MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist

Chapter 826 Veiled In Heaven’s Splendor

As the group stepped through the gates, they were enveloped in a dazzling array of colors and sounds that seemed to dance around them in harmony. The air was imbued with a gentle warmth, carrying the scent of blooming flowers and the faint melody of celestial music that echoed through the ethereal landscape.

Before them stretched vast, rolling fields of vibrant green grass, dotted with an abundance of flowers in hues unseen in the mortal realm. Each petal shimmered with iridescence, reflecting the soft glow of the golden sun that hung suspended in the cerulean sky. Wispy clouds drifted lazily overhead, casting ever-changing patterns of shadow and light upon the landscape below.

In the distance, towering mountains rose majestically, their peaks crowned with glistening snow that never melted. Waterfalls cascaded down their sides in torrents of crystal-clear water, filling the air with the soothing sound of rushing streams.

But it was not just the natural beauty that captivated the senses. Everywhere they looked, magnificent structures of opalescent marble and shimmering silver reached toward the heavens, their graceful arches and intricate carvings a testament to celestial craftsmanship. Streets paved with gleaming stone wound their way through the city, lined with gardens overflowing with exotic flora and fauna.

"It's so beautiful here," Elena exclaimed in wonder.

Desira stuck out her tongue. "Angels and gods and their fancy luxurious taste. It makes me want to puke."

"The Netherworld could be quite beautiful too," Vivi said.

"What's that building over there?" Iraelyn asked, pointing at the only structure they saw, a grand town made of marble.

"Are you new here?"

Everyone looked down at the source of the voice. It was a man with a halo over his head.

"Ah, my name is Cid. I'm a farmer on my way to the city to sell my produce," Cid said, and the group looked at the wagon he was carrying with his bare hands.

The wagon was full to the brim with fresh vegetables and an array of animal products, including eggs and milk.

"There are farmers here?" Evie whispered.

"It's like a mortal world, only fancier and more beautiful," Elena commented.

Cid laughed. "Ah, that's what all newcomers say the first time. But Heaven is really just another realm where the souls here try to survive daily like in the mortal world, only fancier and a little more peaceful."

"That's what I said," Elena replied.

"Wait . . ." Cid looked over at everyone's heads and gasped. "Wait, are you . . . you're still mortals! You shouldn't be here!"

"Yeah, that's what the old man said a while ago," Desira remarked, tone snarky.

"Is it a crime here to be mortal?" Azazel asked, putting his hands behind his back with a carefree demeanor.

Cid's eyes bulged. "Crime?! It's the highest crime in here! If the guards find you, you'll get exterminated, and your soul will disintegrate, never to be reincarnated! You have to get out of here!"

"What a great guy. He's worried about us," Iraelyn commented and laughed. "I guess not all souls here are snobs."

"Hmm . . ." Azazel merely hummed, while the others didn't seem to care.

"Is that all?" Desira asked, brushing off Cid's warning.

Malifira chuckled. "Good thing that we're not going to be reincarnated regardless."

"But still . . . we have to do something about this if we want to search for Lorelai without having every guard going after us," Ren said, voicing his concerns.

"Good idea," Iraelyn seconded, nodding in agreement. "Though we could always fight our way through."

"Well, the only thing that differentiates us is that halo on their heads," said Evie.

"Hey, where do we get those halos like yours?" Elena asked, curiosity piqued.

Cid was baffled and unconsciously touched his halo. "This? Oh, you get this when you've become a soul and come here."

"Is there another way to get it?" Ren inquired.

"It's not something that you can just get," Cedric sighed. "But I heard that you can get a fake one in town, if you have the right connections."

"I see . . ." Ren could only respond, contemplating the possibility of creating their own [Halos] with the right ingredients.

Eventually, Cid bid them farewell as he went on his way. "Don't wander around too much in town if you don't want to be caught by the guards. You should definitely escape while you're at it, least you want to be gone forever."

"I guess someone has to sneak into town and get us those halos," Elena suggested. "It's easier for one person to sneak inside without anyone noticing than a group of us here."

"Don't worry about it," Malifira said confidently, and with a wave of her hands, numerous [Halos] appeared floating in front of them.

"Whoa! That's Malifira for you! You've already made one?" Vivi exclaimed, impressed by Malifira's crafting skills. "That's right," Malifira beamed. "It's not that hard once you have the right materials."

Ren was amazed that Malifira could produce something so real with just little time. He suspected that she was a Grand Master-level crafter.

He inspected the Halo closely, marveling at its craftsmanship. Upon closer inspection, he noticed that the Halo was connected by an invisible string that would clip to their hair.

"Now we can enter the town whenever we want without the guards going after us at every turn," Elena said with a grin.

Everyone equipped their [Halos], feeling a newfound sense of confidence as they prepared to enter the town. With their disguises in place, they made their way towards the bustling streets, eager to begin their search for Lorelai.

As they wandered further into this city, they encountered beings of unparalleled beauty and grace, their forms aglow with a soft luminescence that seemed to emanate from within. Angels with wings of shimmering feathers drifted by on gentle breezes, their voices blending in harmonious song with the melodies of the realm.

Above all, there was an overwhelming sense of peace and tranquility that permeated every corner of the town. It was a place untouched by sorrow or strife, where every soul found solace and contentment in the eternal embrace of divine love.

In this realm of boundless beauty and serenity, Ren and Evie felt that they had truly entered a paradise beyond imagination — a place where dreams were made reality and where the wonders of creation unfolded before their very eyes.

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