What was Cecilia's main problem?

If she had to be honest, it was hard for her to even explain it properly.

Her meeting with Eve was still blurry in her mind but in the end, it boiled down to one thing.

Using her body, soul, and everything in order to stop the awakening of Cain's curse on Adam.

Had she succeeded, Adam would have simply been a normal human and would have perhaps never been affected by the curse and even die a normal death.

What this means in essence was that she used her body, as a mortal, to fight the power of a divine celestial entity.

The results were clear.

Every year, each time Adam's curse tried to fight back, she would be the one taking the brunt of it.

Like a small dam broking gallons of water and stopping the flow of an entire river.

Things were easy at first but as time went by, the small stream became a river then a lake, and finally a sea.

Breaking down her defense constantly and ever-weakening her.

The final results were what we had. Her heart finally started to collapse under the weight she was putting on it.

Her strength started to decline and the weaker she became, the harder it was to block the curse, which in return would make her even weaker, creating a vicious cycle that would have eventually ended in her death.

Those twenty years of constant abuse were not kind to her body.

Since her heart, which was the source of her power, was in constant decline, she had to control where that power went which forced her to limit her power.

The best analogy she could give was that her heart was a generator supposed to give energy to a certain number of houses but since the generator started to malfunction, they had to shut down some facilities.

As if it wasn't enough, the generator was constantly breaking down, causing more and more facilities to be forced shut down.

In the end, the only solution was to either repair the generator or switch to a new one.

Only in this case, finding a better generator was nearly impossible. Finding one as good was difficult and finding one worse means permanently shutting down certain facilities

As for repairing it…it should have been impossible. As it was broken beyond repair.

But suddenly someone came and assured them they could give some first aid. Even if not totally repairing, they could at least assure bringing it backup to a certain level.

It was hard to say what was going through in Cecilia's mind as she held the potion that may change her destiny.

But as the liquid poured into her throat and slowly filled her body, she was immediately able to understand that she had made the right bet in believing Adam.


At the same time she knew she made a mistake in drinking this potion in the living room.

'I should have done this in the bathroom.'

She groaned even as the power of the potion started to work on her.


She was sure that she had just heard on of her bone crack.

*Crack* *Crack*

'Ah.. This wasn't an illusion.'

Pain shot through her brain as she gritted her teeth and closed her eyes.

Was it because it had been twenty years since the last time she drank a potion of this kind?

She had forgotten that this was generally always accompanied by pain.

Thankfully…Pain had been her constant companion for more than 20 years and even before that.

"Adam…Bring me to the bathroom…fast."

She struggled to keep her as shut as possible, feeling that something was coming back up and some other things were trying to go back down and out.

"Do it fast!" She sucked in her breath, feeling the impeding disgusting river fall that was coming with full force. "I swear to god I will not be the one to clean the mess that is about to happen."

She was sure that even the most professional cleaning crew would refuse to take care fo what was about to happen.

Adam was bewildered at first but, remembering certain things he read or heard from Sae, he immediately understood what was about to happen and paled like never before.

Faster than even a starved dog seeing a bone, he lifted Cecilia with his telekinesis before bringing him to the shower room at full speed.

Once there Cecilia released a sigh of relief. The mess would still be horrible, but they were technically safe now.

She covered her mouth and wobbled before approaching the toilet seat and finally….She opened her mouth.


Her stomach churned like a rumbling done by an army of giants walking on Earth. It didn't take long for half-digested food, alcohol, and blood, mixed with flesh and bits of broken bones to come pouring like they had been waiting for this moment all along.

She was sure that there were even some parts of her liver… and was it her appendices or her pancreas she could see on the side?

She gagged a little more…Well, a lot more. Much more and even some of her teeth started to fall with the flow.

'I knew it. Body cleansing. Ugh. This is going to be uglier.'

She had only experienced something like this a few times. Like when she opened her Gate of Truth for the first time back in the day or when she first awakened and opened her Chakra. But this clearly was something at a different level.

It was surprising a potion could bring cleansing but if it was anything like she remembered, she was sure that Adam would never look at her the same.

'Poor boy.'

This was the last thought she had as her body was finally engulfed with pain.

"What in the actual fuck ?"

All words left Adam and his vocabulary regressed to mere street curses as observed something that was both so horribly disgusting he wanted to vomit but at the same time so morbidly fascinating.

He understood now why Cecilia had asked him to bring her here. He also now regretted not having left immediately after leaving her here.

What he was witnessing was akin to a snake shedding his skin but much worse.

For an hour, he watched… transfixed as Cecilia's body broke down and contorted in angles that should have been humanly impossible.

He watched as all the pores of her body let out what looked like a black liquid that smelled as if hundreds of putrid corpses were placed together.

Her luxurious red hair fell off, showing a shining bald head before new hair started to grow.

Black blood leaked from her lips, nose, eyes and even ears, her teeth fell again and again before growing up again.

Her skin started to shed ever so slowly and her clothes were destroyed in the process, leaving her utterly naked.

Giving Adam an even greater view of the horror show that was happening in front of his eyes, making him wonder just how much filth could be present in the body of a human, and filling his nose with such a nauseating odor that Adam swore he could see the other side of the river.

Even the curse of Cain seemed powerless in front of this death.

The worst in all of this for Adam was…He had a perfect memory.

'Oh, my god.'

He physically cringed as sounds of breaking bones filled the bathroom like it was some special music.

His eyes, his nose, and his ears were forever traumatized.



When all this literal shit show ended, Adam looked at the current stats in the bathroom with quiet awe.

It felt like some psycho had murdered someone in here before cutting his body with a chainsaw and was now trying to destroy all the evidence with acid. Blood, flesh, vomit, bones, hair; skins, and body waste of all kinds he refused to think off were littering the ground, covering the wall, and did not even leave the ceiling alone.

For a moment, Adam couldn't help but wonder if he should just nuke the entire room as there was no cleaning product that could ever work on this and make this room ever clean again.

'Let's look at what changed now.'

Ignoring, or at least, trying to ignore the disgusting stench and vision in front of him, Adam looked at Cecilia through the Eye of Truth and what he saw surprised him.

He was forced to admit it.

This potion had an extremely disgusting way of working. He didn't know why Medusa hadn't warned him about this and he might call her to ask if she had anyways to clean everything up.

But this traumatizing experience was in a way more than worth it and the result spoke for themselves.

『 Name: Cecilia Kaminari/Gospel

Affiliation: Mei Kaminari/Adam Gospel

Alias: Mad Hound || Destroyer || Vermillon Knight || Mother

Race: Human

Age: 34 (43)

Affection: Familial Love (MAX) 』

『 Stats

Strength: F→D (D+)

Speed: F→E+(D-)

Dexterity: F →E+(D-)

Endurance: F →D+

Prana: C→S (SS+)

Charm: C—> C+

Willpower: S+ →SS-

Luck: B → A

Overall Combat Capacity: S+ (SSS)

Remark: A monster is slowly going back to its peak. She even became younger.』

(AN: Haha. I tried to make use of a usual trope and give a slightly more funny (and disgusting) twist. I had way more graphic things in mind but decided to not make things awful for everyone. Don't know if I succeeded but heh.)

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