"You will arrive at the office late if you want to drop me off at the office...,"

"I can still meet up with the time so don't worry," Jackson said as he urged her on.

The two of them went upstairs to her room. He would have loved for her to eat breakfast but he knew they would arrive at the office extremely late if they stayed back for breakfast so he decided they would both skip eating breakfast at home.

While Jasmine showers Jackson waits in her bedroom.

When she came out he helped her to not only pick her outfit but he helped to dry her hair and style it in the way she wanted.

Jasmine and Jackson left for work together. After dropping her off at the office, he left for work.

An hour after Jasmine arrived at work Jasmine had a visitor. She was surprised when she saw the lady standing in the middle of the room.

"Lilian, what are you doing here?" Jasmine stares at the well-dressed lady. Since she was used to seeing the young lady in her working uniform, she was surprised to see her new look.

"You didn't have breakfast so boss asked me to bring you breakfast. He knew you would definitely miss breakfast because of your busy schedule," Lilian said as she revealed the red lunchbox she had hidden behind her back.

"That's so sweet of him but did he ask you to bring him breakfast too?" Jasmine asked curiously. She left her desk and went down to the centre of the room where couches were neatly arranged.

"No, he was only worried about your breakfast and not his...,"

"So you mean you didn't get him breakfast too?" Jasmine asked the obvious question.

"Yes, I didn't," Lilian replied as she dropped the lunchbox on the centre table.

"If that is the case then bring the food to his office instead, I will order...,"

"Madam please don't make me do that or the boss will punish me severely for this. He had promised to punish me if I dare go back on his orders," Lilian pleaded in a meek tone.

"Ok, if that is the case I won't make things difficult for you. I will order the food for him, he won't punish you if I do that," Jasmine said as she offered Lilian a seat.

"Sorry, Madam but I need to run along now. I can't sit down since I have so many things to do at home," Lilian said in a polite tone.

"You can leave if that's the case but I won't let you leave hurriedly the next time you visit," Jasmine said as she smiled at Lilian.

"Whatever Madam says is what I will do," Lilian bowed before she turned and exited the office.

Three minutes after Lilian left Catherine came into the office with files in her hands.

"Come and eat with me," Jasmine said as she signals Catherine to sit down.

"We are in the office, it's not proper...,"

"Girl, stop acting like everyone in the office are not aware that we are friends. Even when we are in the office I see you as a friend instead of an employee. I know you are aware of this so why are you trying to make me feel bad?" Jasmine faked a painful expression.

Her emotional blackmail worked on Catherine because the moment she saw Jasmine's sad expression she sat down beside her.

"I will eat so stop feeling terrible because of what I said earlier," Catherine said as she smiled at Jasmine.

"Now you are talking," Jasmine said her once sad expression vanishing in an instance.

Everything was going just fine with everyone until later in the night that Evelyn overheard Rose talking to someone in the restroom in a bar.

"Jane, how is your plan going? Has the investor left the hotel room as we planned?" Rose standing in front of the mirror in the ladies restroom asked curiously.

Evelyn on hearing the familiar lady's voice paid attention to what the lady was saying. She stays inside one of the restrooms without making a sound.

"Jack is struggling to maintain consciousness. It's a matter of time and I will have my way with him. I will see how that b*tch will fight over him with me when I revealed that I am carrying his child," Jane also hiding away in the restroom said grinning evilly.

"Make sure Jackson makes love to you after the drug had taken effect. You must make sure the intimacy is not a brief one to guaranty you get pregnant. Also, don't forget to install the cameras before your intimacy. You know we will have great use for the videos and pictures," Rose said in a happy tone.

Evelyn hiding away covered her mouth to suppress any sound from escaping from her mouth when she learns the ladies plans.

She was certain that Rose must have made sure the restroom was empty for her to have confidently made such a call in a public restroom.

The time she came into the restroom, she happened to have walked carefully without making a sound. Maybe this is why Rose did not know that apart from her there was someone else there.

Evelyn quietly waited for Rose to leave the restroom. When she did not hear any sound or movements, she opened the door, stick her neck out to survey the restroom.

She quickly came out after making sure that Rose was gone.

Without wasting time Evelyn dialled Jackson's line to warn him against the trap set for him. Even after her third attempt, there was no response. She could not help but guess that the sneaky lady must have taken care of his phone to make sure that no one disrupt her plans.

Since Jackson wasn't responding to her calls Evelyn called Jasmine to inform her about what was going on with her man.

She narrated the conversation she heard to Jasmine and what she thinks are the two devious ladies schemes.

(Guys, let's make a deal. As long as you buy privileged chapters I will give a mass release on the 25th December and on the 1st January 2022, what do say?)

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