Chapter 223.2

While Jun Zishu and Ren Nanying were fighting the zombie, Liu Yingtong constantly kept her scalpel in her grip, trying to find an opportunity to strike.

“Why is this zombie so cunning? How is she always sensing my sneak attacks?” Ren Nanying grumbled in frustration. Every one of her attacks against the zombie had failed so far, and she could only watch as the zombie kept on targeting Jun Zishu.

This zombie would’ve died long ago if they were standing on flat ground. Unfortunately, they were standing on a narrow roof, and it’d be game over for them if they made even one mistake and fell off.

Despite their athleticism, they were only slightly stronger than the average student. They had never received any professional combat training before, so they couldn’t execute movements that were too difficult.

Ren Nanying was already doing her best to attract the zombie’s attention. However, even when she attacked the zombie from behind or the side, the zombie’s attention would only shift to her briefly before returning to Jun Zishu once more.

Meanwhile, Jun Zishu used the backpack to block the zombie’s claws one time after another as she maneuvered around the roof. However, since the fight began, she had never found a good opportunity to strike at the zombie’s head.

After glancing at her surroundings, Jun Zishu suddenly had an idea and began retreating gradually.

“Goddess, watch out!”

Jun Zishu was already close to reaching the edge of the roof. If she retreated any further, there was a high possibility that she would fall off the roof. Seeing this, everyone felt their hearts rising to their throats.

However, Jun Zishu did not panic. Instead, she simply reached out with her hand and waved at the zombie. Then, responding to her provocations, the zombie pounced at her with precision.

Just when the zombie was about to reach her, Jun Zishu suddenly crouched down and bent her upper body backward, her upper body suspending off the edge of the roof. Then, carried by inertia, the zombie flew past her and off the building.

After the zombie flew off the roof, Ren Nanying hurriedly grabbed Jun Zishu’s hand and pulled her up.

While Ren Nanying was pulling Jun Zishu up, everyone heard a heavy object hitting the ground below the building. However, nobody was interested in taking a peek.

“Is she dead?”

“She already died once, but I’m not sure if she died this time. Can zombies fall to their death?”

“Don’t zombies die if their heads get popped? Her head should’ve cracked open if she jumped down from this height, so she’s probably dead.”

Jun Zishu did not participate in the discussions. Instead, she did her best to fill her lungs with fresh air. When the zombie flew past her just now, the smell that she inhaled nearly caused her to suffocate.

“Have zombies evolved already?” Ren Nanying asked. This was a serious question she was very concerned about. It’d be terrible for humans like themselves if the zombies evolved.

“I don’t think that’s the case. I believe the performance of a zombie is influenced by their physical qualities before they get infected. I fought against two zombies on the first day of the apocalypse. Both were from my department, and both retained their incredible flexibility even after getting infected. There were no clear indications that the way they got infected was any different from other infected people, either.”

Xu Qiu: Does that mean if someone was a shut-in when they were alive, they’d still be at the lowest level even after getting infected?

Liu Manman: You’re killing me, woman.

Liu Yingtong: It also means that if someone from the Athletics Department gets infected, dealing with them would be much more difficult than dealing with the average zombie.

Jun Zishu: Logically, yes.

Lin Su: Should I be glad that my classmates from the English Department won’t be reciting English terms to me after getting infected?

Chen Beimo: Those from our department won’t be playing the piano after getting infected, either.

Liu Manman: We from the Literature Department are a bunch of weak shut-ins, so we’ll probably be at the lower ranks of zombie society if we get infected.

Liu Manman: Why is the world such a cruel place?

After the zombie problem was gone, everyone regrouped and began discussing the next phase of their plan.

The group stayed on the roof for about twenty minutes. Once everyone was rested and Liu Manman’s leg was no longer cramping, they carefully descended the building one after another like a group of thieves.

When Jun Zishu was sliding down the Medical Building, she made eye contact with a living person hiding in one of the classrooms. Although the other party’s eyes looked tired, there was a hint of inextinguishable hope within those eyes.

However, Jun Zishu did nothing more than smile at the other party before continuing her way down.

Everyone could only rely on themselves to survive during the apocalypse. It was simply wishful thinking to try to rely on others for salvation. So, the most Jun Zishu could do was offer the other party a smile and hope that he could survive until the end of the apocalypse.

After Jun Zishu’s group successfully fled from the Medical Building, they headed toward the post office.

Their journey to the post office went very smoothly, and they did not encounter any roadblocks. This was because something had attracted the zombies’ attention, so none of the zombies took notice of their group.

It went without saying that the only things that could attract the zombies’ attention were living humans.

While Jun Zishu’s group was walking past the Administration Building, they heard a sound that numbed their skulls. It was the dull sound of a fleshy body hitting the concrete ground.

Someone had committed suicide.

Perhaps this wasn’t the first person who had committed suicide. Perhaps this was only the first person they had seen doing so.

Perhaps to some people, ending their lives of their own volition was much better than becoming a monster.

Perhaps some people no longer had the means of surviving. Or perhaps their minds had crumbled after living in constant fear, hunger, and despair.

Those who had companions to survive through the apocalypse like their group might be better off. If a person was living in the apocalypse by themselves, the possibility of suicide should be very high.

Compared to facing death, what most people feared more was the process of waiting for death to claim them. Everyone’s will had weakened because of the apocalypse. It was especially true for youths. Even university students who had yet to step into the adult world were no exception. Most youths nowadays grew up in a sheltered environment, having experienced few trials and tribulations. So, when they encountered this shocking event, few youths could keep themselves from collapsing.

Everyone’s mental state might be relatively good at the start of the apocalypse. However, once they ran out of food and water and the apocalypse showed no end, it wasn’t unexpected for some youths to choose suicide.

Jun Zishu’s group did not have time to stay around and watch the development of this unfortunate incident. Even if they didn’t pay attention to it, they could easily imagine what would happen afterward—the zombies would feast on the person’s body, and this person would become a new member of the zombie army.

However, if the person who committed suicide was lucky and became a corpse as soon as they hit the ground, they might be able to avoid this tragic fate. After all, the zombie virus wouldn’t spread to people already dead.

Afterward, Jun Zishu and the others quickly arrived at the post office. The last time Ren Nanying and the others were here, they had already shut all the doors to prevent any zombies from entering the post office and its warehouses.

After entering the last warehouse, they locked the door and pulled down the blinds. Then, everyone fell silent as they recalled what had happened just now.

Nobody would question why that person would want to die. It was an answer everyone already knew, so there wasn’t a need to state the obvious. Even so, this incident had more or less cast a shadow over their hearts.

“How many days does this make today?”


“Only eleven…”

Every day in the apocalypse felt so long and harsh.

“We’ve survived eleven days in this hell already. We’ll definitely be able to continue surviving. I have to cherish this dog life of mine,” Liu Manman said, sniffling as she glanced at the parcels in the warehouse.

There was probably no girl who could refuse the pleasure of tearing open parcels. Even gentle girls who normally couldn’t open a bottle cap would be capable of violently tearing apart a parcel with their bare hands.

Even if they knew what was inside the parcel, they would still look forward to opening it.

“Tear away, comrades!”

“Let’s find ourselves some snacks!”

The eight people in the group walked over to different shelves and began dismantling the parcels one after another. Naturally, they didn’t use their bare hands to do so. Although there was a pleasure in tearing open parcels with their bare hands, it was more efficient to do so with a knife.

“Look what I found! SK2’s holy water! There are even two bottles!” Liu Manman exclaimed

“Hah! That’s nothing! I found some viagra here!” Xu Qiu said.

“What? There are people in our school who need this thing?” Liu Manman asked with widened eyes, memories of the past surfacing in her mind.

When the two boys of the group overheard the two girls discussing viagra fearlessly, they couldn’t help but shudder a little. At the same time, the lower half of their bodies also tensed up a little.

“I bet it’s ordered anonymously.”

“Yep. The receiver’s name is Zhang the Third.”

“I unpacked two bags of crunchy rice, but eating this thing will make us very thirsty, and we don’t seem to have brought any water with us.”

“Why is there only a necklace inside this big box?! But it’s probably quite expensive, so I better put it back.”

“I opened a bag of bread here.”

“Wow, there’s a whole carton of instant noodles here. But…we don’t have hot water… Are we supposed to eat them dry?”

“I found a snack gift pack.”

“How are you all so lucky? I’ve gone through my entire shelf without finding anything edible. All I found are clothing, cosmetics, and jewelry… The strangest thing here is a body pillow,” Chen Beimo commented in frustration.

The group gathered their harvest after going through every parcel inside the warehouse. The bad news was that there wasn’t much food in the warehouse. The good news was that they found a carton of bottled water.

“Who the heck orders a carton of bottled water in this era?” Liu Manman exclaimed, shaking her head. However, despite her words, she was very grateful to the person who had ordered the bottled water.

In the case of food, they found some bread, snack gift packs, crunchy rice, boxes of nuts, vacuum-packed duck meat, and canned Lao Ganma(chili sauce).

“I believe the life of contemporary university students is a little too rich. Look at what I found!” Lin Su said as she dragged a big box over to the group. Then, she opened it and revealed a bunch of self-heating hot pots and self-heating rice.

“I’m about to break into tears. Which little angel gave this gift to us? This person’s even more of a shut-in than I am,” Liu Manman said. The most excessive thing she had ever done as a shut-in was stock up two whole cartons of instant noodles in the dormitory. However, this kindred spirit had not only ordered a bunch of instant meals, but all of these meals were also of the self-heating variety. This person wouldn’t even need to boil water or use a pot to cook their meals. This person had taken laziness to a whole new level.

Regardless, the group no longer had to worry about food. At the very least, they wouldn’t need to worry about starving today.

After taking inventory of their food supply, everyone began choosing the meals they would have. Some chose the self-heating hot pots, and some chose the self-heating rice. Then, they added water into their meals, closed the lid, and waited for their meals to cook.

Steam quickly escaped from the small holes on the lid. After a dozen minutes, steaming hot pots and rice were ready to eat.

Immediately, everyone picked up their disposable chopsticks and began feasting in happiness.

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