Chapter 874  Showdown

( Planet #V246, Vampire army's POV)

The showdown between the modern vampire army and the defending primordial vampire and werewolf coalition forces took place outside the biggest city on the planet with 25 million soldiers fighting the battle from both sides.

The battlefield stretched across a vast, open plain with its once-verdant grass now trampled into mud by the relentless churn of combat. A brooding sky hung overhead, heavy with unshed rain, mirroring the tumult below.

Werewolves with their fur matted with dirt and blood, prowled the field with a feral intensity. Their eyes, amber and wild, betrayed a blend of primal rage and a deeper, more poignant sorrow for the carnage unfolding. Their howls, fraught with fury and despair, tore through the air as they clashed with their age-old enemies.

Vampires, pale and elegant even in the heat of battle, moved with lethal grace among their foes. Their faces, usually the epitome of composed detachment, were etched with flashes of anger, frustration, and a grim determination. The loss of their kindred, the destruction around them, ignited a fire in their cold hearts, fueling their relentless pursuit of victory.

The clash of claws against steel rang out, a discordant symphony to the chaos. Every slash, every parry carried with it centuries of animosity. The ground, scarred and sodden, bore the weight of their struggle, littered with the remnants of fallen warriors.

Amidst the melee, the emotions of the combatants were as palpable as the physical blows they exchanged. Fear, anger, sorrow, and a relentless drive to prevail over an eternal adversary were etched into every move, every snarl, and every calculated strike.

" NO RETREAT! UNLESS YOU WANT TO SPEND THE REST OF YOUR LIVES IN A DUNGEON, KILL THEM ALL- " Shouted the werewolf captain, giving a boost of morale to his underlings as he reminded them of the previous horrible defeat that the werewolves faced at the hands of the vampires.

Treated as the worst sort of prisoners, The werewolves were imprisoned in the dungeons of vampire society never to see the light of day again after the Dimensional War.

If not for Dracula and the primordial vampires, the werewolves would be rotting in prison till they died which was why their hatred towards vampires and their effort in fighting against them were extreme.

They could accept death, but they could no longer accept surrender having lived the horror of prison life once already.

On the other hand, the vampires also fought relentlessly as they knew the consequences of defeat very well.

In comparison to Ulrich, Vega looked tiny, however, the aura he exuded was no weaker than Ulrich's own.

If the werewolf snarled, Vega bared his fangs right back as he did not hide his hostility for Ulrich.

" It's lord Vega! We are saved! " said the vampire gods as Falcon Twilight smiled a soft smile seeing that the king's aid had come through when his men needed it the most.




The various tier6 god's cheered as Vega took a step back and assumed his fighting stance, as he exuded a thick killing aura.

Ulrich, being the experienced warrior that he was, understood that a larger body meant a larger target when fighting a skilled warrior like Vega, hence he transformed to his human form and unsheathed his sword as well.

" I've been expecting you- old monster " Ulrich said as he greeted Vega with a mad smile.

" Good job dog- your dreams have come true, come wag your tail for me " Vega responded as he absolutely humiliated Ulrich and baited the werewolf god into making the first move.


As Ulrich slashed, Vega parried as the two warriors had a stare-down with none of the two backing down.

In terms of strength and speed the two were equally matched, which made the upcoming battle much more difficult as it was going to boil down to their magical abilities.

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