
'Now let's just hope he can dispel my doubts,' Alex thought as he found himself in a warmly lit tavern.

The tavern was a well-spaced room, bathed in a warm, yellowish light that created a cozy atmosphere, and multiple wooden chairs with red velvety seats were neatly placed before a large wooden counter.

A handsome man dressed in typical black and white bartender attire stood behind the counter, polishing a glass, and behind him was an enticing array of vintage beverages standing proudly displayed on the wooden rack.

"Alex, Would you care to enjoy a drink? I have the finest you'll savor in quite a while." Zero said as Alex sat down.

"Thanks for offering, but no," Alex replied.

"I know you have many questions for me, but I am sorry to disappoint you. All I can tell you is that if you want the answers, you'll need to reach the Fourth Rank in the real world,"

"However, I can clarify a few things that should be weighing on your mind," Zero said, bringing a sigh of relief from Alex.

"You wouldn't be asked to kill your family or loved ones because if being a Ruler meant being a heartless individual, then you and every Ruler before you wouldn't be learning to be a good and responsible king,"

"As for Ahrimon being able to influence things on earth, it is very much possible because there are influential individuals on earth in contact with that monster, and I have little to no influence on them, and if they desire, they can find you with some effort, if I don't interfere." Zero calmly explained as he continued to polish the glass. 

A shiver ran down Alex's spine, and a cold dread settled in the pit of his stomach as he comprehended the weight of Zero's words.

"I believe that you are safe for at least over a year because Ahrimon is not an idiot, and he knows how greedy humans are, so he would only give your name to his acquaintance on earth when he wants you dead."

"What if he wants to control me through my family?" Alex questioned, his heart racing and his mind consumed by the darkest possibilities.

"As I said, If I don't interfere."

"I may not have influence over some fools, but I have enough influence over your world to keep anyone safe for as long as desire, so don't worry, I will keep you safe on earth," Zero said with a smile.

"I know you still have many questions, but for now, that's all I can tell you, and before you go, I have some advice for you,"

"You need to grow strong and do it fast and also find similar individuals to yourself whom you can trust because your world is changing, and you wouldn't even know when you are left behind," Zero said with a smile as Alex crumbled into light particles.


'I don't trust Zero, but I don't have a choice but to trust his words,' Alex thought as he regained consciousness, lying in a bed looking at the ceiling, feeling some of his anxiety dissolve.

'What Zero said about being a Ruler makes sense, but so does what Ahrimon told me, so any of them could be telling the truth,'

'But that aside, now me and my family are safe, which is most important, and the best thing is that now I have a favorable option,'

'Fourth Rank individuals are clearly very important for whatever Zero is planning, so If I have enough influence over a major number of them who are loyal to me, then I could use my influence over them as a bargain if things truly went for the worst,' Alex thought, feeling relieved at how things developed.

Alex understood that he was in a strange position where even if he was told that everything was good but told without enough convincing evidence, he would question it because of the poison that Ahrimon had put into his mind.

He would maintain this skepticism until he advanced his Ruler authority to Sixth Rank and learned what Ahura did.

'I can't help but feel like it is my destiny to live a life under constant pressure. In my previous life, it was a struggle to survive at the bottom, and now, it's at the top. What a fu**ing irony,' Alex thought, taking an upright position.

"I met with Ahrimon," Alex said after moments of silence, and instantly, his two guardians appeared by his side.

"What did that traitor tell you?" Elder Darrien asked, maintaining a calm and collected demeanor, but his eyes betrayed a mixture of emotions.

"He told me a story and gave me a choice," Alex said and then moved to narrate everything word by word as he had heard from Ahrimon.

As Alex narrated the story, his two guardians showed various emotions, starting with clear anger, and as the story progressed, it turned to confusion, and as it reached the end, their eyes held deep concern.

"There is some truth to his story, but it is also filled with blatant lies," Lady Margaret said after moments of silence.

"We should return to the Domain and continue the discussion in the presence of those who know the truth best and have firsthand experienced the betrayal of that monster," Elder Darrien said, and after receiving a nod from Alex, he placed his hand on his shoulder, and instantly they were traveling through the darkness of space.

Alex used the continental teleportation, and seconds later, he was standing in the palace garden. However, before he could fully grasp his surroundings, darkness enshrouded his vision once more, and after a few moments, he found himself standing at the entrance to the throne room.

As Alex, accompanied by his guardian, entered the throne room, a portal appeared from which Varon walked out and greeted everyone with a friendly smile, but his expression quickly turned the angriest that Alex had seen after he learned about what had happened.

"Domain Ruler, just like you, I also have many questions as to why Ahrimon told you things the way he did, but for now, I think we should first meet Guardian Ezekiel and clear out how much of what he told you is a lie," Varon said, his demeanor returning to its usual peace and composure.

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