Adam had an unnatural expression on his face, though he made sure to hide it with his illusions.

'Was I too showy?'

He wondered for an instant before shaking his head. Sooner or later, he would have needed to reveal his persona to gather fame and fear. So this was welcome.

"So what is the goal of the association?"

"If it was just a bronze or silver level, it wouldn't have mattered. Silver are the mainstream power and they aren't exactly rare though still power. But a Gold level on the loose about whom we know absolutely nothing is very scary. A Gold level could be an Executor in the making for all we know and even without that they are small tactical weapons."

Mark showed the picture. "This man for now did not attack any normal humans nor did he hurt civilians of the supernatural world so for now he is only a code yellow."

Mark mused. The Wild Hunt gang was one of the rare gangs that were considered "allies". After all, despite being criminals for humans, they never stepped past their limits.

In fact, Mark had some contact with Feng Huan Yui, albeit short and he had to admit that the woman was very respectable.

"Code yellow?"

"Warinnes. Green is no problem. White is a friend. Red is danger and Black is Elimination."

Mark hoped it would not come to this. After all, killing a Gold-ranked Hunter would bring too much sacrifice and they were not even sure to succeed.

"Well, thankfully we have the Director now. So if necessary she will just attack."

'Getting chased by my aunt. How interesting.'

Adam had to admit. He understood now why villains in stories who disguised as good guys and worked with the police while being the actual murderer/thief always feel so smug.

There was something about watching people fretting and worrying about one of his personas.

'I wonder if I should create more persona.'

This would certainly lead to very interesting things. In fact, he could even use his illusions to stage a fight with himself.

Magician vs the Prince.

Or Magician vs Illusionist?

Perhaps Magician vs Death?

Using the code name Death for his criminal Persona would make things quite clear. This would also help him make sure what power he should use depending on which persona.

While one of Adam's minds fell in contemplation, the other two were still busy discussing with Mark and taking information.

"Either way. You can choose to take it or not. For now, you should focus on the incoming mission. If you want a small mission to give a try take a look at the platform. In a few days, we will call you to show you the team. Do you have any things you want? Like specific skill sets or age or experience?"

Adam was not really interested. He was sure that in the end he would do everything alone. In the worst case, he could ask help from the hounds.

"Hum…I want someone skilled in hacking and someone in magic. For the magic one, I want a high rank. Silver if possible or at least someone with enough experience."

He didn't really care about the team but it was an occasion to have someone good in magic close to him. It was necessary to see if people who had access to magic could erase his illusions and also if he could perhaps copy some of their skills.

"Very well. This won't be complicated. Many graduates from the academy join the hunter association."


"Also a healer."

Adam looked down at his hand and clenched it. He had already killed himself on the way towards the association but he was starting to wonder what would happen if he continuously hurts and then healed himself.

His lack of healing factor without dying was quite problematic and slowed down the speed of some experiments.

"Good. I do have a young priest in mind and he is French so it will be helpful."


"Don't worry. My job is making sure high-ranked hunters like you can do their jobs and save people."

Mark recognized the limit of his habits and recognized the limit of the morality of the so-called hunter.

As such, he wanted to make things as easy as possible for them so that they would have no reason to actually fail.

"You are a good man."

"I am just a stupid man that was enamored with justice."

He once had a dream. A dream of the world where people would not have to go through what he and his sister did. A world where justice and peace would not be something exceptional but nothing but the norms.

Then reality slapped him back awake.

"Even then, I am very stubborn you know?"

He might not be able to create a utopia with his meager ability but as long as he could do even a little bit. As long as he could help even one person be saved, then he was happy.

A small consolation considered his past aspiration but it was what it was. The world was not perfect and there was nothing one small man could do about it.

Adam patted the middle-aged man who had clearly seen many things and lived through his fair share of pain.

"Well. I just received a call from the office. Miss Freud is waiting for you."


Adam waved his hand as he left and said out loud "Don't forget, you owe me a drink."

"Hehe. Pretty sure you are the one who owes me."

And so Adam walked away, feeling like he had made something akin to a friend.

(AN: Heh. Mark is a rather interesting character, right? Hehe)

(AN: Just went back home. Took the plane at 9:45 pm and landed at 1;45 am. Wasn't easy haha. They said I went past the limit authorized of 90 days to stay in Morocco by one fucking day. Landed on the 22 March and wanted to leave on the 20 June. But somehow seems like I was late by one day. Fuck.

I nearly missed my flight because of all the procedures I had to go through and negotiations; the Bastard wanted me to go back and ask paper for an extension or whatever. Thankfully one dude took pity and helped me out. Sigh. Enough ranting about my adventure, I am home with my mom and I am happy. Really feel more relaxed.)

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