"I just don't understand one thing. Ahrimon's ultimate goal requires Alex to achieve the status of Zenith Mortal, and for that to happen, Alex must retain his position as a Domain Ruler."

"So, why did Ahrimon go through the trouble of meeting Alex and then deliberately spin a narrative that can easily be debunked? Both Nurvyn and Ezekiel, albeit injured, are still alive and could recount to Alex the actual events of that fateful day and provide clarity on the matter." Zero said, sounding clearly puzzled.

"It may look like Ahrimon wanted to Erode Alex's Trust in his Allies, to Plant a Seed of Uncertainty and Doubt in him, but these things are just a facade for him to hide his primary goal," Lady Enigma said, causing Zero to break from his chain of thought and direct his full attention upward her.

"Ahrimon had purposefully painted such a narrative that it looks like he wanted to put uncertainty and doubts in Alex's heart, so he would question everything, from the domain Guardians to the role of a Ruler and the potential consequences he could face,"

"Everyone would believe that he had achieved this goal, as the domain Guardians could not provide definitive answers to refute Ahrimon's claims."

"Even if I were to establish contact with Alex and reveal the truth, his skepticism would persist, at least until his Ruler authority reaches the Sixth Rank."

"As for the real purpose, Ahrimon made contact with Alex to place a Devourer Mark on his soul, which acts as a parasite that doesn't do any harm, but it grows with the target strength,"

"The devourer mark could be destroyed any time the user desires, and depending on the opponent's soul strength, it could kill them or, at the very least, do crippling damage to their soul," Lady Enigma said, and Zero could be seen clearly surprised.

"I know Alex holds immense value to you, so why did you let Ahrimon achieve this goal?" Zero asked, his voice laced with genuine curiosity and concern.

"I did not know that Ahrimon could use the Devourer Mark because that is an innate ability only available to Devourer Kings, who are rare even in the vast cosmos, and finding their legacy is even rarer,"

"I never considered Ahrimon to have gained the legacy of Devourer King given that he never displayed any of their innate abilities, so when he approached Alex, I didn't interfere because I wanted to see what he was planning."

"As I told you before, Ahrimon is a monster, a truly cunning one, and he knew that using the majority of his innate skills wouldn't help, so he kept them hidden, and his patience paid off,"

"I made an error, but there's no changing that now. So, let's shift our focus to the reason I requested to meet you," Lady Enigma stated.

"You can't help Alex remove the Devourer mark, and the assimilation stage would take at least Seven to Ten more years before it begins, which would be too long of a period, so the only option left is for Alex to remove the mark himself."

"So what I want you to do is make Alex awaken his elemental physique before he advances to the First Rank and also make sure that none of those power-hungry authoritative humans find out about his true avatar identity,"

"You can leave now," Lady Enigma said, and in response, Zero bowed slightly before his body was cloaked by the darkness and vanished from the chamber.


(The Demon Continent)

In a grand chamber bathed in silvery moonlight, a colossal arched opening in the ceiling revealed the full moon's radiant glow, shimmering like a diamond amidst a tapestry of stars. 

The room exuded an ambiance of quiet grandeur, an elegant serenity that contrasted with the formidable decor, which featured ornate towering pillars adorning both sides, supporting the ceiling with their grand presence.

At the back of the chamber, a glorious throne, a magnificent creation of ebony and gold, gleamed under the tender caress of the moon's silver rays. 

A man with a mesmerizing allure was seated on the throne, cradling a breathtaking beauty upon his lap, the moonlight bestowing an ethereal quality upon their already extraordinary presence.

The man seated on the throne exuded an air of dark charisma, and he had a handsome face, highlighted by high-arched brows that framed his closed eyes, sleek, long, dark hair cascading down his back, and a dark robe adorned with intricate gold embroidery, symbolizing his royal status and authority.

Seated on his lap was a woman of otherworldly beauty, her exquisite features truly mesmerizing for any man. 

She had rich, deep pink eyes that were fixated on her man, and she had smooth, light-pinkish skin that emitted a radiant glow, with long, flowing purple hair cascading down her back like a waterfall. 

Two elegant horns adorned the sides of her head, their edges curving towards each other as if forming a regal crown that only added to her charm.

Two pairs of dark, feathery wings gracefully sprouted from her backless, pearly-white dress, giving her an ethereal quality that was impossible to ignore.

After moments of silence, the man opened his dark abyss-like eyes, and an instant transformation washed over the atmosphere of the throne room. 

An enigmatic smile graced his previously emotionless face as he raised his head toward the starry sky, his cold eyes reflecting a myriad of emotions.

"Cebrea, It won't be long before I will be free, free from the punishment and the bindings that have plagued me for so long. I will complete the trial assigned to me by the cosmos, and then, my destiny shall unfold," the man proclaimed.

"My King, I am elated that events have unfolded according to your desires," Cebrea said, her voice soothing and filled with reverence.

"My King, now that you have successfully achieved your plan, do you have any instructions regarding the Chaos Heart?"

"It is ready for utilization, but if you have no immediate plans for it, the Lich King from the Azeran Clan is eager to study it and has offered substantial compensation," Cebrea inquired after a brief pause.

"No, we shall unleash the chaos spawn upon the Human continent to eliminate a few of their elemental Rulers to even out the playing field because even though these insects are replaceable, we have still lost six elemental Rulers," Ahrimon declared, a wicked glint in his eyes.

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