150 A Fight between the leaders

Uzul emerged from the thick foliage, approaching the ‘Cross’ guild who stood in formation, ready to defend themselves against his impending attack.

He felt annoyed as he sensed Zarfu’s gaze fixed upon his back. Uzul knew that the orc craved for a peaceful resolution, but he himself had no intention of negotiating. Eliminating the ‘Cross’ guild was an absolute necessity.

“You’ve killed one of my men!”

He shouted and pointed his bloodied Axe towards Robin, who stood among the front lines of the formation. Uzul gritted his teeth as he noticed that his equipment was not superior to Robin’s.

‘Even with all the money, I can’t surpass him!’

He felt rage burning within his chest and smirked, knowing that one of his passive skills, which granted him additional attributes based on the intensity of his anger towards the enemy, was now functioning at maximum capacity.

Flexing his massive muscles, he stared at the members of the ‘Cross’ guild, but was momentarily confused. Their faces were devoid of fear, as if the presence of a group of 200 members wasn’t a threat to them.

He had already encountered this guild before, and on each occasion, they had shown fear as he threatened them with his power and the prospect of all-out war. However, when the situation came and it was time to act, they displayed no visible fear of him or his ‘Vikings’ guild.



As he looked at them, Uzul felt a smile spread across his face. At least the members of the ‘Cross’ guild weren’t cowards; he might even have considered recruiting some of them after the battle. Unfortunately, only a few of them were orcs and would fit the criteria for joining his group.

“It was an accident, can’t we just talk it out?”

Finally, Robin spoke, his voice cutting through the murmurs from both sides. His face was devoid of emotion, as if he was unfazed by the presence of Uzul’s full forces, which irritated the Orc even more.

“There will be no negotiations between us, you bastard... Prepare to face the consequences!”

Uzul spoke as he swung his massive axe in a wide arc. The weapon glowed with a red aura, as he activated one of his most powerful skills.


A bright red arc of mana shot forth from the axe, hurtling towards Robin and his guild members. The powerful spell collided with his lance, creating a blinding explosion of mana. Uzul’s skill was incredibly powerful, causing Robin to take a dozen steps back before the inertia was completely neutralized.

Uzul smirked, seeing that his spell had nearly sent Robin crashing into his guild members, but his expression froze as he noticed that the ‘Cross’ guild had yet to be affected by fear, even giving him mocking looks.


He let out a low growl, Uzul pointed his axe towards Robin and roared so loudly that even the water in the lake vibrated from his tone.

“You and me, we’ll settle this in a duel. If I win, I’ll massacre your entire guild, but if you win, I’ll leave!”

Robin’s eyes met Uzul’s bloodthirsty gaze and smirked, as if he had been hoping for such an outcome. He confidently gripped his lance and stepped forward, leaving his guild’s formation and standing just a few dozen meters away from the towering orc, who was taking deep breaths, not even trying to hide the twisted joy in his eyes.

“Make sure to keep your promise...”

Robin spoke calmly, his voice filled with confidence. Uzul sneered, his anger boiling within him as he prepared to unleash his full power against Robin. The two warriors stood facing each other, ready for the final showdown. The fate of the ‘Cross’ guild hung in the balance as the two powerful fighters prepared to duel to the death.

Uzul was the first to strike, swinging his massive axe with all his might. The weapon glowed with a red aura as he activated one of his most powerful skills. Robin was quick to react, parrying the blow with his lance. The impact of the two weapons caused a deafening sound to echo through the battlefield, and a bright red arc of mana shot forth from the axe, hurtling towards Robin.

Robin was able to block the attack with his lance, but the force of the spell sent him flying back several feet. Uzul took advantage of the moment and charged towards Robin, who was still recovering from the initial blow. The orc swung his axe with a powerful downwards strike, but Robin was able to dodge it by rolling to the side.

Robin quickly got back to his feet and countered with a swift thrust of his lance. Uzul was able to block it with his axe, but the force of the attack sent him stumbling backwards. The two warriors then began a fierce exchange of blows, each one trying to gain the upper hand.

Uzul was a formidable opponent, his strength and power were unmatched. His axe was a weapon of mass destruction, capable of dealing massive damage to his foes. But Robin was no slouch either, his lance was a powerful weapon in its own right and he was a skilled warrior. He was able to parry and dodge most of Uzul’s attacks, but landing an attack on his own was hard.

It was obvious that Uzul was stronger and he pressed his advantage, raining blow after blow upon Robin with his massive axe.

Despite the best efforts of the ‘Cross’ guild leader, he was unable to land a single hit upon the orc. Uzul’s rage fueled his strength, and his skills granted him an upper hand in the duel.

Robin was on the defensive, barely able to keep up with Uzul’s relentless assault. His guild members watched in slight worry as their leader was pushed back, step by step. They knew that if Robin fell, their entire guild wouldn’t be massacred, because of Leo, but they still didn’t want to see their leader dying.

Just as it seemed that all hope was lost, Robin’s expression changed. A determined look crossed his face as he stepped forward, his lance glowing with a bright blue aura. He unleashed a powerful skill, a beam of light that surged towards Uzul.

The orc was caught off guard by the sudden attack, and the beam hit him square in the chest. Uzul let out a roar of pain as he was thrown back several meters, his axe flying from his grasp.

“Using underhanded methods... Bastard!”

The members of the ‘Cross’ guild let out a cheer, but their relief was short-lived.

Uzul rose to his feet, his eyes now blazing with even fiercer red light. He let out a deafening roar as he activated a skill that was only accessible to berserkers which granted him immense strength and durability.

With renewed vigor, Uzul charged towards Robin.

Unfortunately, the ‘Cross’ guild leader was caught off guard, and Uzul’s powerful fist connected with his face, sending him crashing to the ground.

The members of the ‘Cross’ guild were in shock, as they watched their leader lying on the ground, unconscious. Uzul let out a victorious roar, his anger finally sated. He had won the duel, and he thought that the ‘Cross’ guild was at his mercy.

Uzul walked over to Robin and knelt down beside him. He placed a hand on the unconscious leader’s shoulder, and gripped it tightly, hearing some Robin’s bones creak in his grip.

“You were foolish to offend me... If only you had accepted our offer to merge with my guild and be under my leadership. It’s a shame to lose such a worthy opponent... Just kidding!”

As Uzul raised his fist high in the air, he saw the members of the opposing ‘Cross’ guild react with a mixture of emotions. Some panicked, feeling slight fear, while others appeared to be on edge, unsure of what to do. But before Uzul could process what was happening, everything around him was plunged into darkness.

He wasn’t unconscious, but the shadows seemed to be all-encompassing, obscuring his vision and muffling all sound. Uzul tried to shout out to his guild members, but his words were lost in the darkness.

Suddenly, something unseen and powerful ripped Robin from his grasp, causing Uzul to stumble forward.

Despite the disorientation and confusion, Uzul managed to find his axe, and he quickly regained his footing, positioning himself in a defensive stance. He couldn’t see or hear anything, but his other senses weren’t affected.

Uzul’s heightened sense attribute allowed him to perceive things that others couldn’t, and it was this ability that alerted him to the fact that his guild members were standing a short distance away from him, grouped together and visibly panicked by the overwhelming darkness that surrounded them.

He knew that he needed to retreat and join them, but before he could take a step, a pair of glowing purple eyes emerged from the darkness, fixing him in place with their intense gaze.

The eyes seemed to radiate an aura of power and authority, making Uzul feel small and insignificant in comparison.

He felt rooted to the spot, unable to move or even look away from the mysterious eyes. The darkness seemed to close in around him, suffocating and oppressive, and Uzul knew that he was in grave danger.

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