After Elder Ezekiel took the oath, any lingering doubts about the validity of his words disappeared, and with everything he learned, there was nothing much of importance that Alex could ask.

Alex did realize that Ahrimon could have easily predicted this outcome, so for him to go to such lengths just to make him doubtful and cautious didn't make much sense.

Nevertheless, Alex also recognized that the elders and guardians would have also noticed this dynamic, and as they hadn't broached the subject, and everything was fine on his side, he didn't feel inclined to raise the question.

So, thanking the elder for his guidance, Alex left with Varon and others, with a big weight lifted from his mind, not having a clue that things went exactly as Ahrimon wanted.

While the guardians knew that things were not as simple as they appeared, they kept their silence as they were told to do so.

After Alex returned to the palace, he told Varon and his guardians about his meeting with Caden, the champion of greed, and told them about all the strange things that happened to get some answers.

"Domain Ruler, You have built hatred toward that demon slave," Varon said as Alex ended his narration of the events.

"I am going to kill him," Alex said, not holding back his killing intent.

Alex wanted to hunt at least three of the Sin champions because of the quest reward, but it was not an important thing on his to-do list in the near future.

But after he met with Caden, Alex truly felt hatred toward him, and it might be because of the way he was toying with him that hurt his ego or because he didn't like how someone like Caden, A Prince next in line to be the King, sell his humanity for benefits.

But the reason didn't matter because now Caden was a dead man counting his days.

"If you really want to kill him, then you need to improve your strength immensely, and because even though we have ways to stop them from summoning their contracted demons into their bodies, they on their own are wildly strong and deadly because of the unique laws they practice," 

"You will need to at least reach early Fifth Rank and massively improve your control over both Darkness and Chaos manipulation because brute strength wouldn't get you too far against any of the Sin champions," 

"You will need to have both physical and element might to stand against them," Elder Darion said, underlining the significant threat the demon champion posed.

"I was planning to train hard anyway, and Now I have a reason to do so," Alex said with a smile.

After the recent events, Alex knew he needed to get strong both in the ancient and the real world because the event of the Mythical Beast Continent would be announced in a few months.

In Alex's previous life, four months after the demon invasion, Zero had announced the first major event where he gave mind-boggling benefits on both individual and organizational levels.

The event was not natural, like the demon invasion, but one created by Zero exclusively for players and was the first big event that was streamed live throughout the whole world, and it was the biggest thing in the world for the time it lasted.

The event, from start to end, lasted four months, with the first three months to select a hundred teams of five members each and then the finale that lasted for a whole month on the Mythical Beast Continent.

Alex was excited about the event as he wanted to establish the name of his organization with it, but he didn't know if the event would happen at the same time as it did in his previous life or if it would also change, like the demon invasion.

Alex knew he had at least around eight months to prepare a team of four other individuals who would join him, and he even had the people in mind, but right now, three of the four have yet to even get their legacy and then start from scratch to reach the fourth rank to even be eligible to join the event.

"Domain Ruler, I will tell you about the origin law to give you an understanding of how the Sin laws abilities work," Varon said and moved to the brief explanation.

"All Laws work based upon elements and concepts, and among the laws, the strongest push those boundaries to what one could imagine, and one such grand law is the Law of Nothingness."

"I don't know how this law truly works, but I know its user could remove things that exist and bring things into a reality that shouldn't, but obviously unlike other laws where the mastery of user matters, with this law, not only the mastery matters but there is also a price to pay for using it."

"Let me give you an example,"

"The user of the law of Nothingness could pay a price to gain the ability to manipulate the law of life on a similar scale as his strength allows it, and the price he would need to pay would be decided by the cosmos, which could be anything from a memory to his life span or even the understanding of his own law,"

"He could similarly gain the ability to wield any law, with an appropriate price, and depending on his use, he would need to pay an additional price, like healing a mortal wouldn't need any price to pay, but using the acquired law to kill millions would require a significant price,"

"Does that mean that a user of this law could kill anyone and do even more broken things as he desires," Alex said, as he tried to warp his head around the new info.

"While the user can kill someone by meeting few simple criteria, the price he would need to pay for even killing a mortal could be horrendous as the cosmos would take the price depending on the destiny of the killed individual."

"The law user could also not create life or revive a person because he could bend the laws but never break them," Varon said and, after moments of silence, continued.

"The Laws of Seven Deadly Sins, or even the Law of Seven Heavenly Virtues, are branches stemming from the Law of Nothingness, each representing a singular, unique concept."

"The unique laws work similarly to their origin law, but they operate within tightly defined parameters and restrictions."

"Caden told you information that was of great value, and as you agreed to his binding oath under his law of greed, you got forced into that law contract, and the reason why he did it effortlessly was because he was much stronger than you."

"The same is true for the other instance, as you killed his clone, so he used his law of greed to put you under a state of curse to make sure you can't kill yourself," Varon said and went silent.

'I have found myself some very tricky and dangerous opponents, but this also makes them good adversaries that would act as fuel for me to progress,' Alex thought, as unconsciously a smile spread on his face.

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