Max studied the blueprints of the central prison seriously and found the concept of going in and freeing Asiva and Severus to be nearly impossible.

The central prison was built just 3 kilometres away from the army regiment, meaning any breakout attempt by force could be contained by the military.

It was patrolled by tier3 and 4 guards and had a tier5 Jailer present on ground at all times.

The holding cells were all built underground in a cold and damp place so that neither natural sunlight nor fresh air ever graced the prisoners.

There were 3 underground prison levels with many security features like mithril iron gates and guard quarters.

In addition to all these features, the individual gate to each cell was made from 15 inch thick steel and was designed in a way that every opening or closing of the gate made a shitton of noise which meant that stealth operations were impossible even if one had the key.

Basically the entire mission was close to impossible for Max and his friends and now all hopes rested on the shoulders of Jhonny English.

As a tier 6 god he could technically walk in and out of that prison unharmed, especially with his ability to turn formless and walk straight through walls, however, with the palace and the army regiment being so close by, should Jhonny attempt a forceful breakout there was a solid chance that things could boil down into a full blown fight.

" My head hurts looking at these blueprints, it's impossible for us to bust out Asiva ourselves, we can't take on tier4 guards much less a tier 5 warden.

This is a suicide mission " Anna commented as Max threw her a dirty glare.

" We have a god with us, don't forget sir Jhonny's prowess " Max said as Anna pursed her lips and remained silent.

" I will contact sir Jhonny and let him know we are ready for him, with him here we will be able to plan the next part of the operation better" Max said as he walked out of the motel to find some peace and calm as he messaged sir Jhonny over the forum.

Max : We are ready for you! Meet us at the mowkey motel.

Sir Jhonny : ( seen )


( Meanwhile Jhonny English )

Jhonny had actually arrived in Dombivli City at the same time as Max, as while the kids did their operation Jhonny went on a scouting tour of his own.

Unlike Max who went to a bar to gather information, Jhonny being the experienced veteran that he was went straight to a brothel.

Wasting no time once he got there he squandered a shitton of money to buy rubbish information about what Will Kingsman liked to eat and what he liked to wear.

All in all, Jhonny spent an extravagant amount of 1.2 billion gold coins in an single hour on information in a brothel and he did not even indulge in the most basic carnal pleasures.

In his mind Jhonny knew full well that the people he was buying information from were working for Will Kingsman himself as after his shopping spree he expected to be tailed by a member of the intelligence department for sure.

Jhonny stayed in the most luxurious hotel and while he was there, he got a very interesting invitation from none other than Roy Kingsman, the first son of Will Kingsman, to have dinner together.

Jhonny accepted as the night that Max and his group were raiding the mayor's house, Jhonny had a nice dinner with Roy and Keane Kingsman in the grand hotel.

At first the dinner was cordial but the moment the group started eating the appetisers, Roy brought out the agenda of the dinner.

" Sir English, We have came to know that you are very interested in our father, having splurged over 1.2 billion gold coins trying to understand his likes and dislikes, may we know why you did so? " Roy asked in a cold voice

Jhonny looked at the boy and then at his small balls and smiled as he said " Why does anyone do anything?

Why do monkeys eat lices on each other's backs?

Why do fishes live in the water and not swim in the air?

Why do all men have dicks but not everyone has balls?

Everything is a mystery young man, so is my interest in your dad " Jhonny replied as Roy and Keane Kingsman were left scratching their heads as to what Jhonny just spoke.

" May I know what organisation you are from, Mr English? I don't think I know a merchant as profound as you " Keane Kingsman asked as Jhonny shot him a disappointed look.

Jhonny thought the world would know his face by now, but apparently he had overestimated his own terror.

Jhonny said " I'm not a merchant, I'm an assassin, a mercenary, the greatest to have ever lived ".

" Oh I see, an assassin " Roy Kingsman said as he pretended to nod before the realisation struck him as he shrieked and said " WHAT? AN ASSASSIN? "

Roy Kingsman was on high alert and his personal guards rushed over to the table hearing his loud voice as Jhonny threw five daggers from his coat pocket in a millisecond and killed all the approaching guards without blinking an eye.

By the time Roy and Keane realised what happened, Jhonny had already taken the next bite of his appetiser when the dead bodies of their tier 4 guards hit the ground at once.

The two kids looked at Jhonny in shock and horror, they had clearly underestimated the man.

When the news came that someone had splurged 1.2 billion gold coins in the brothel over information, Roy Kingsman thought it was his chance to rope a bigshot in for the country and gain his father's approval, so instead of letting the news pass on to his father he decided to set-up a meeting with the man himself.

Roy had assumed that since the man had such wealth to splurge and he was living in the most luxurious hotel with no reservations on spending he must be a wealthy merchant by profession.

It was a grave miscalculation on his part as he now looked at Jhonny completely stupefied as he asked " Who the hell are you ?"

Jhonny pulled the seats of the two kids closer to where he was sitting as he put his hands over the ballsacks of the two kids and said " The name is English, Jhonny English, but for you brats it's Sir Jhonny.

The first assassination mission I did, I killed a president of a country that knew full well that multiple hitmen were after his life.

As a 22 year old rookie I did a mission that left all the veterans scratching their heads as to how I did it.

From then on, Bombing oil fields, bankrupting billionaires, killing mafia bosses, this was my routine life until I finally retired as the greatest mercenary of all time.

It was then that I joined the elites, looking to game away into retirement but rich brats would not leave my kids at the elites guild alone.

So I conquered Omega, trained black-ops officers, killed some more billionaires and became the most wanted man in all of human history.

My bounty was 1.2 trillion dollars!

1.2 FUCKING trillion dollars, more than economies of a 100 African nations combined.

I honed my arts and learnt to bust balls, and in Sigma I became the infamous Ball-Buster! ". Jhonny said as he tightened the grip on the balls of the two kids who now looked ashen after listening to Jhonny's back-story.

They knew about the Ball-Buster, the menace in the newly built Elite Nation, the god that no other god wanted to face.

The fear of Jhonny made Roy and Keane soil themselves, as piss began dripping down their regal robes, irritating Jhonny whose hands became wet as a result.

" I don't know what you kids thought when you arranged a meeting with me.

Who else in this universe carries the name MR. English, huh?

pAn,Da n<0,>v,e1 You should have gone and checked who the heck it is that has come knocked onto your territory.

Checked whether it's a mortal OR A GOD! "



Jhonny crunched one ball each of the two kids who blacked out from the pain, their heads hitting the dinner table spilling food all over.

" Fucking babies " Jhonny said as he wiped his piss contaminated hands and put the two blacked out kids over his shoulder to take hostage.

It was at this moment that Jhonny got a message from Max that said they were ready for him at the mowkey motel.

" Right on time " Jhonny said as he smiled seeing the message.

Jhonny pulled the tablecloth off the dinner table and wrapped the bodies of the two unconscious boys into it before carrying it over his shoulder on the way to the mowkey motel.


/// A/N - Special shoutout to Antton_Karttunen for the supergift.

My deepest Apologies but all bonuses will only be given after 17th ///

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