Miracle Throne

Chapter 316: Frontline fortress

Chapter 316: Frontline fortress

This kind of not complicated work did not require Chu Tian to personally go and sending Yun Yao and Feng Caidie were enough, but the Southern Summer King wanted to be cautious and personally asked for Chu Tian to go. Because the establishment of the information system was related to the situation of the war, there could be no mistakes at all.

After Meng Qingwu learned of the situation, she said to Chu Tian, “A normal company cannot approach the frontline fortress. This is a rare chance, so I want to come with you.”

Chu Tian was a bit surprised, “The young miss also wants to go?”

Meng Qingwu said, “The frontline fortress is a very large market. After the special war starts, food, military supplies, tools, and etc. will all be in large demand. Miracle Commerce needs to prepare in advance, which will help Miracle Commerce further expand. We can also prepare before the war and build a more reliable foundation for the war.”

These words were also reasonable.

Then he would bring the young miss along.

Chu Tian was responsible for constructing the communication network and the young miss was in charge of inspecting the market, discussing the possibility of cooperating with the frontline fortress. These two matters did not contradict each other.

But once Chu Tian and Meng Qingwu left, Miracle Commerce would lose their two leaders.

Chu Tian set off for the frontlines with the royal party and the imperial teacher Gu Qianqiu was also coming. With the Calm Martial Ruler also away, wouldn’t Miracle Commerce be cut off from help in Imperial City?

Because they were worried that people would point a knife at their back, they left Chen Bingyu and the eighteen Yin Corpses for protection. Chu Tian was going with the royal party, the great scholar, and even had the little fox for secret protection on this trip, even if something suddenly happened, Chu Tian should be able to deal with it!

On the frontline of the Southern Summer Country, there were a total of five fortresses, with each one having a large army stationed there, so his safety would be guaranteed. The Southern Summer King had a request for Chu Tian, so for Chu Tian’s future, he would play a large role. Even if the Southern Summer King was narrow minded, he would not make a move against Chu Tian.

The next morning.

The royal party set off. There were three golden lions with strength in the 9th Awakened Soul Layer pulling the carts and two hundred griffin knights escorting them. There was the senior general Wang Tianlong riding his Earth Dragon opening the way and Gu Qianqiu and Chu Tian following behind, slowly moving towards the north.

This lineup was very shocking and there were no chances of an assassination. In fact, there was no one that dared to assassinate the Southern Summer King.

For people that could sit at the top in this era, even if they did not sit on the top, they at least wouldn’t be too weak. The Southern Summer King was a bit weaker than the Calm Martial Ruler, but he was still an expert of the True Spirit Realm! He was not someone that normal people could deal with!

Who had the ability to assassinate the Southern Summer King in the Southern Summer Country?

However, the Southern Summer King bringing Wang Tianlong along went against Chu Tian’s expectations. Although Chu Tian did not like this fellow, the Southern Summer King bringing him out of Imperial City was advantageous to Miracle Commerce. At least there was no need to worry that in this period of time, the Wang Family would move against Miracle Commerce.

On the vast prairies, there was not a single person, only seeing the occasional scout outpost. There were no hindrances on this entire journey and finally a black line appeared on the horizon.

They had finally arrived!

This was the Southern Summer Country’s northern border!

Everyone could see five fortresses in the distance with the center one being the largest. It was named the “Iron and Steel Fortress” and was known as the “Iron Wall”. With fifty thousand Southern Summer soldiers stationed there, this was the line blocking the War Hounds Tribe.

This city of iron and steel seemed like it had fallen from the sky or jumped out of the earth, suddenly appearing in the middle of the vast prairies. When any Southern Summer citizen saw this iron city for the first time, they would surely be shocked by its grandeur.

This iron city was not just a fortress, but there were also two iron walls expanding around the city, forming a barrier, covering a distance of over a hundred kilometers. These iron walls were fifty meter high and were made of extremely firm rocks, as well as being covered in a layer of iron. Under the sunlight, it was like a wall that covered the sky, making people stunned.

It was like a giant black monster reaching its arms out, wanting to bring the prairie into its chest, how could that pressure not make people fall down?

This was the famous Southern Summer City Wall.

The entire city wall stretched over a thousand kilometers, connecting the five frontline fortresses.

The five fortresses had a protective army which the Departing Flame and Battle Dragon Armies were a part of.

The five frontline fortresses and the City Wall formed a very strong defensive system, protecting the Imperial Region from the War Hounds Tribe’s raids again and again.

This great northern barrier had been commanded by the first generation Southern Summer King, using the energy of over a million people, being completed around the third generation Southern Summer King’s reign. It had consumed an enormous amount of resources and manpower, making the Southern Summer Country poor for a long time, but it had a very significant use afterwards. This was a very effective attack defense city.

Meng Qingwu was a bit stunned looking at it, “Is this a miracle created by the Southern Summer Country?”

The Southern Summer Country’s northern wall was spoken of by wandering poets. Meng Qingwu had only heard of this great miracle, but being able to personally see this miracle today meant she wasn’t born in the Southern Summer Country in vain.

The griffin knights entered the fortress first with the royal proclamation.

When the royal party arrived in front of the fortress’ large doors, a strong and majestic voice rang out, “Open the doors!”

Hong, dong, dong, dong, dong......

Several dozen black chains were pulled back and an incomparably large iron bridge slowly came down, perfectly filling the wide and deep trench. The iron gate that was tight enough that not even a single leaf could come out slowly opened and several hundred cavalry soldiers charged out. Each soldier was wearing a black armour and holding a three meter long spear in their hand, quickly separating to both sides of the royal party.

A full bearded old general wearing black armour came out with several rows of officers, walking out of the fortress to offer their greetings, “This old soldier, Dongfang Zhan greets your majesty!”

The black armoured generals, cavalry, foot soldiers, and even the archers in the tower, each one had the symbol of the Dongfang Family on their armour. It was clear that these were all soldiers of the Dongfang Family. This senior general that was sent out to protect Southern Summer’s most important fortress had to be a high level member of the Dongfang Family.

This old general actually called himself an old soldier, this was an impressive display of humility.

Meng Qingwu was filled with respect, “This is senior marshal Dongfang Zhen?”

Chu Tian had never heard of his name, “Is he very famous?”

Meng Qingwu said, “Frontline marshal Dongfang Zhan, spending over fifty years on the frontlines. The Divine Wind Marquis, the Golden Arrow Marquis, and the others have all taken orders from the senior marshal before. Dongfang Zhan himself is an expert of the peak 9th Awakened Soul Layer, but his military merits surpass any single marquis.”

“Then why wasn’t he granted the marquis title?”

“This is the senior marshal’s most honourable point.” Meng Qingwu said with a look of admiration, “The senior marshal believed that the Dongfang Family had already enough prestige, having both the Southern Summer King and the head ruler. With such a stable position, why did they need another marquis? It was better to give the marquis title to someone else, using it to encourage a brave Southern Summer youth to kill the enemies for merit. He also said that he could still fight soundly on the frontlines even without the marquis title.”

So the matter was like this!

Dongfang Zhan was the frontline marshal, only being inferior to the Calm Martial Ruler. Although he had a highly respected position, but he never had a day of happiness, never marrying, and not even having a son. He had given most of his life to the Southern Summer Country, protecting its borders.

The Calm Martial Ruler had once praised Dongfang Zhan with, “Bravely serving the country, having an undivided heart, unparalleled courage, and having extraordinary strategy, even if the sky falls down, is there a need to fear the War Hounds Tribe entering my Southern Summer?!”

This was the highest appraisal the Calm Martial Ruler had ever given to an officer.

Dongfang Zhan was actually worthy of this appraisal. In fact, Dongfang Zhan was of a higher generation compared to the Calm Martial Ruler, being the uncle of both the Southern Summer King and the Calm Martial Ruler.

Before being titled a ruler, the Calm Martial Ruler had spent ten years experiencing the front lines, which he spent learning tactics from Dongfang Zhan. When Dongfang Gan had been titled the Calm Martial Ruler, his position had surpassed Dongfang Zhan’s. Dongfang Zhan did not have a single complaint, always following the Calm Martial Ruler’s orders, becoming his most efficient assistant.

“Old general, please quickly rise!” The Southern Summer King personally raised Dongfang Zhan, as he spoke with a look of guilt, “General has guarded the frontline fortress for many years, having great honour that no one could match, but never seeking a higher position. This king has not been worthy of this general since I’ve ascended, how could I accept this old general’s greetings?”

Dongfang Zhan’s face turned black, “A king is a king and a general is a general, how could this old soldier dare not offer a greeting?”

The Southern Summer King could not deal with his uncle’s stubbornness at all. He changed the topic and turned to introduce, “The Battle Dragon Army’s young commander, Wang Tianlong and the great scholar, Gu Qianqiu. This old general should be familiar with them.”

Wang Tianlong and Gu Qianqiu cupped their hands.

Dongfang Zhan greeted Gu Qianqiu, but he did not reveal any reaction to Wang Tianlong. This strange scene did not escape Meng Qingwu and Chu Tian’s eyes. This was a bit strange since Dongfang Zhan should have only met Gu Qianqiu a few times and Wang Tianong was not the same.

Wang Tianlong was a vice commander on the frontline and the young commander of the Battle Dragon Army. After Dongfang Zhan abdicated, the one most likely to take over as the frontlines commander was Wang Tianlong. So why did Dongfang Zhan not look at Wang Tianlong?

Could there be a contradiction between the two?

Dongfang Zhan’s eyes fell onto Chu Tian’s group and his two white, sharp brows tightly knit together, “Who are these two people? Forgive this old soldier’s rudeness, but the frontline fortress is not a place anyone can enter, random people are not allowed here!”

The senior general had a look filled with discontentment.

The Southern Summer King had come to the frontlines for an inspection, he had not mentioned anything about this.

The Southern Summer King had to come inspect the frontlines every year. On one hand, it was to inspect the frontlines situation and on the other hand, it was to respect the soldiers, letting them know that the kingdom did not forget about them, letting the soldiers raise their morale.

Could the Southern Summer King not know?

With the fortress’ heavy guard, not a single civilian was allowed to enter!

For the layout of the frontline fortress and the defenses hidden within, these were all national secrets, so how could normal people look at them? Now there were people here that they did not recognize, not to mention the fact that there were two of them!

A youth like Chu Tian was already acceptable, but what made Dongfang Zhan dissatisfied was that there was also a woman here unexpectedly.

This was a woman that could be considered a national flower!

The lives of the frontline soldiers were very barren, with many of them having not returned home in many years. For a beauty to appear in a place like this, it would easily cause a disturbance and would severely impact morale, which was intolerable for Dongfang Zhan!

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