungs out… But he was already gone before she could even do anything, leaving her to her own thoughts.

'If I wish to change the world, I need to change myself, huh…'

One idea kept swimming in her mind, refusing to leave no matter how she fought it. If the police could not help her in her goal of bringing justice… Then shouldn't she take the matter into her own hands?

She looked quietly at the black coffee in her hands, after all, wasn't it said that no one can do it better than yourself?

She kept staring at the coffee in her hands… Her thoughts, unknown…

(AN: All my current Media. Still much to learn but it will come with time. Join me and follow me on those. I think soon I will start working on giving giveaways like bonus chapters when reaching certain goals. Don't know yet. Twitch:


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Also, don't forget you can buy Son of the Hero King on Amazon. The name is Son of the Hero King 1 and it goes from Vol 1 to Vol 3 for 400+ pages.)

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