Chapter 331 Training Chamber

Chapter 331 Training Chamber

Alex's family didn't question him about the mansion or the time he needed to spend there and move on, happily enjoying their food.

As they ate, Alex purposefully shared details of what he knew about his new boss and what the mansion's purpose was going to be.

So, if some government higher-ups even decided to check on the mansion and where the funds to build it were coming from, they would easily find the answers that would satisfy them.

As for why someone would do that, it was easily justifiable by the greed of humans because the government and other big players had their eyes on every individual who was suddenly getting rich from the ancient world, and they wanted a share of it if they could.

Alex had only taken six million into his bank account, and the government had approached him to find the truth and only left him alone when they were satisfied, and this time wouldn't be any different.

The Sheikh in his story was just a ghost who had a lot of money and big ambition like everyone else, and he would be spending that money to buy the loyalty of several guilds.

The authoritative powers would seek to uncover the identity of the individual willing to invest a substantial sum of money.

However, after their initial efforts failed, they wouldn't resort to extreme measures, knowing it could be some rich arab unless they deemed it necessary.

After dinner, Alex's family went home, and he took a cab toward the mansion after telling them he would be back sometime tomorrow.


"Sir, We have reached your destination," An announcement played in the serene female voice echoing in the car.

"Thanks for the ride," Alex said as he exited the vehicle, even though there was no driver other than the simple AI running it.

Alex gazed at the vacant expanse around him, where the miles of surrounding land lay unoccupied, adorned with lush grass.

A peaceful lake was shining under the moon meters away from him, and the towering maple trees swayed gently in the breeze just on the other side of the lake.

The construction of a wide dirt road was in progress, with the terrain skillfully leveled and prepared, and when done, the road was to become a well-structured route, connecting the area to the main road.

The area before him was brilliantly illuminated by big lights, with twenty-foot wall sections joined to create a perimeter around the site, made from a grayish polyfiber material designed to privatize the construction site.

Alex walked through the open door and was greeted by the sight of tens of advanced heavy machinery, nearly noiseless in their operation, digging the ground and moving dirt using trucks to the back area.

Alex could see massive heaps of construction materials neatly stacked alongside the towering walls, and as he observed the surroundings, a man dressed in a dark coat with an expressionless face approached Alex.

"Sir Alex, my name is Oswyn, and I am in charge of this operation," The man said, maintaining his stoic expression.

"Guide me to the chamber," Alex said.

The underground training chamber was completed, and the mansion above would be done in exactly two months, as that was the time frame given to him by zero.

Alex could pay extra and make the mansion get ready in a few days as he did with the underground training chamber, but he was happy with the time frame because, in two months, he would complete the deal with big guilds and start receiving funds and resources.

The resources he would use to not only build his organization but separately create the character of Shiekh and, in his name, buy major shareholding of various lover ranking guilds that he would use for things he didn't want to associate with his organization, like providing galactic technology to his father company.

"Please follow me," Oswyn said as two gravity boards appeared.

Oswyn rode one, and Alex followed his lead, and moments later, they reached the far back area, away from any construction close to the perimeter wall, with the ground being an untouched, pristine grassy surface.

Oswyn stepped down, and the solid ground before him sank before moving away, revealing a few steps leading down to a small underground area.

"Sir, you just need to give the verbal command next time you visit for the elevator section to open," Oswyn explained before moving downstairs.

Alex followed Oswyn down the stairs into a small chamber constructed entirely from dark and gray shades of marble, and as they approached the front wall, a section split open, revealing a spacious elevator.

Oswyn entered the elevator, and Alex followed suit, and without any command, the doors closed and reopened moments later, revealing a vast, extended chamber.

"Sir Alex, welcome to your training chamber," A female voice echoed through the chamber, which was an AI welcoming Alex.

"I will be taking my leave," Oswyn said as Alex stepped out of the elevator and a moment later, the door closed, and the lift left for the surface.

Alex wasn't worried that someone would find out about this place because unless Zero wanted, no one could ever hope to find it, even the government, not because of all the high-tech security measures in place.

But also because the walls surrounding the area were not for show, as they created a magnetic field that made it impossible to spy or enter without Oswyn and others finding out.

While Oswyn and every other individual working in this place, even though they looked no different than humans, in reality, they were robots with highly intelligent AI who worked and only reported back to Zero.

Alex looked around the room, which was completely empty. The chamber had a roof that reached around fifty feet in height, a width of a hundred feet, and a length closer to a hundred and fifty.

The walls had a gray and black marble finish, similar to the elevator section, which was not distracting or displeasing to the eyes. The lighting was bright yet comfortable, and the temperature in the room was pleasant.

"What is your name?" Alex asked the AI responsible for managing the various features of the chamber and keeping them maintained.

"You may call me Zoe." The AI responded in her pleasing voice.

"Now, please tell me about all the features, with a brief description," Alex requested, even though he had a basic idea of every feature, as they had cost him dearly in both time and money.

"Of course, Sir Alex," Zoe began.

"The training chamber's features include the ability to change the gravitational force for the entire room or specific square foot areas, with the maximum gravity reaching 100 times that of Earth."

"It also has an advanced Mana Absorption Field that continuously gathers mana from the surrounding five kilometers."

"It can maintain mana levels at 20 times the normal, and after twenty-four hours of not being used, it will store enough mana to increase the chamber's mana level to 50 times for the next twenty-four hours."

"In addition, there is an Elemental Conversion feature that can convert the gathered neutral mana into a specific element through the available elemental crystal."

"The currently available option for elemental conversion is only darkness element, and its crystal is of medius quality, which would last for 400 hours of elemental refinement."

"Furthermore, we have features designed to help you improve various stats, including strength, agility, vitality, and more."

"The machines for these purposes are uniquely designed to boost your stats effectively, not just bulk up your muscles."

"Lastly, there is a storage of a hundred Life Serum treatments to help you recover after each training session, and there is me, your personal AI, capable of assisting in strategic planning to achieve your goal, creating schedules, and offering guidance and solutions whenever required." Zoe said and went silent.


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