"And I bet they said that we looked perfect together right?" Jackson asked smiling. His smile slowly faded when Max did not say anything.

"Or was that not what they said?" Jackson asked as he threw Max a fierce glance.

"No. They said you are Miss Jasmine's new target and that they are sure that she will dump you in less than two months since those she goes out with doesn't last long...,"

"How dare they say that about my relationship with her?" Jackson asked angrily. At that moment Max regretted bringing up the topic with his boss.

"And who are the employees who made those comments?" Jackson asked sternly.

"A lot of them said it and some of them even expressed their fears that the company might suffer damage when she decides to dump you since it is her habit to always claim her conqueror's wealth," Max felt like beating his mouth when he realised the nonsense he had just spilt.

"If they think that Jasmine and I will break up anytime soon then that is their wishful thinking. In a short time, I will face slap all of them with my wedding card. I will show them that Jasmine might have dumped other men but I am the last man who will forever stay by her side," Jackson declared firmly.

"I wish you luck then, boss," Max said as he turned to leave but Jackson called him back.

"Since you have so much free time to join others to gossip then I want you to review these documents again," Jackson said as he showed him the pile of documents he wants him to review.

Max almost fainted when he realised what his words had gotten him into.

"But boss...,"

"I want them reviewed and brought to my desk as soon as possible," Jackson said before he lowered his gaze back on what he was previously working on.

On their way out of a restaurant after she met with a client Jasmine and Catherine bumped into a lady they both detest outside the restaurant.

"Oh, it's Jasmine. The prideful second daughter of the Avans family," the lady announced on seeing them.

"Oh, it's the green snake who has always pretended to be an angel, Samantha Philips," Jasmine replied with a frown.

"You still haven't changed. You are still as proud as ever...,"

"Take a good look at yourself before you began judging others, ok," Catherine who can't stand the annoying lady interfered.

"And she still hasn't changed, she is still protective of you. I wonder when she will stop being your lackey and decide to make a breakthrough...," Jasmine slapped her hard on the face before she could finish her words.

"You can insult me however you want but don't you ever insult the person I care about because I won't just stand still," Jasmine said fiercely. Samantha tried to retaliate but Jasmine caught her raised hand and violently threw it away.

"The next time you dare try to slap me and I catch your hand, I won't be so merciful. That I did not gouge out the eyes you used in seducing that scum does not mean that I am an idiot. I will break your hand the next time I have it in my possession so be careful," Jasmine said as she made to leave but Jasmine and Catherine stopped in her track because of Samantha's comment.

"I heard you have recently hooked up with another rich tycoon," Samantha said just to piss off Jasmine.

"Isn't that your habit or don't tell me you are talking about yourself?" Catherine replied harshly before Jasmine could.

"At least I managed to find myself someone more rich, handsome and a thousand times better than the one you have so whether it was I who hooked up with him or not it doesn't matter...," Jasmine trailed as she turned and walk closer to where Samantha was still standing.

She brought her mouth very close to Samantha's right ear.

"I also learned that you are still stuck with that cheating bastard who has nothing better to offer. What luck!" Jasmine said grinning evilly before she turned and walk away.

The furious Samantha screamed after Jasmine car left the restaurant premises.

"I swear I will make her pay," Samantha said coldly before she turned and walked to where she parked her car.

Inside the car, Catherine who saw Jasmine smiling could not help but wonder what was making her smile so much when she expected her to be angry.

"Jasmine, why are you smiling so much? And what the heck did you whisper into her ears because I could how she was boiling in a rage after you whispered something into her ears," Catherine asked curiously.

"I did not say anything special. I just used her tactics against her," Jasmine said beaming.

"I guess she thought you were still that lovely girl six years ago not knowing that you have turned to a mean witch after going through so much," Catherine said. She was so relieved to see Jasmine smiling instead of seeing her in tears.

"You are right about that and I am sure that she will not dare to rashly attack me next time after what I did. Anyways, if she dares to confront me again, I will show her what I am made of," Jasmine said confidently.

"I believe you a hundred per cent," Catherine supported with smiles on her face.

When Jasmine and Catherine got back to their office, they continued with their unfinished work.

When it was time for leaving work, Catherine waited until they reached the car before she told Jasmine what she had meant to tell her since that morning.

"Jasmine, I have applied for a leave of absence for a week and it has already been approved," Catherine broke the news when they were both sitting in Jasmine's car.

Jasmine was surprised to learn about this since Catherine never told her that anything was wrong.

"Are you ill? What happened?" Jasmine asked in a worried tone.

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