A month flew by since the queen brought Max the seed of creation as for one month Max resisted the temptation of testing the seeds power as he studied the risks and benefits of using the seed.

First and foremost, he got Sebastian to put a single finger on the seed of creation and check how it felt as being the True Coward that Sebastian was, he did not perform this task directly but rather summoned an undead to test for him first.

The undead that he summoned was a headless durahal, a truly monstrous creature who most did not even view as a humanoid monster, yet when the durahal placed it's hand on the seed of creation it's body transformed from that of a headless undead to a beautiful blonde male as Max had to instantly disintegrate the durahal to ashes to prevent future complications.

" There's no way!" Sebastian exclaimed as looking at how an undead turned into a living breathing individual by just touching the seed of creation, he suddenly felt hope that if he used the seed's power correctly he might be able to regain his original body.

Soon his apprehension towards the mission turned into enthusiasm as after psyching his mind up and consulting with Max, Sebastian decided to take the seed of creation in his palms and attempt to recreate his body.

It had been so long since Sebastian lost his human body that he had practically lived longer as a dwarf than he had as a human, however, his hope of returning to his original form someday was never lost even after all these years.

With Max's permission, he took the seed of creation within his palm and instantly he could feel it's warm energy permeating into his body as he felt like he had become the supreme creator of the universe and anything that he could imagine could be potentially turned into reality.

" If you can do it, I wish to return to my human form as the demi-god son of Thor, I want my muscles, my strength and most importantly my height back.... Also can you make it so that I last longer in bed? Beniogre doesn't seem satisfied with my performance lately, I think she wants someone who can last a monstrous 20 seconds" Sebastian said as he spoke out his wish as if asking a genie to make all his dreams come true, however, although not precisely how he wanted it to be, his dream did come true as the seed of creation granted him about one feet and two inches in height.

Max watched on in disbelief as Sebastian grew in stature before his very eyes, however, his racial features did not change as he did not turn into a human like he wanted to, however, he did turn from a barely four feet tall dwarf to a five feet three inches tall dwarf who no longer had a rounded belly but rather looked like a really muscular short dude.

Not only did he retain his signature beard and his facial features, but just like his stature Max could notice that the bulge in his pants grew bigger too.

Although he did not change his race as he wanted to, 70% of what he wished for did come true as by the time Sebastian opened his own eyes he could not believe what was happening as the world seemed a little bit shorter than what it was a minute ago.

Naturally, he still needed to look upto Max who was far taller than him, however, he could now actually peep over tables when seated on a regular chair and felt more like a short human than a dwarf.

His hands were bigger and he also received a considerable stat boost as everything considered he got a great deal by just using the power of the seed of creation.

" Max this seed….. it can make all your dreams come true…. It's the ultimate treasure, I love it so much….. I'm your brother right? Can I ask you to keep it?

No, seed, use your power to make it so that Max gives your control to me.

I want it, I want it!" Sebastian began to say as Max could notice how his eyes began to cloud up and his speech began to slur.

Max wanted to yell at Sebastian to put the seed down before it corrupted him, however, because of Sebastian's wish he could not even open his mouth as he felt a strong urge from within to just gift the seed to Sebastian if he liked it that much.

" SEBASTIAN! KEEP THE SEED DOWN NOW ... DO IT!" Max eventually managed to say as he desperately fought back against the forces trying to control his mind and make him obey as he unfolded his full killing aura and all his soul pressure which instantly made Sebastian drop down to his knees.

The sudden shock helped Sebastian gain his consciousness as well as he quickly threw the seed out of his palm and laid down flat on the ground below.

" QUEEN, SEAL THE SEED" Max commanded as the universal queen instantly manifested herself and sealed the seed of creation within a tier 10 barrier such that it was inaccessible to outsiders.

Drenched in sweat from head to toe, Sebastian only got back to his feet once the seed was sealed and Max let-go of the aura that he was exuding as Sebastian profusely thanked Max for saving him from corruption.

" That seed is dangerous man, I've only used it's powers once, yet by just using it once the seed tried to take over my conscience and tried to force me to manifest all my latent desires to reality.

If it was not for you, this room would be filled with hundreds of naked Beniogre trying to please my dinger" Sebastian said as he wiped off some of the sweat accumulated on his forehead.

Max who looked at his tall friend and then at the seed of creation grit his teeth at this development as this was not how he envisioned this session to go.

Despite his antics, Sebastian was a true student of Kremeth the turtle and had a sturdy mind.

If he was consumed by the seeds power after a single use, then Max could not dare use it carelessly as while he could stop Sebastian from suffering deviation, there was no one in the universe that could stop him if he went mad.

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