Mission XX: Seducing The Great Seducer

Chapter 286 - Jasmine Finally Tell Him About Her Past

"If that is what you were expecting then I am sorry to disappoint you. I am not the least happy to see your ugly face," Jasmine said loudly to the shock of everyone.

Other customers began mumbling on hearing Jasmine harsh words. The young guy standing beside her did not look ugly in any way so they wondered why she made such remarks.

"I was so happy before you arrived but your face and entire presence has ruined not only my mood but my appetite," Jasmine said as she turned and left the restaurant without carrying her handbag. Nicholas tried to follow her but Jackson quickly stood up and held his hand.

"It looks like she doesn't want to talk to you so why don't you stay away from her," Jackson said coldly. Nicholas turned and glare at him.

"And who the heck are you to tell me what to do?" Nicholas asked fiercely as he wriggled his hand from Jackson's grip.

"You will definitely know who I am if you dare make my woman uncomfortable in my presence again," Jackson said coldly as he picked up her handbag and turned to leave.

"Whatever you claim you are I don't care because that was in the past. Now that the real owner is back you stand no place in her life. She is mine in this lifetime and I will show it to you," Nicholas said seriously. Jackson turned to glare at him.

"If you were with your senses I would have replied to your question but I can see that you are totally insane," Jackson said before he turned and walk away.

When he reached the car, he saw Jasmine sitting with her back resting against the seat. Even though he was outside he could see that she looked upset.

"Damn that jerk for showing his face in front of me again. What effrontery!" Jasmine said angrily the moment he entered the car.

"How dare he expect me to welcome him with open arms and a smile on my face. He should be grateful I did not strangle him to death in there," Jasmine said once again. All Jackson could do was stare at her. Since he was not aware of what was going on, he did not know what to do or say to ease her anger.

"Jasmine, I will take you back home. Try not to get so upset hmm," Jackson said before he ignited the car.

"Let's go to your home. I don't feel like staying alone and I don't want to disturb Cat, I am sure she must be having a nice time with Pretty Boy," Jasmine said in a more composed tone.

"Sure," Jackson said. On his way home, none of them spoke to each other until they reach home.

"Lilian, get your madam a glass of cold juice," Jackson instructed the moment they entered the sitting room.

"Yes, boss," Lilian said before she walks away. She came back a few minutes later with a cup of apple juice.

"You leave now but make sure to tell the other to retire to their quarters. I don't want to see anyone in the mansion except I uplift my order. Anyone who dares disobey my order will be fired immediately," Jackson said sternly.

"I will pass your orders to everyone immediately," Lilian said as she gave the glass of juice to Jackson whose hand was extended.

"Jasmine, have this. You will feel much better after drinking it," Jackson said as he handed her the cup of juice. Jasmine reluctantly collected the glass of juice from him.

While Jackson was waiting for Jasmine to calm down, Lilian pass Jackson orders to her colleagues and immediately they all exited the building using the back door.

"Do you want to talk about it? If no then it's ok with me, I will comfort you in any way I can," Jackson said in a calm tone.

"If it was left for me I wouldn't have wanted to tell you anything since I loathe remembering that incident but I am afraid that he will reveal everything to you and even tell lies so I will tell you what really happened...,"

"If you are not comfortable saying it then it's ok. I will wait until you are ready," Jackson said.

"I am sure even though he doesn't say anything that b*tch will try everything to ruin our relationship so I will say it," Jasmine said firmly. Jasmine exhaled deeply before she began speaking.

"Do you recall when I told you on our trip that the night we went to the club that I behaved strangely was supposed to be my sixth wedding anniversary?" Jasmine asked while staring at his face.

"Yes and is the jerk perhaps the one who dumped you before your wedding day?" Jackson said in mellowed tone.

"Actually, he did not dump me but I caught him having sex with my best friend in our house that my grandma bought for us as our wedding gift...,"

"What?" Jackson remarked in shock. Even without hearing the entire story, he quite understood why Jasmine was the way she is. And he finally understood her attitude towards the guy earlier

"Yeah and I almost murdered both of them. I was so ready to spend the rest of my life in prison by murdering them for tainting the perfect wedding gift my grandma gave us but Cat stopped me," Jasmine said.

Although she was smiling Jackson could tell that her pains were far beyond words. He could tell that she was shedding silent tears within.

"Actually, I met him when I was sixteen years old and in the university. He was the first to fall in love with me but when it was my turn to return his feelings I did it in ten folds. I loved him to the point of stupidity. All my first times were done with him except having sex...," Jasmine trailed as a painful smile appear on her face.

"We were so madly in love with each other to the point that we did almost everything together. Almost everyone in the university knew us. We were the talk of the entire school. Everything went smoothly. When I turned eighteen he proposed to me and I accepted his proposal but my father wasn't cool with it," Jasmine paused as she brought her gaze back to his face.

"And why was he against the marriage?" Jackson asked curiously.


Hello lovely readers, I have been writing nonstop for the past year without a single rest. Apart from this book, I am sure that all of you know that I still have other books.

You might not know but it can be quite stressful to write for so long without taking a break which is why I want to tell you guys that the daily updates might drop to one chapter a day depending on how supportive you guys are. 

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Don't forget what I said comes with a condition.

If you support my book very well as always then I will make you guys happy with the updates. It is a promise so please let's work hard together.

I love you guys very much ❤❤❤.

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