Chapter 301 Clash Of The Titans

In the vast expanse of space, two enigmatic figures stood, one of them being veiled in a cloak that seemed to be woven from flowing darkness, shrouding him in an impenetrable mist.

In stark contrast, the other individual stood towering above the other individual. He had a strikingly mature and handsome visage, marked by the piercing brilliance of his azure eyes that carried an uncanny chill, and his build structure exuded an air of primal presence.

These two figures stood, hidden from the sight of the millions of soldiers, adventurers, and players walking leisurely right outside the vast, stretching dark barrier.

"Larsam, How much more time do you plan to waste?" A rough voice echoed in the emptiness of the void.

"Claude, There are two of them, and from what I can sense, they are both middle-stage Elemental Rulers, so if you expect me to engage one of them and risk my life, you'll have to sweeten the deal," The cloaked figure replied after moments of silence.

"I will give you three death law cores, but only if you keep the second individual busy until the others join the battle, and if you abandon the battle before that, then there will be no compensation," Claude said, giving his associate a cold stare.

"Let's get moving," Larsam said as he vanished, and Claude followed his lead.

An instant later, both individuals appeared some distance away from the barrier above the vast stretching mountain range, away from the sights of gathered humans.

"Necrotic Abyss Graveyard"

Larsam said, and in an instant, a vast amount of darkness spread to the surroundings, with him as the epicenter, rapidly expanding in every direction. 

It blanketed the area, covering hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye, and mere moments later, the darkness coalesced, forming a sphere of swirling shadows with a diameter of close to a hundred meters. 

The sphere exuded a dense, eerie aura, one saturated with dread and sorrow, and even the surrounding landscape seemed to wither in response as if the very essence of life was being drained away. 

The once lush and vibrant sunlight dimmed down in hundreds of meters of area, and the ground started to crack as it withered and eroded under the oppressive influence of the sphere, casting a sombre and foreboding shadow upon the desolate landscape.

Inside Larsam's elemental domain, the laws of death and entropy held sway, and the scene was nothing short of haunting. 

A seemingly infinite expanse of graves, both small and towering like mountains, sprawled out in every direction. The bones of countless beings formed a morbid tapestry beneath an eternal night sky that resembled an abyss itself.

In this desolate realm, darkness clung to every surface, casting long, ominous shadows that danced and swayed in the absence of natural light.

It was a place untouched by life, where the very concept of vitality had been extinguished, the air was heavy with a suffocating silence, and the stillness hung in the atmosphere like an impenetrable shroud.

Amidst this sea of graves, four individuals stood separated by a few meters, looking at each other in silence, and moments later, the silence was broken by Claude.

"I am sent here with a group of individuals to stop you two from entering the barrier, and even though my orders were to engage with you after you try to breach the barrier,"

"But I don't have the patience," Claude said, his voice deepening with each word. 

As he spoke, his already imposing eight-foot frame began to undergo a dramatic transformation. Muscles swelled and bulged beneath his skin, and coarse fur sprouted all over his body, its color resembling the icy chill of a winter's night. 

His eyes took on a glacial hue, shimmering with an unnatural intensity, while his teeth sharpened into elongated fangs as his face changed to that of a wolf. 

Claude's limbs elongated, and his hands turned into massive, clawed paws, and in a matter of moments, where a man had once stood now loomed a towering over twelve-foot tall fearsome werewolf repeating a bone-chilling aura.

'I can sense that through my soul marker that Domain Ruler's soul is completely fine, and he isn't experiencing any illusion or extreme emotion, at least for the time being,' Lady Margaret communicated telepathically as she readied herself for the confrontation.

'I sensed three middle-stage and one early peak-stage Elemental Ruler, and we don't know how many more are coming, so you should start moving and leave these fools to me,' Elder Darrien said as he watched Claude's werewolf transformation.

'Don't go too wild, old man. You still need to teach a lot to Domain Ruler,' Lady Margaret said as her surroundings started to transform into a field of crimson soil.

In an instant, thousands of pitch-dark bony hands ripped through the floor around Lady Margaret and swiftly moved to catch her, but before they could even reach her, they all turned to blood and fell to the ground.

"If you two leave now, you will spare yourself from the fate of death," Elder Darrien said as he stepped forward, his surroundings swiftly transforming into a nightmarish landscape of blood and gore.

Claude smiled, showing his sharp protruding fangs while the cloaked figure raised his hand as he made massive bony arms rip through the ground, cloaked in dense malevolent energy numbering in hundreds.

Those skeletal arms moved at astonishing speed and began to take the form of a closed dome around Lady Margaret and Elder Darrien.

However, before they could complete their formation, the skeletal arms began to disintegrate, turning into a cascade of crimson droplets that were promptly absorbed into the swiftly expanding field of blood.

"I gave you a choice," Elder Darrien said, and in an instant, the serenely flowing blood roared to life, transforming into a colossal tsunami of crimson fury that moved without restraint and devoured everything in its path.

After the tsunami of crimson fury had calmed, it left behind an ocean of blood, gore, and mangled and decaying crimson skeletons, and the once-vast stretching graveyard that before appeared to stretch infinitely was now completely taken over by the red deluge. 

The sky itself had surrendered to the crimson tide, casting a blood-red hue that enveloped the entire domain.

Amidst this nightmarish landscape of death, the only area unaffected was the tens of meters surrounding Larsam. He stood there, holding a twisted bony staff with the staff head being the skull of a long-beaked creature, its form resembling that of a sinister scythe.

Lady Margaret had also vanished, having left the domain while Elder Darrien stood above the ocean of blood, with his cold crimson eyes shimmering like gems as he gazed at the due before him.

Larsam stood shrouded in swirling dark energy, his form surrounded by a dense, ominous aura, while Claude stood grinning from ear to ear, with his aur going wild, covering his surroundings in a thick layer of frost.

'We need to work together if we want to live,' Larsam said, his tone reverberating with an undertone of urgency. 

Claude's icy grin didn't fade even so slightly as he mumbled a few words, and in an instant, his surroundings transformed into a frozen realm.

Icy mountains erupted from the ground, their jagged peaks looming ominously over the battlefield. The landscape turned into a frosty wasteland, complete with towering glaciers and ice-flowing lakes.

His domain fought back fiercely against the encroaching ocean of blood, pushing it back and reclaiming several hundred meters of territory.

Simultaneously, Larsam expanded his domain, matching Claude's progress. His dark graveyard surged forth, weaving a tapestry of bones and malevolent energy. It was a stark contrast to Claude's icy landscape but equally formidable.

"I don't have much time for you two, so let's quickly end this," Elder Darrien declared, his voice unwavering as he summoned a giant twin-headed battle axe, a masterpiece of craftsmanship that gleamed with a bloodthirsty aura. 

The weapon's blades sparkled like twin moons, while its haft was hewn from the petrified spine of a primordial serpent, emitting a haunting hum that sounded like cries of the dead, and it seemed to pierce the very soul of those who heard it.

In response, the surrounding ocean of blood roared to life, a turbulent sea of crimson surging forth as Elder Darrien moved like an arrow toward his adversaries. 

The blood pushed against both domains, and tendrils of dark, viscous liquid formed that moved alongside Elder Darrien like a multitude of living entities.

Larsam, seeing the approaching threat, moved back, putting considerable distance before he tapped his staff upon the ground, causing the earth to quake and rupture. 

From the fractured ground emerged a colossal dark titan, a grotesque amalgamation of bones, wielding a massive weapon reminiscent of a grim scythe. The titan's ominous presence added a foreboding aura to Larsam's domain.

Claude, on the other hand, streaked through the frigid air with remarkable agility. His gauntlet gleamed with an ethereal, frosty sheen as it met the mighty blows of Elder Darrien's colossal axe. 

While pillars of ice erupted from the ground, forming a formidable defense to counter the relentless advance of the blood tendrils.

The battlefield now crackled with the tension of conflicting elements and the tremendous power of these formidable beings. The destiny of these mighty adversaries hung in the balance as they clashed to determine their ultimate fate.

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