"You have to travel back? Did something terrible happen back at home? War has not broken out or had it?" Jasmine asked in a concerned tone.

"Nothing of such happened. It's just that an emergency happened at the base camp and as the officer in charge, my attention is urgently required. I received the call in the morning and I had wanted to inform you immediately about it but unluckily for me, I couldn't," Kai said in a composed tone.

"I also don't want you to leave but I know your work is more important than what I want so I will try my best to accept it because that is what a good fiance should do. She should always be very understanding all the time," Jasmine lied about the part that says she did not want Kai to leave. In fact, she is dying for him to leave.


"I will try my best to wake up very early so I can see you off to the airport. All you need to do is to tell me the time of your flight," Jasmine tried to sound like an understanding fiance. She needs to play her role well.

"It is departing 5:30 am....,"

"Damn! that means I have to wake up at least by 5:00 am. I can't believe I only have to sleep only 3 hours plus today despite being on vacation," Jasmine said sounding sad.

"You don't have to see me off to the airport...,"

"I was just kidding, you don't have to take my words seriously. They are days I don't get a wink of sleep so this is nothing to me," Jasmine tried to assure him with a smile on her face.

"Let's go in now. You need to go to bed now so you can wake up on time for your flight. I would not have set up the club outing tonight if I knew that you had an early morning flight," Jasmine said as she got out of the car. She and Kai walked into the hotel together.

Exactly it was 5:00 am, Jasmine woke up and take care of her teeth before she changed from her pyjamas into something presentable. She did not have enough time to shower and do all the necessary stuff so she left her room so she could go meet Kai. The journey from the hotel to the airport was a very quiet one. Kai is the type who doesn't talk a lot and Jasmine who loves talking always feel awkward around him that is why she deliberately did not talk.

After she saw Kai off, the sleepyhead Jasmine went back to the hotel. She sleep in the entire morning and luckily for her, others were too busy to care about her. She woke up at noon only to freshen up and get ready for lunch.

"Seeing you sleep in the entire day like someone who is with a child, I thought you were pregnant," Evelyn teased when the glowing Jasmine joined them on the beach.

"And if I was pregnant like you said who would be the father? Is it Steve?" Jasmine said playfully just to get back at Evelyn for teasing her.

"And why would it be my baby when Jack the biological father is here?" Evelyn teased giggling at the end of her sentence. She was glad Jackson was not there, he would have definitely glared at her if he was there.

"You are just so difficult to win arguments against. You are not as easy to win against like the guys," Jasmine conceded defeat as she sat down beside Evelyn. She began scrutinising the entire beach with her eyes. One look at her and you will know that she was searching for a specific person.

"If you are searching the beach in hopes of finding Jack then I advise that you put an end to it. Jack left the hotel earlier this morning and he hasn't come back yet. Steve said he called to inform him that he is on his way. I am sure he will be back any moment from now," Evelyn put an end to Jasmine's search. Jasmine brought her attention to the lady sitting beside him on her right-hand side.

"And who says that I was searching for Ice Prince? It could...,"

"Your eyes said so. You know eyes are the only part of the human body that cannot lie. It will tell others what you don't want to reveal," Evelyn said in a serious tone.

"Jack is one of the finest species the world has ever produced, it is quite understandable if you have fallen in love with him. Moreover which lady will stay with such a fine man for more than three months and will not develop butterflies each time she sets her eyes on him...,"

"Evelyn, did I offend you unknowingly whether at present or in the past?" Jasmine put an abrupt end to Evelyn's words.

"The way you keep attacking me at all angles since you arrived made me think that maybe I made you unhappy in any way," Jasmine said faking a displeased expression.

"I was being honest so why are you overreacting? Don't tell me you are acting this way because you are guilty of secretly being in love with Jack?" Evelyn tried to use tricks to pry answers from Jasmine. The way she winked naughtily at Jasmine made Jasmine stood up from where she sat.

"I am afraid I might puke blood if I continue staying with you. I think it is better to stay with innocent Lizzy than staying with a corrupt minded lady like you...,"

"You are an expert in that aspect Jasmine. Compared to you, I am just an amateur so why are you running away from me?" Evelyn said loudly as she stares at her already departed back. Evelyn could not resist smiling while staring at her back.

"She is so adorable when she tries to act innocent. Maybe teasing her more often might be beneficial to Jack," Evelyn muttered as she watches Jasmine sat beside Evelyn sitting on the sand very close to the water.

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