Mission XX: Seducing The Great Seducer

Chapter 271 - He Hung Up The Call On Her

"This is what she has always wanted since her engagement with Young Master Allen was set so this news would have made her so excited but I can't believe that the opposite is happening here," Mrs Avans said while staring at her husband sitting beside her.

"Do you think the young man who defended her yesterday is responsible for her change?" Mrs Avans said even though her husband was ignoring her.

"The sooner she gets back to her senses, the better for everyone. It doesn't matter who is responsible for it," Mr Avans said coldly.

Back in her room, Jasmine was about to go shower when she recall something.

"How could I forget that I have a phone hidden away somewhere under my bed," Jasmine said grinning as she bent and went under her bed.

Since her father always had the habit of seizing her phones and laptop each time he locks her up since childhood, she had learned to have more than two phones. The last time her father locked her up was when she was eighteen years old and back then she was locked up for a week.

Just to be able to keep in contact with her, Catherine had snuck a cellphone into her room. She had always hidden the phone underneath her bed because that is one of the places her security guards rarely search.

Jasmine crawl underneath the bed, she smiled when she saw the phone at exactly the place she had neatly hidden it away. Without caring to crawl out, the first person's line Jasmine dialled was Jackson's line.

In the process of waiting for Jackson to answer the line Jasmine slowly crawl out. The instant she crawl out of the underneath of the bed Jackson finally answered the line on her second attempt.

"Hello Ice Prince, this is me, Jasmine...,"

"You didn't need to introduce yourself after calling me Ice Prince because that title is exclusively yours. Nobody dares to address me like that except you," Jackson said in a cold and distant tone.

"It's good you have....,"

"What do you want from me, Miss Jasmine?" Jackson cut short the happy Jasmine.

Previously she was happy that Jackson answered the line but hearing the way he talks, Jasmine happiness slowly fades away.

"Ice Prince, are you mad at me because of the news? Actually, it was never my intention...,"

"If Miss Jasmine doesn't have anything important to say then I will disconnect the line now. I was busy before you called," Jackson said in a distant tone as he immediately disconnected the line.

"Ice Prince...," Jasmine paused whatever she wanted to say when she realised that Jackson had really disconnected the call on her.

"What were you thinking Jasmine, that he will jump up in excitement after all the hurtful words you said to him? Maybe his feelings for you had vanished just like it came now he has realised that you are a mean witch and a user," Jasmine said as she threw the cellphone on the bed.

"He has realised that what other men said about you is true. How can he still love you after you tarnished his perfect image, that of his family and company," Jasmine said as she laid on the bed? She curled her body into a ball.

"He doesn't love you again? Are you happy now? Isn't this what you wanted so why are you looking so miserable?" Jasmine said as she hurriedly wiped the warm drop of tears that just fell from her eyes.

Back in Steve's home, everyone turned to stare at Jackson after he abruptly disconnected the call on Jasmine.

"JK, are you and sister-in-law perhaps fighting again? Why do you guys fight so often even though you are not a couple yet?" Jeff asked as he focused all his attention on him.

When he saw the news yesterday he was very worried about Jackson so he had immediately called his line bit unfortunately after so many attempts nobody answered the line.

Anxious to know about his whereabouts he had immediately called Steve to ask whether he knew about the whereabouts of Jackson. It was then Steve told him that Jackson was at his place. Without wasting any minute he had rushed down to Steve's place so they could all keep him company.

He was so glad that Jackson wasn't at his home when the video went viral or else with all the reporters staking out in front of his mansion, he was certain Jackson would have been trapped in his home. Even his beloved Catherine could not leave her apartment because of the current situation.

"Jack, why did you speak to her like that? That was very harsh of you. I am sure she must have been hurt," Evelyn spoke her mind fearlessly.

"Are you treating her this way because of the news? Although Jasmine is wilful and rumoured to be cruel, we all know that is not true. I am sure it was not her intention to create this mess so I suggest you give her the chance to explain...,"

"And who says I am like this because of the stupid news? Such stupid thing would never make me treat her this way because I cared less about what people think," Jackson said firmly. Judging from the way he spoke they knew he was not lying.

"Then what made you speak to her that way despite knowing that she would be hurt? Did you both get into a fight after the incident?" Evelyn asked out of concern.

"No matter how I treat her she would never get hurt and this is because she doesn't have an ounce of feelings for me. It's painful but that's the truth," Jackson said as he stood up and headed towards the direction of the porch.

"What exactly did Jasmine said to Jack to make him so hurt and upset? And how could he say that Jasmine does not love him when it is as clear as crystal that Jasmine has feelings for him," Evelyn said as she stare at Jackson's departing back.

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