Chapter 228 Librarian Trial

Alex made his way deeper into the library, and after navigating through complex corridors and passing through tens of restricted areas using his Noble authority, he reached the heart of the library.

At the center of the Royal Library was the sacred chamber, a place of profound significance, not only for its architectural beauty but also for the knowledge and treasures it safeguarded.

Alex entered the chamber, and he first felt the scent of aged parchment, Ancient wood, and old leather bindings wafting through the air before taking in the beauty of the colossal chamber.

The chamber itself was a sight to behold, an awe-inspiring space that radiated an air of mystique and reverence.

It was a circular room with a domed ceiling adorned with intricate murals depicting scenes of scholarly pursuits, great intellectual achievements, historical events, and mythical tales.

The whole chamber was lined with shelves containing ancient tomes, scrolls, and manuscripts, with soft, warm lighting illuminating the vast space passing through the glass window in the ceiling, casting a gentle glow on the countless rows of bookshelves that stretched to the ceiling, disappearing into the distance.

The shelves were made of rich, dark wood that seemed to stand as silent sentinels, housing the treasure trove of written works.

After admiring the chamber's unique beauty, Alex walked toward the bookshelves, intending to find the magic grimoire section and the one grimoire he wanted.


'Now all that is left is to answer the librarian's riddles and claim this grimoire as my own,' Alex thought, as he held a book bound in worn white leather, with the title "Sage's Tome" embossed on it in faded gold letters.

The majority of the knowledge available in the Royal Library of Gold Kingdom could be bought by individuals who had the authority to access it in exchange for money.

There was restricted knowledge that could only be exchanged with knowledge of equivalent value, but those rules didn't apply to the central chamber of the Royal Library.

If any individuals wanted to take something from the central chamber, they either needed to acquire permission from the King of the Gold Kingdom or pass the test of the chamber librarian, which was to answer three of his riddles.

Alex quickly made his way toward the center of the chamber, and his eyes caught sight of an old elf with long, silver hair and wise eyes sitting at a grand desk.

The elf was meticulously looking through a big book and seemed deeply engrossed in his task, and the moment Alex got near the grand desk, The librarian, looked up with a smile.

The librarian's gaze was filled with ancient wisdom and a depth that seemed to penetrate Alex's very being, and he looked at him with a mixture of curiosity and solemnity as if he already knew the purpose of Alex's visit.

The librarian, without uttering a single word, gracefully extended his slender hand toward the plush, velvety red chair placed before him, inviting Alex to take his seat. "Honored librarian, I want to keep this grimoire," Alex said, placing the book on the desk.

"Ah, the Sage's Tome, a treasure indeed, but to keep it, you either need permission from the King or pass my trial by simply answering three riddles." The librarian said, his gentle voice carrying an air of wisdom.

"I will try my luck with riddles," Alex said, smiling but mentally preparing to face the challenge, knowing it would be anything but easy.

"You don't need to be so stressed, as such a clouded mind will do more harm than good," The elf said as he chuckled softly.

"I will ask you three riddles one by one, but to answer all three of them, you will have five minutes or three hundred seconds, so use them wisely, and if your time runs out or you answer any riddle incorrectly, then the trial will be over," The librarian said as he placed a sand clock on the table.

"I am ready," Alex said after taking a final moment to calm his mind and eliminate all unnecessary thoughts.

The elf's eyes sparkled with recognition, and a faint smile played upon his lips as he began to recite the riddles with an enigmatic and melodic cadence.

"Born in darkness, Shaped with skillful craft, revered by countless, yet often breaks apart, I possess immense worth, yet cannot be sold. What am I?"

Alex's mind raced as the weight of the words settled upon him, searching for the elusive answer from his memory, but even after a few seconds, he could not find the answer or any matching riddle.I think you should take a look at

Alex instantly shifted his focus to clues knowing time was ticking, and he could only spend so much of it on the first riddle, which should be the easiest of the three riddles.

'Born in darkness, crafted with art, prized by many, breakable, possessing value, but unsellable.' Alex thought, carefully analyzing the given points.

After just a few moments, Alex came up with a possible answer that made sense to him (Diamond) because it forms in darkness, gets crafted into exquisite jewelry, is highly valued, and is known for its durability.

However, upon closer examination, Alex realized that the diamond couldn't be the answer because it contradicted two of the given clues as it could indeed be sold and was also almost unbreakable with conventional means.

Alex wasn't disappointed by the false answer and wasted time as it helped him progress in the right direction as he started to focus more on the intangible things knowing the answer lies with them.

Alex considered love the answer but quickly realized that love is not entirely unsellable, as it can be exchanged in metaphoric terms, such as giving one's love freely or selling out one's love.

Alex was skeptical about eliminating Love but knowing he only had one chance to answer, he didn't want to take the risk, so he moved on to thinking about other things.

After a few moments that felt like an eternity, Alex's eyes shined while a smile appeared on his face as he came to a perfect conclusion that met the demands of the riddle.

"A Promise, The answer is a promise," Alex said, his eyes momentarily moving toward the sand glass.

A promise can arise from uncertainty, doubt, or difficult circumstances fitting the first clue, and even though not a physical creation, a promise can indeed be carefully crafted through communication and commitment fitting the second clue.

A promise also fits every other clue of the riddle, and hearing Alex answer, the librarian's eyes gleamed with approval, and he nodded in acknowledgment.

Alex's heart soared with a mix of relief and anticipation as he knew he had overcome the first riddle in under thirty seconds, but he still needed to answer two more riddles.

The librarian's eyes shimmered with anticipation as he prepared to present Alex with the second riddle.

"In realms of shadows, I silently glide, elusive and swift, from the light I hide. I'm a whisper of secrets, a thief in the night, unseen and intangible, vanishing from sight. What am I?"

The riddle hung in the air, and Alex's mind immediately began to race, dissecting the clues and searching for the hidden answer.

He pondered the words carefully, trying to unlock the mystery as shadows, secrecy, and stealth played prominent roles in the riddle, guiding his thoughts.

Alex considered various possibilities, starting with darkness itself but darkness, though often associated with shadows, couldn't embody the aspect of being intangible or vanishing from sight.

Next, he contemplated the concept of a ghost, as Ghosts were often associated with whispers, secrets, and elusive nature, and they could glide silently and vanish, but they didn't necessarily hide from the light.

After contemplating, Alex's eyes brightened as a realization struck him. He found the answer that seemed to encompass all the clues perfectly.

"The answer is a Thought," Alex confidently declared.

A thought exists in the realm of shadows within our minds, whispering secrets and ideas, and It can be elusive, swiftly vanishing from our conscious awareness.

The librarian's eyes sparkled with approval, confirming that Alex's answer was indeed correct, while a sense of satisfaction washed over Alex knowing he had deciphered the second riddle and he was a step away from his goal.

"Now, for the final riddle," The librarian said, his voice filled with a mixture of gravity and curiosity.

"I speak without a mouth, hear without ears, and answer without speaking. What am I?" The librarian said, presenting the third and the last riddle.

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