Chapter 952 Choices

Max had a lot of important choices to make- Two moves from the basic section and two from the special section for a total of four choice selections.

Thankfully this time around, his job of choosing was easier than before because one move in each section was recommended to him by his brother.

Max trusted Rudra and his knowledge about the subject blindly, and if Rudra personally suggested two moves from his own arsenal, Max was willing to learn them without second guessing his decision.

This meant that Future Sight and Cosmic Body were choices that Max was going to make by default, leaving him with only the decision of choosing the two other moves.

While all the choices in the basic section were appealing, Max felt like ' Exchange' and 'Energy Devour' were the best options.

If his brother had not suggested future sight, Max might have been conflicted between all three of them, however, with his mind set on selecting future sight, the debate came down to exchange and Energy Devour.

Although there was no debating the functionality of exchange, in the end Max felt like he could achieve much with his move [ Dimensional Walk ] and although it wasn't exactly a spatial move and relied on the void for movement, it did give him a movement type benefit, whereas Energy Devour was more practical.

Although he could replenish his HP and stamina by drinking blood, he could not replenish his divine essence and mana from it and somehow Max felt like having that extra option to recover his divine essence might prove to be invaluable in a fight against the perfect warrior.

It was more of a gut-call rather than a calculated decision, however, Max decided to go with Energy Devour in the end.

On the special rewards side, his top two choices except the cosmic body were ability lock and perfect sequence.

In terms of what he needed the most, the perfect sequence was a move that was what Max needed to most to fill the gap in his sword skills.

He was faster and stronger than anyone around, however, he wasn't the most skilled warrior of his primary weapon.

It was a flaw that Max needed to improve upon, however, the problem was that the offer to improve his swordsmanship came from the perfect warrior.

Firstly, he did not trust the perfect warrior, the man felt like a treacherous snake and Max did not wish to take anything given by him.

Secondly, the perfect warrior was someone that Max was working on surpassing and he did not see how that was possible if he used the same move as his opponent.

With those being the only reasons to not go forward with the perfect sequence skill, Max decided to go with ability lock for its most obvious benefits.

The ability to neutralise one of his opponents moves before they made it was invaluable and Max was satisfied with it being his choice despite its grade not being transcendent like some of the other options.

With all his choices made, Max's tier8 promotion was finally complete as he felt an immense surge of power course through his body.

Since [ Cosmic Body ] was a passive move, it's effects were immediate as just like Rudra Max was showered in cosmic light and his body was slowly stripped of its flesh and replaced by energy particles.

With the entire celestial realm witnessing this event closely, Max slowly evolved as an individual changing everything from his race to his body type to his core composition.

His stats surpassed the realm of common sense and even as a newly ascended tier8 monarch, his current strength surpassed the collective strength of all the other monarchs in the universe as Max truly became the supreme lord in title and in deed.

Funnily enough, his current strength did indeed surpass that of even his brother at tier8, however, unfortunately for him, the chance to be the stronger of the two while living under the same cosmos was missed by a mere 14 days.

As Max's new body materialised completely, he realised that he could interact with his surroundings completely differently than before.

He felt like no physical wall could contain him and even if he charged headfirst into an asteroid, he could come out the other side unharmed, however, the asteroid would blast into several pieces because a supercharged energy particle zoomed through it.

He could feel the divine energy and mana currents slowly swirling around him and could perceive aura for the first time ever in a way that he had never perceived aura before.

He felt complete, almost like every cell, every fibre of his being had finally reached the pinnacle of its potential and he had truly pushed himself to his own utmost limit.

When he started to walk on the path of the perfect warrior, he wasn't sure if he would hit the summit or not, however, thankfully that day did come and he was able to walk the path of the perfect warrior to its completion!

It was undoubtedly a feat that he was happiest that he accomplished.


( Meanwhile Rudra )

Rudra shook his head from side to side looking at the choices that Max made.

He could not communicate to Max that the options given by Junfred and Enel were handpicked by him, however, he certainly hoped that Max would choose the techniques that he wanted him to choose.

[ Exchange ] was not just about escaping the enemy's trap, but it could be used to lure the enemy into a trap as well.

If it were up to Rudra, he would wait until the enemy was about to use a big blast or some important move before suddenly using exchange and trapping them within a very small tier10 barrier such that their own technique backfired on them.

He could think of a thousand different scenarios to use that technique in a creative and unique way, however, unfortunately Max did not see eye to eye with him on that matter.

His brother chose the simpler option of choosing Energy Devour which was not a bad choice overall, but still something that Rudra could not agree with since he understood the concept of karmic value and karmic essence after ascending to the celestial realm.

If Rudra had to assume why Max went with Energy Devour it was most likely because he was thinking about adding methods to replenish his divine essence faster, however, once he ascended he was bound to realise that he was more likely to die than completely depleting his divine essence reserves in battle.

But even Rudra didn't know it for sure. Maybe, while everyone else was too weak to go toe to toe with the perfect warrior and had to rely on cheats to harm him, maybe Max could actually drag him through a dog-fight as one quick look at Max and his stats made Rudra realise that his brother had +145,000 over his strongest stat and +265,000 over his weakest and he wasn't even at the peak of tier8 yet.

A thousand levels of tier8 later he was bound to expand this advantage by at least 5-10 thousand per stat, which meant that his strength was bound to become incomprehensible.

And Rudra was quite proud of his own stats, he had the stat cheat all his career just like Max did which was the only reason behind why Rudra was able to beat people of the same tier or above, however, compared to the average celestial, Max had higher stats than them at tier8 than they did at tier9.

He was undoubtedly a league above them fools and when he formed his celestial core there was no saying how much stronger he would get.

If anyone had a shot at dragging the perfect warrior through a dog-fight it was going to be Max, and it was Rudra's duty to prepare him for it.

With his one shot at communicating with the controlled universe still intact, Rudra was going to learn as much as he could about the perfect warrior and his weaknesses before telling Max exactly what he needed to work on before ascending.

Having become the supreme lord and the new strongest warrior in the universe by a fair margin, Max ideally had no restraints holding him back from achieving whatever he wanted to achieve in the universe and Rudra knew it better than anyone else since he was staring down Max's stat panel with his omniscient eyes.

------ xx ------


[ Name ] - Ravan

[ Race ] - Cosmic Vampire ( Transcendent )

[ Class ] - Blood Shaman (A+)

[ Alignment ] - Righteous

[ Languages ] - Bipedal English, Ancient Draconic

[ Titles ] - The Primal Protector ( Equipped), Godly Dragon Slayer, Vampire Lord

[ Level ] - 1501( 1% )

[ Tier ] - 8

[ System Remark ] - ( The system feels unworthy to remark on its master, the Supreme Lord, the Strongest in the universe )



[ Mana ] - 787,400,000

[ Health ] - 755,050,600

[ Stamina ] - 808,030,400



STRENGTH - 1,250,568

DEXTERITY - 1,087,600

AGILITY - 1,286,205



ENDURANCE - 999,840

Unassigned AP - 56,000



LUCK - 88 / 100

CHARISMA - 99 /100

WISDOM - 99/100

KARMIC VALUE - 7,000,890



?Ball Crushing ( Intermediate )

?Night Vision ( Passive )

?Blood Manipulation ( Perfect )

?Basic Moonlight Self healing ( Passive )

? Sword Intent ( Master )

? Overhead slash ( Perfect )

? Brainwashing ( Advanced )

? Death Circle ( Intermediate )

? Blood Healing ( Passive )

? Scan ( Master )

? Fake Out ( Advanced )

? Netherbeast Summon ( Intermediate )

? Chain Heal ( Intermediate )

? Summon Soulmate ( Perfect )

? Dragon's breath ( Racial ) ( Intermediate )

? Retrieve ( Beginner )

? 9 Ashura Sword Slice ( Master )

? Energy Blast ( Advanced )

? Death Plague ( Intermediate )

? Giant Summoning ( Intermediate )

? Perfect Cloning ( Advanced )

? Thunder Blast ( Master )

? Nature's Whisperer ( Master )

? Buddha's Avatar ( Master )

? Disperse ( Perfect )

? Illusion Space ( Master )

? Aura Expression ( Perfect )

? Divine Concealment ( Master )

?Blood Tendrils ( Advanced )

?Blood Rain Cutter ( Advanced )

?Blood Quicksand ( Advanced )

? Arcane Singularity ( Master )

? Elemental Infusion ( Master )

? Elemental Convergence ( Advanced )

? Elemental Conclave ( Advanced )

? Rise Of The Horde ( Advanced )

? World Ember ( Perfect )

? Blazing Onslaught ( Perfect )

? Hydro Pulse ( Intermediate )

? Rain Dance ( Intermediate )

? Tsunami Rush ( Intermediate )

?. Constant Regeneration ( Master )

? Subconscious Offence ( Advanced )

? Unstoppable Assault ( Advanced )

? Primal Domain ( Master )

? Call Of The Sanguis ( Perfect )

? Soul Devour ( Forbidden )

? Dimensional Walk ( Master )

? Altered Reality ( Intermediate )

? Void Neutralisation ( Master )

? Copy ( Basic )

? Mind Reader ( Master )

? Cosmic Body ( Passive )

? Ability Lock ( Basic )

? Energy Devour ( Basic )

? Future Sight ( Basic )



(3/3) [ Agni Astra ] ( Divine ) ( Bound )

1- ( Legendary ) Runic Bone Staff

1- ( Legendary ) Goldman's Sword

1- ( Divine ) Sovereigns Armour

1- ( Divine ) Divine Blade Azrael



- High Fire Resistance

- High Blood Loss Resistance

- Intermediate Curse Resistance

- High Lightning Resistance

- Advanced Poison Resistance

- Perfect mental illusion resistance

- Intermediate sensory illusion resistance

- Perfect Physical Attack Resistance



- SoulBound : Mira ( Dragon ) ( level 1474 )


Looking at this panel, Rudra had no doubt in his mind that Max was definitely the best warrior the universe had ever seen and that finally his brother had managed to surpass him and that too by a large margin.

While one Rajput ascended, another firmly took his place-

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