After completing the Domain Connection Rank promotion, Alex returned to the Royal palace and logged out of the game to rest, spend time with his family and tell them about his absence for the next ten days.

Alex had a lengthy conversation with Doctor Elmer about the current status of his sister, and thankfully, there were no abnormalities.

Alex also asked Dr.Elmer if he found any truth about the possibility of Life serum treatment acting as a slow poison and negatively affecting his sister's organs in the long term, which he had asked him to a few days ago.

After experiencing the nightmare in the Thunder Knight trial, Alex didn't take that illusion as a lie but as a possibility.

Alex had never heard of any patient being negatively affected by the Life Serum, but he understood it was impossible to completely deny the possibility of its happening.

Dr.Elmer told Alex that he could not confirm his concerns, but he believed that prolonged use of the serum could affect the patient negatively like any other medicine.

Dr.Elmer assured Alex that life serum was a miraculous medicine vastly advanced from anything humans had created, and it would take years of its consistent use to affect an individual negatively, while his sister should be cured in a year or two at the longest.

Alex spent his day with his family, even convincing his father to buy one of the newer model cars with much better safety and AI integration.

After spending the day with his family, Alex returned to his room, checked the nutrition fluids of his VR capsule, and returned to the Ancient world prepared to slumber for the next seven days.


"I see you guys in seven days," Alex said, lying on a comfortable bed facing Varon, Lady Elmara, and his two shadow guardians.

Lady Elmara left her lab and came to the palace just because Alex's slumber presented her with once in a lifetime opportunity to gather rare information.

Alex was excited to receive the reward for the third test of might while being quite nervous about going into slumber for seven days straight.

Alex took a deep breath as he accepted the reward for the third test of might, and in mere moments, he lost his consciousness drifting into a deep slumber.

After a few seconds, ancient dark runes started to surface on Alex's body, covering its entirely in a few seconds while pulsing with a dim glow gathering mysterious energy invisible to the eyes from the surrounding and creating a serene atmosphere in the room.

"It is fascinating how quickly the runes can gather such pure and vast amounts of spirit energy." Lady Margaret said in a low voice, like thinking out loud, feeling the rich and mysterious invisible energy flowing around her, making her feel relaxed.

"If you want to stay and watch, then keep your mouth shut or leave before I kick you out myself," Lady Elmara said in her emotionless voice while her eyes stayed fixated on Alex.

Varon waved his hand, creating a different space around himself, Lady Margaret, and Elder Darrien, leaving Lady Elmara alone to do her research.

Lady Elmara raised her hands, and hundreds of runes of different colors started to manifest on every inch of the room walls while a globe of thousands of miniature runes was created around Alex.

The spirit energy entered Alex's body steadily, and under the guidance of the ancient Runes, it slowly started refining his soul or at least what little was present.

While Alex slept peacefully, oblivious to the changes happening to him, AI Zero was feeling quite annoyed seeing his current situation.


A man dressed in a tuxedo walked through the pitch darkness as his surrounding space molded for him, forming a space tunnel, and in mere moments, he appeared before a massive dark wall stranded in the folds of space.

'I knew this day would be coming, but I didn't expect it to be so soon, and now, because of that lucky Rat, I need to meet with that scary witch again,'

'It is annoying how all my well-established plans could be heavily affected just because of one little rat, and I can do nothing about him,' The man thought, taking a deep breath to calm his emotions.

If Alex or any other player could see the man, they wouldn't believe their eyes because the man stranded in space was none other than AI Zero, known for his grand authority.

Zero stood before the dark wall like a statue without uttering a word, like waiting for something, and slowly, seconds turned to minutes and minutes into hours, but no changes occurred to his surroundings.

The hours turned to days, but Zero didn't move an inch, and after six days were complete, the section of the dark wall before Zero seamlessly transformed into a massive gate that swung open.

Zero took a deep breath and entered the gate, appearing in a massive throne room, massive pillars made from dark crystals lining both sides of the room, shining with a very dim light being the only illumination source in the pitch-dark throne room.

A majestic throne was located at the end of the room, and on it, a female was seated with her legs crossed with an unrivaled face, her beauty hard to put into words while her body from her neck down was shrouded by a pitch-dark dress that looked to be seamless flowing darkness.

"You want to place restrictions on Alex to prevent him from doing harm to the inhabitants of Earth or spreading the truth about the Ancient World,"

"You can place some light restrictions on Alex, but you are not allowed to stagnate his devolvement in any form and make sure that he stays safe on Earth,"

"Now You can take your leave," The female said in her cold, emotionless voice.

"Lady Enigma, You have my gratitude for your understanding," Zero said with his head down, and a moment later, he was back outside the dark wall, stranded in the folds of space.


(7 Days Later)

Alex woke up to the constant system notification ringing in his head, and at first, he felt confused and agitated, but slowly he calmed down as memories flooded his mind reminding him of his situation.

Alex should have been extremely excited to check his gain, but he felt dead tired with no energy to get up from the bed, and the only thought he had was to log out and sleep.

"Domain Ruler, You should sleep for real to let your body adjust to the changes," Lady Elmara said, appearing next to him.

Alex left the game, and after staying in pitch darkness for a few seconds, he exited the pod with a splitting headache making him crash to the floor face first while clenching his head with both hands.

The headache lasted for a few seconds, which felt like hours for Alex in his current mental and physically tired condition, and after that, everything was just a blur to him.

Alex climbed to his bed and closed his eyes, not having enough energy to drink water or take some painkiller for the mild headache he was experiencing.

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