Chapter 368 Fleshing Out the Organization

Chapter 368 Fleshing Out the Organization

"We were able to capture seventy-eight of the traitors, while a hundred and eighty-nine members were logged out, and more than a hundred of them have yet to log back in even after the emergency summon,"

"As you asked, I forced all of the traitors to sign the Rank limiting contract for two years, live-streamed it before kicking them out,"

"It has caused some backlash from the public, but even after the three guilds becoming beloved heroes while our reputation took a nose dive, it has not affected the number of players requesting to join the organization or enter the domain," Venedikt said as he shared his recent work.

After the guilds made their move, Alex knew there was nothing urgent he needed to worry about, so without delay, he made his way to the main teleportation center, but not before he told Venedikt to deal with the traitors.

During the few weeks Alex had spent in the Malefis Domain, he had made preparations to deal with the traitors, and the process to find all of them was simple.

All the members would just be gathered in a single place, which was easily doable through an emergency summon that they couldn't ignore if they wanted to receive a penalty and then force them to tell the truth, easily finding who was a traitor and who was loyal.

This simple process would not get rid of spies who were being backed by big factions by any number of means, from system wishes to dual identity, natural treasures, and so on could be used to not get found guilty, but it was good enough to find 99% of traitors.

Alex had made Elder Darrien appoint two peak Elementalists and gave their contact information to Venedikt while also giving him a legendary Quality Truth Crystal.

The two Elementalists' work was to stand by Venedikt's side and make sure that every traitor accepted the Rank limiting contract for two years, which would make sure that none of them were able to reach Fourth Rank in the next two years.

Venedikt also declared live that those who were caught next time wouldn't be given such simple punishment but instead have their avatar permanently erased, a cruel but necessary punishment, and Alex's plan to keep true to these words.

"Good Work," Alex said, happy with how things went.

"Now that the groundwork is done let me outline my vision for expanding the organization and the operational framework. Afterward, I welcome your feedback to ensure any necessary adjustments are made before implementation," Alex said, and hearing a confirmation, he continued.

"The organization would consist of multiple Independent Chapters, each having its unique specialty (e.g., combat, crafting, spying), and they would be assigned specific roles."


Here are a few Examples:

Battlemasters Chapter

Specialty: Warriors and combat specialists.

Role: Frontline fighters responsible for PvP, raids, and defending the organization's interests.


Holy Guardians:

Specialty: Paladins, Clerics, Holy Warriors, Pure Healers, Priests, and Support Casters.

Role: Warriors dedicated to both combat and healing.


Iron Forgers:

Specialty: Blacksmiths, Engineers, Inventors, and Technomancers.

Role: Dedicated to crafting, inventions and technological advancements.


"Besides the main chapters of each category, there would be a few special chapters, like a small chapter of elite players who would act as Executioners, Assasins, Spies or Researchers,"

"All chapters would have a Chapter Master responsible for overseeing and leading his respective group, while they would also have sovereignty over their chapter's operations, resources, and decision-making, with only you and me holding authority above them,"

"There would be a Council composed of the Chapter Masters, responsible for overseeing the strategies, coordination, and decision-making that affects the entire organization, with every decision going through you or me before approval,"

"All chapters would share a resource pool that they contribute to and draw from, and they would each have a separate chat and also a public one for members to make parties and make teams for missions."

"The information would be shared on a need-to-know basis, and members should only receive details relevant to their roles to prevent unnecessary exposure of sensitive data."

"While the already established things like opportunities, information, Achievements, and Ranking would also become exclusive to various chapters," Alex said before going silent as he tried to remember if he missed the point but couldn't find anything.

"Why do you trust me so much to give me authority above even the chapter masters," Venedikt said after moments of silence.

"Because I know more about you than you can fathom, and that makes me believe that you will stand with me even in the direst of situations,"

"Even though my judgment could be wrong, I will not regret trusting it," Alex said, saying what he truly believed.

"I will die before I betray your trust," Venedikt said with unwavering determination.

"Now, let's cut this bromance short and allow me to tell you my plan on member requirements," Alex said, chuckling as he continued.

"I will create multiple Recruit groups, all of them replicas of chapters in nature, except they all would be divided from First to fourth Rank housing newly joined members of same Rank,"

"Each group would have ten thousand players, and when that number is reached, a challenge and ranking system would be introduced, and at the end of every week, the top ten players would officially be recruited into their Chapter now truly officially,"

"The challenges would range from challenging each other to a physical or skill battle, information gathering, dungeon runs, building their reputation, and anything else that could earn them shadow points,"

"In a duel, the loser would lose 20% of all his points, but to make sure no one abuses this, a member could only challenge others or get challenged three times, and also, a member could only challenge someone higher ranked than them,"

"This still leaves a few loopholes that could be taken advantage of, but that would only serve to keep the competition dynamic,"

"This cycle would reset every week, with members keeping their shadow point earnings, and would last for a total of ten weeks, and then the remaining nine thousand and nine hundred recruits would be laid off, with them banned from being able to join the organization for one month but not before they get paid for all their shadow points in gold coins,"

"So what do you think?" Alex asked, and all he received was silence.

"The entire structure is meticulously designed, and the minor concerns, such as wasting an immense amount of resources and not recruiting a substantial number of promising members, are not an issue given the circumstances you've established."

"The low number of players would also not pose any management issue, and seeing you handle situations like these again and again, I have to say you are damm genius," Venedikt said, putting a smile on Alex's face.

"This is easy work compared to what you are doing managing those six guilds, eleven mercenary groups, all the dealings of Mystium Ore, and even the guild houses in the real world," Alex said, giving credit where it was due.

Alex barely needed to deal with any hectic work as Venedikt had been handling everything for the last few weeks and was doing a marvelous job.

Besides handling guild affairs seamlessly, he had also started to work on making guild houses in the real world and even began to deal with business, laying down a solid foundation for Alex's plan.

"When do you plan to make these changes public, and what about the members who have already joined?" Venedikt asked.

"In twenty-four hours, I will introduce the changes, while the existing associates will be divided into their respective chapters, and when they raise questions about where are any of the old members, we will tell them that they are all in the special chapters,"

"I also plan to make public that a chapter master would be selected from among them, but the criteria to become one is tens of times harsher than joining the special chapters,"

"As for how one would progress through association ranks, join special chapters, and become a chapter master, I will send you the details, and you can check if any additions or improvements are needed," Alex uttered as he swiftly sent the details.

The requirement to advance through Rank from Recruit to Shadow Captain was the usual industry standard, just quite a bit harsher, as associates needed a certain level of strength, merit points, shadow scores earned every month, dungeon raids, and such.

However, to advance to Shadow Commander, Shadow Chief Commander, and finally become one of the two Elders only below the Chapter master, besides completing the additional requirement of demonstrating unwavering competence across all areas, from leadership and strategic acumen to tactical mastery and unyielding loyalty and dedication to the organization's interest.

They would also required to gain the approval of someone two Ranks higher than them, like Shadow Commander, who would need the approval of an Elder, while Elders and Chapter Masters could only be appointed by Alex and Venedikt.

"I'll provide you with an update in a few hours. Best of luck with your endeavors on the Elven Continent," Venedikt uttered before ending the call.

'Adventures? More like embarking on an intensely worrisome mission,' Alex mused, expressing a more realistic view of the upcoming challenge.

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