Chapter 943 Impossible clear conditions

Tier8 was the pinnacle of power that one could reach within the controlled universe.

Hailed as 'monarch's' , the few individuals who were able to enter this realm of power ruled the universe as absolute beings of authority.

Just like tier4 before where one went from being a normal mortal to being a demi-god type superhuman and tier6 where one went from being a superhuman to a true god, tier8 was also a major realm and the gap in strength between tier7 and tier8 was immense.

The tier8 promotion test involved mastering the universal laws of creation and destruction as well as liquifying the soul.

In a way it was the penultimate form before core solidification that was needed to become a celestial, but in another way it was improving the quality of one's soul and binding it more strongly to one's body to greatly enhance their own physical abilities.

Just like every tier promotion test, the tier8 promotion test too was relatively easy to clear if one's goal was only to become a monarch.

If one wished to pass with a D grade in the promotion test and just get the prestige and benefits of being a monarch, then they only needed to master one of the three aspects of the test and they would pass the overall test, however, if one wished to get the perfect score then they needed to master all 3 aspects.

The difficulty for Max attempting this promotion test was completely different from what other monarchs faced as his mindset was that of perfection and not just stumbling onto the tier8 realm and feeling proud about reaching the summit.

Max had worked way too hard on his road from becoming tier0 to tier7 through a series of perfect evaluations to stumble at the last step.

Even if it took him a 100 years to complete the promotion test, Max did not care for it but he was definitely not going to walk out of the test with anything but a perfect evaluation.

The location for the tier8 promotion test was none other than the cosmic stretch of nothingness within the controlled universe where Rudra saw his body being reforged and was in suspended animation for years, as once Max entered the test area he was immediately presented with a notification which asked him whether or not he wished to attempt the tier8 promotion test since it detected that Max was at the peak of tier7.

[ System notification - Detected that player 'Ravan' is at the peak of tier7. Do you wish to attempt the tier8 promotion test?

Please note that quitting the test midway will disqualify you from future attempts for the next 150 years. ]

Max read the notification and pressed the 'Yes' box signalling his intent to go ahead with the test, when suddenly another notification box popped up.

[ Celestial Notification- The tier8 promotion test has been modified for the player 'Ravan' and the testing criteria has been altered.

For player Ravan to pass in the tier promotion test, he must achieve 'basic' understanding of the laws of creation and destruction, while also forming a fully liquified soul in the next 14 days or the test will be considered forfeit.

If player Ravan declines to take the test he will be barred from reappearing for another 150 years.

If player Ravan clears the modified test, the evaluation grade will automatically be adjusted to maximum grade at SSS+ and the player will be given complete knowledge about the laws of creation and destruction by the celestials ]

[ Do you wish to accept? ]

[ Yes ]

[ No ]

Max read the modified test criteria and felt like crying afoul.

14 days?????

It was impossible to even have a correct hypothesis about a single law of the universe in 14 days yet they wanted him to master two of the supreme laws of the universe while also liquifying his core completely.

In other words they wanted him to achieve basic mastery in two tests and complete mastery in one to give him the best possible grade, but they wanted him to do it within 14 days?

It was by no means fair, the tier8 promotion test was not supposed to be time dependant and if one has enough grit and perseverance they were sure to clear the test no matter how long it took, however, the conditions that were being set for him now were trying to put him off the long game.

The celestials had seen what he was capable of in the long run and had somehow decided to fuck with him and put him on an impossible timer!

The worst part was, there was nothing he could do about it as if he declined to take the test then the celestials would not let him take it again for another 150 years.

'What a messed up world' thought Max as regardless of him saying yes or no the celestials had created a playing field where he was going to be barred from taking another test for 150 years.

Failing this test now meant that Max would see no increase in strength for next 150 years, which would greatly stagnate his growth speed and his plans to meet his brother in the celestial realm, and hence, no matter how slim the odds of succeeding were he needed to take the test even though he knew that it was unlikely that he would succeed.

Reluctantly clicking 'yes' Max started off the tier8 promotion test, hoping to fight against the heavens and win an unlikely victory.


( Meanwhile Rudra )

Rudra's first impression of the celestial realm was that it was nothing short of breathtaking.

Thick divine essence nourished his every breath as he felt like the quality of attacks that he could produce would be at least 50-70% stronger than what he could produce back in the controlled universe just because of the quality of mana and divine essence available here.

The landscape of the celestial realm was an ethereal mountainscape with small or big peaks popping out of endless clouds in what looked like a scene straight out of heaven.

Standing atop a peak, if he looked into the clouds below, he could see the controlled universe underneath as just by wishing to see a particular region, the clouds below reacted to his will and showed him exactly what he wanted to see and in real time at that.

He could see his family, the true elites, Emperor Cervantez and everyone else as he realised that he had truly ascended from the Sigma controlled world.

Spreading his senses thin, he could sense that atop every mountain peak in sight was a thick cluster of energy which represented the home of a celestial and between all those mountain peaks was a giant mountain which appeared taller than the realm itself which Rudra assumed was the home of the perfect warrior.

" Enjoying the scenery?" A voice whispered right beside Rudra's ear as Rudra suddenly felt shivers run all over his body as he was ready to attack.

His hand went right through the intruder's face as the man sighed and walked two steps back as he looked at Rudra and said " Just like you, I'm made of all energy as well. Physical attacks won't work"

" Who are you?" Rudra questioned as his instincts told him to not trust this man infront of him, however, the intruder only chuckled at his question.

" Who am I? Well I'm the man who has just fucked with your brothers plans to promote.

You see I'm the proctor this month for all ascending aspirees and I've given him an impossible clear condition.

Now, naturally if you were to use your communication device and reveal to him the secrets of creation, destruction and how to condense a liquid soul, he might clear the test, however, if you don't help him then he's bound to fail and won't see any growth for the next 150 years!

As for after 150 years…. Well, a lot can be done in that timeframe, a lot of things can go wrong and a lot of people can die, either way, it's your call now…. Ciao!" the mysterious man said as he evaporated before Rudra's eyes and his essence moved up to the tallest mountain in the celestial realm which suggested to Rudra that the bastard might have been none other than the one foe that he was here to fight, the undefeated being…..the perfect warrior.

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