Chapter 214 Ant Colony (2)

'There are two guards at the peak of the fourth Rank protecting the entrance of the chamber, while there are close to fifty soldier ants and more than a thousand normal ant workers are wandering in this place,'

'I can expect at least double the number of ant guards and ant soldiers inside the chamber protecting the queen,' Alex thought as he stopped using his magical eyes.

'I want to try my luck with Summoning a monster like Nyla once again, but for the current situation having quantity will be better than quantity,' Alex thought as he used the 'Summon Elemental' skill, choosing to summon three early-stage fourth Rank elemental.

Alex knew that even if he summoned just a single elemental, the chances of it being someone with similar capabilities to Nyla were slim to none because monsters like her were beyond rare.

Alex drank a potion to recover his mana back to full, and then he started waiting for the summoning to complete while hoping for the best.

After fifteen seconds, the first summoning circle vanished, leaving behind a humane figure standing 6.7ft tall with a lighter dark skin tone wearing leather armor with heavy white fur while a large bow was strapped to his back.

'He belongs to a Race I never heard about, but that aside he's strong and has great control over the shadow element,' Alex thought, sensing minimal presence from the man down, even while using his mana.

The summon name was Niyog, and his Race was Shadow Qibil, and while Alex was looking at his profile, he vanished from his place and appeared before him like a ghost.

"Summoner, What are your orders for me," The summon asked in a low and deep voice.

"I want you to help me slaughter the creatures you can see down there, but for now, we wait," Alex said, nodding in understanding Niyog shifted his focus to observe the two remaining pools of darkness.

After a few seconds, the second circle vanished, leaving behind a unique creature, a female whose body was made entirely from constantly burning pitch-dark flames.

The third summon appeared a few moments after that, a Minotaure, a hulking creature standing at the towering height of close to fifteen feet, wielding two great battleaxes.

'I wonder if their roles were predetermined, or I just got lucky and summoned a team,' Alex thought, looking at a silent Archer, A magician, and a brute waiting for orders.

"Target the big ones first," Alex ordered as he walked toward the edge.

'Let's slaughter these giant ants,' Alex thought, setting his sights on the two ants covered in spiky armor standing guard before the chamber entrance.

Alex firmly gripped his sword covering it in a vast amount of mana and focusing it on the blade edge before vanishing from his place using phantom walk, and a mere moment later, he appeared right next to one of his targets.

'Darkness Veil Reaper Slash'

Alex took a moment to line both ant's necks before swinging his sword, sending forth a silent wall of pitch darkness that sliced through their necks in an instant, decapitating them.

The two ants' heads dropped to the ground, attracting others while Alex took a moment to use his eyes of the ancient to look inside the pitch-dark chamber to find out the number of strong ants he would need to handle.

The chamber stretched for hundreds of meters and was filled with thousands upon thousands of eggs piled on each other, and in the center of the chamber, in pitch darkness, laid a massive creature that Alex instantly recognized as the queen.

The Ant queen's height reached close to a hundred feet, and working around her were tens of other ants carrying and arranging the eggs while six ants with the strongest aura stood on guard around her in a circle.

After getting the information he wanted and seeing nothing unexpected stored for him, Alex used his finger to rupture his ear canals to make himself deaf, as it was the only way he had to not get affected by the loud piercing sound attack made by the ant soldiers.

Alex used the miasma field skill, creating a domain of corrosive darkness with a radius of hundred meters and pushing the mana needed to maintain it every second to triple the normal amount, increasing its potency.

Alex waited for the ants to come at him as he looked toward his Elemental, and not disappointing him, the minotaur was standing above the crushed corpse of a soldier ant.

The fire elemental, named Blight, floated in the air with giant balls of flames taking form around her while the Archer stood at the edge with his bow stretched, ready to fire a pitch-dark arrow.


[Twenty Minutes Later]

'It was harder than I expected to handle two of these queen guards at the same time,' Alex thought, standing above the corpse of an oversized ant with its head being pierced tens of times.

The queen guards were very hard to deal with because, other than their monster's strength and much better control over fire, acid, and poison elements, those bastards could fly and do so at an incredible speed.

Alex looked around, and the area once filled with hundreds of lively ants was now a field of corpses, and his three summons were engaged in their battle against queen guards, and even though weaker, they were holding their own.

'Who needs help,' Alex thought, looking toward his summons.

The minotaur was going on a rampage with his dual axes against the queen guard, and while his giant body had deep gashes and sections of his skin constantly being burned by the acid, he looked fine, with his health being slightly below half.

Blight, The fire elemental, stood in a field of fire, drowning the queen guard in a field of flames, keeping it at bay while constantly showering him with flame attacks chipping away at his health.

The Archer was having the easiest time, or he made it appear to be, as he was engaged with two queen guards and not overwhelmingly, but he was dominating them, and he was doing so with his ability to seamlessly merge with the shadows and appear in fifty meters radius.

Alex decided to handle the ant engaged against the minotaur first, and without wasting time, he joined the battle, and in less than a few minutes, the ant was dead.

Alex and the minotaur then moved to the ant guard engaged against the Blight and killed in mere seconds before all three of them moved on to the last two queen guards, taking them down without facing any resistance.

The only creatures remaining in the ant colony were the thousands of unhatched eggs and the ant queen, so with his three summon, Alex entered the chamber and engaged in a battle with the giant ant.

The Ant queen had a massive health pool with an extremely tough exoskeleton and an additional ability to make mental attacks, and she could also use her enormous wings as blades and create strong wind attacks while also having all other normal ant abilities.

The Ant queen's biggest advantage was her mental attacks, but they were completely useless against Alex thanks to his Psychic Shield passive skill, and with two of his summons being range attackers, it affected them very little.

The Ant queen struggled by using every trick in her arsenal, but under the constant barrage of attacks, she was killed in under ten minutes, and with their purposes served, the summons returned to where they came from.

Alex didn't waste any time destroying the unhatched eggs and left the mines toward the city to submit his mission and complete his last Ruler mission.

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