Mission XX: Seducing The Great Seducer

Chapter 158 - Why Did It Have To Be Him You Called?

"Although the mere thought of falling in love irks me I have agreed to fulfil your wishes but only on the condition that you will do the same. You might not know but your happiness matters to me more than anything. You have always made sacrifices so I guess it is time for me to start repaying some of the sacrifices," Jasmine said in a serious tone. Jeff standing some distance away could not hear what they were saying.

"I have given some thought about what you said and for your sake, I am willing to give it a shot but you must also agree to my conditions too. I promise that if you don't like him after spending some time with him I will never try to pair the two of you again," Jasmine said as she waited for Catherine's reply.

"If you are ready to make such a big sacrifice for me how could I not agree to your condition," Catherine said as she smiled at her.

Catherine went back to where Jeff was still standing.

"Let's go," Catherine said to the shock of Jeff.

"Are you sure?" Jeff asked just to confirm.

"Of course," Catherine said as she turned to walk towards the exit.

Jeff turned to look at Jasmine with a gaze filled with gratitude. Jasmine just winked at him.

"Guys don't forget to have tons of fun and don't forget to take pictures as evidence," Jasmine shouted so Catherine could hear.

How could I not know my Cat's inner feelings? How could I not know that it is impossible for my Cat to kiss some random guy she doesn't have feelings for? How could I not know that she is hiding her feelings for him because she doesn't want to hurt my feelings or make me sad?

Jasmine thought smiling as she rested her head against the couch.

I have overlooked her feelings for so long so it is time to put an end to always making my best friend sacrifice for me. I have been selfish for a long time so I think it is enough now.

Jasmine thought as she closed her eyes. She stayed in this position for a long time. She only opened her eyes when her phone rang.

"Sure, I will be waiting for you," Jasmine replied smiling.

Back in the car where Catherine and Jeff were sitting beside each other, Jeff who hasn't said anything since they left the mansion turned to stare at Catherine.

"Why are you staring at me like that? If you want to say something then do because your stares plus your silence make me uncomfortable," Catherine said honestly.

"You never liked Jasmine being around JK so why did you call him earlier to tell him that he should take Jasmine out? I don't understand your intention so can you explain yourself," Jeff asked his gaze centred on her. His driver controlling the steering just listens, he dare not turn around for fear of what his boss might do. His boss can be very playful at times but also very stern at other times. Friendly people who get angry are the scariest set of people to him.

"Today has been a very emotional day for Jasmine. She made a big decision that shocked me out of my wits. Apart from that, she is going to visit her mum and dad after a long while, I am afraid that with me not around she might think too much. I am scared that in the process of thinking a lot her mind might wander off to memories and people she doesn't want to remember, that is why I called him to take her out so she won't be alone. You might not know but the last thing I want is to see Jasmine hurt," Catherine said in a serious tone.

"Everyone has times in their lives that they let their thoughts wander to different places so why are you scared about her case? Is there a specific thing or someone you don't want her to think about and why did it have to be JK that you called?" Jeff asked curiously.

"I didn't have any other choice but to call him because Kai wasn't answering my calls. You know how busy Military men are, I am sure he must be on one of his numerous missions," Catherine said in a carefree tone.

She deliberately evaded my other part of the question, she is quite cunning. I wonder why these two friends are always so secretive. We have been friends for so long but never has Jasmine let the words about her secrets slip and so it is with Catherine. No tricks we used worked on them, I...

"What are you thinking about?" Catherine said as she waves her right hand at his face to bring him out of his trance.

"I am just worried whether your plans will work. Although you want Jasmine to hang out with JK, she might reject his proposal..."

"She won't," Catherine blurted out confidently.

"And why are you so confident about this? You are not Jasmine to know what she is thinking right?" Jeff asked trying to stylishly pry answers from her.

"Just watch and see," Catherine said with so much confidence that Jeff got slightly confused.

"Where are you taking me to?" Catherine asked curiously on realising that she did not ask him where they were going to before they left the mansion.

"To somewhere special," Jeff said smiling.

"Why are you suddenly acting so mysterious?" Catherine asked as she stole a glance at his glowing face. She could not resist smiling along with him.

"Anyways I am looking forward to your surprise," Catherine said.

"Before we go there, can we watch a movie first? I bought a ticket to a movie...,"

"Sure," Catherine replied to the amazement of Jeff.

I get nervous when she acts distant from me but seeing her agree easily to what I want to scares me.

Jeff thought as he stares at her. Seeing her turn around to face him, he quickly looked away.

While Catherine and Jeff were preparing to go watch a movie, Jackson arrived in Jasmine's home. He called her without entering her mansion. Jasmine immediately came out to meet him.

He drove away after they were both inside the car. Halfway through their journey, Jasmine strikes a conversation with him.

"Ice Prince, why do you always refuse to enter my house each time you drop by? Is it that you think that my house is not up to your standards or what?" Jasmine asked curiously as she stares at the guy sitting beside her.

"Your mansion is great...,"

"If it is that great then what stops you from entering it?" Jasmine cut him short abruptly.

"Nothing," Jackson lied. The truth is he was afraid that he might not want to leave again if he gets too deep into her world.

His feelings are getting out of control, he was afraid that he might end up forcing her or using trickery so that she will become his woman if he gets to immerse in her perfect world. The last thing he wants to do is force his feelings on her. He respects her feelings so much and he wants this to remain forever.

"You are lying," Jasmine said sternly.

"What do you want us to do today, I will agree to whatever you want," Jackson said just to take her mind away from their earlier discussion.

"I want us to go to the amusement park, I heard that it is fun there," Jasmine said delightfully. Jackson was surprised to see her once angry expression turned to a glittering one. He has spent so much time with her but he can never get used to her mood fluctuations.

"Why do you look so excited like this is your first time going to the amusement park," Jackson asked in a playful tone.

"Because this is my first time going there. As kids, we were never allowed to do normal things kids do. We were allowed to play in our garden and school but not outside of those two places. I was always jealous when my friends talked about how fun the amusement park was but all I could do was listen to their tales," Jasmine said with missed feelings.

"If you so much wanted to go to the park then why didn't you go there when you became an adult?" Jackson asked curiously.

"I don't know. Maybe I couldn't find the person that was worth spending my first time there with," Jasmine replied carefreely.

"And you think I am worth spending your first time with?" Jackson asked anxiously.

"I admit, I like spending time with you. Although you can be very annoying sometimes, you are fun to be with and I don't have to pretend to be someone else when I am around you. You are comfortable to be with," Jasmine said honestly. Jackson just stares at her not knowing whether to cry, smile, hug or kiss her for saying such amazing words about him.


Hello dearest readers, we have come to the end of the month and the last Sunday of August, 2021. Guys, I cannot appreciate all of you enough for how amazing you guys have been. My readers have been nothing but extremely loving, supportive and super amazing. Actually, I never planned on writing this novel and never did I want to join AllNovelFull Spirity Award (WSA). My friend encouraged me to write this novel saying "Flabbergasted, you don't have to give up, there is a chance that you might win this competition". Right now, winning the competition is impossible since there is less than a month left but I don't regret writing this novel, do you guys know why?

Because even though I lost the competition, I won your love instead. I had so much fun writing this novel and I am glad you are having so much fun reading it. I am very happy to have gotten to know you all.

For this week appreciation, I won't say much since I have said all that needs to be said but one thing I want you all to always remember is that I am very grateful to all of you. Words can't express how grateful I am. Your supports are the reason I am still an author. Always remember this.


Our top fan rank goes to Gabriela_Ochoa_7987. Thank you so much for maintaining this rank for so long. For every coin you spend on my novel, I just want to say thank you.


This week top commenters go to DaoistTzoOew and Q_elleson. Thank you so much for the awesome words. I appreciate that you always speak your opinion about the novel. Don't forget to keep the comments coming.


Our top power stone rank goes to NLS_01. Thank you so much for all your votes. If you don't love a book you won't give all your power stones to it, so I want to say thank you for loving my book to the point that you don't relent in using all your power stones to vote for it daily. I am grateful.


This category goes to these four awesome readers DaoistTzoOew, Gabriela_Ochoa_7987, Jay_Jigz, Mona_Mirpuri. They were the ones who showered me with gifts this week. I just want you to know that I received all your gifts and I am grateful to all of you. Thank you so so much for the gifts.


I will be an ingrate if I don't thank all the awesome readers who send me GOLDEN TICKETS in form of gifts and the GOLDEN TICKETS themselves. Only the top three readers who send the most gifts are shown on the AllNovelFull app and these top three readers are none other than, DaoistTzoOew, Gabriela_Ochoa_7987 and Jay_Jigz. Thank you very much guys, you are awesome.

P.S: Please guys don't ever think that I am biased because it is not only I who have access to all these ranks. You can check it on your AllNovelFull app to see whether the rankings are accurate or not. Only the commenters rank are determined by me and if you check the readers profile you will see all the comments they made to show you that my rankings are a hundred per cent accurate.

Thank you and stay blessed. I love all my readers so dearly.

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