Cecilia felt happy while looking at the current Adam. She remembered the small boy who would sometimes be alone and simply do nothing but study by himself like his life depended on it.

He had matured before his time and she would have loved to see him be more free. Sadly, life was what it was and it had not been good to them.

But now, things were marginally different. 

Adam was not alone anymore. Even if anything happened to her, she knew that he would have people around him to support and help if needed. Be it friends, lovers, or even family.

She chuckled under her breath, "Life has not been easy for us and now you are walking your own path, my dear son. You are making your own choices and facing your own trials. How time flies, doesn't it?"

She still remembered Adam as a baby. A small kid full of life and possibilities He would do stupid things sometimes, some days he would make her unable to sleep and some other days she would be filled with anxiety as she wondered if everything was alright with him when he faced the world.

Being a parent wasn't an easy task, perhaps the hardest task a human would face in their lives. It was a huge and heavy responsibility and this was even more so since she had never asked to become a parent in the first place.

But… Despite all this…

"Having you by my side is the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me."

She loved Adam from the deepest part of her heart. He was the small ray of sunshine that illuminated her life and despite all the price she had to pay along the way, she would never regret any of her past decisions as they lead to the betterment of her child.

"I know that now, Mom cannot do much for you. You are independent after all. But don't forget, my son… You will always be my baby and I will always be there to help you, no matter what, no matter when, no matter how. Always… and forever…"

Cecilia knew her limitations. She was not really smart. It wasn't for nothing that her sister always called her a muscle head. She was the kind of person to move and do something based on pure instincts more than anything else… 

She still had many things she did not understand clearly even at this age of hers. The way she had raised Adam was definitely not the best either…


"I am proud of the young man you have grown into. I am grateful that you are able to live healthy and I pray that your life may be filled with everlasting light."

Life would be hard, he would face many trials… sad moments, happy moments, and bitter moments.

All those were moments that were necessary for his growth as was with all humans. 

Growing, walking, moving, running, sometimes falling, crying but always standing up. Again and again and again without end.

As long as humans were alive, life would always be a series of highs and lows. Trials that needed to be overcome would always appear in front of a human.

Failing was not shameful.

All that mattered was that you could still stand up and fight to see another day.

And if there was one thing that she knew more than anyone else… It was that her son was a fighter. He was born that way.

"I rarely pray. I do not believe in gods and even less in Fate itself."

She fought gods and even killed the avatar of one. She knew that in the end, many gods were nothing more than slightly more powerful beings.

She had no reason to respect them, much less pray to them.

Even then, 

"If even one small deity can answer my prayer. All I ask is for you to be happy. Adam, thank you for existing in my life and gracing it with your colors. Son… Thank you… For everything…"

Both Adam and Cecilia's eyes reddened and Shuri was already using a tissue to stop her tears from destroying her makeup from the emotional speech… 

After all, she was in the first row seat to observe all the struggles those two went through. She was happy to have been part of something so beautiful. She was happy to have made a friend like Cecilia and to have met someone like Adam.

In her heart, something she had been hesitating about for a long time became clearer. She realized that she had gone through too many things to let hesitation stop her from realizing her wishes.

She understood now what had truly stopped her from acting on her feelings until now.


She simply hoped that Cecilia would give her blessings to their relationship, whatever shape that it may take on in the future.

Moving behind the back of her friend to simply fulfill her own lust was something she found unacceptable.

The others were feeling as moved as Shuri was even though they could not picture the scene in the same way as she did.

Makarov affirmed once again that Cecilia had changed a great deal from who she was all those years ago. If twenty years ago, someone told him that he would hear Cecilia make such a grandiose and moving speech, he would have laughed at their faces with no hesitation whatsoever.

The Cecilia of those times was a lone wolf, a berserker going from battlefield to battlefield with no goal outside of revenge and delivering destruction to anything and everything in her wake. She was a human that was more frightening than even some demons. She was a force of nature, a natural disaster, and even sometimes depicted as the bringer of the wrath of the gods…

This was why she was known as the Destroyer.

But now…

'You have grown up wonderfully, lass.'

All doubt he may have had about potentially sacrificing his life vanished. Even if he had to die, he would create that weapon for Adam. 

Looking at how everyone was reacting, Cecilia could only give an embarrassed laugh. She had not planned to spill what was on her heart like this. But the words simply kept coming like a dam that had burst open after decades and she was unable to stop herself from going with the flow.

"Hahaha, I am really sorry everyone. I feel like I made the mood a bit too heavy.".

She scratched her hair before nodding as if she had a genius idea,

"So let me start from the beginning."

She lifted her glass high and spoke with a massive grin on her face. It was nothing more than a silly grin, much different from her earlier emotions. But nonetheless a genuine one…

"Today is a good day. It's a day we say thanks for all the grace we received. I am very happy to see all of you guys sitting at this table and I pray that next year, on the same day, we all find ourselves together again at this table… Happier than ever. Happy Thanksgiving everyone…!"

This was a small wish. A very heartfelt wish and everyone understood the sincerity in her words.

All of them took their glasses and cheered with her.

Hoping that they would still find themselves together the next year…

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