Frowning at the thought, Valyr looked through the descriptions attached to the various tasks related to the outbreak, hoping to obtain a bit more information regarding the outbreak itself.

"So, the outbreak is happening near Algerie Kingdom, huh." Rubbing his chin as he pondered, the frown on his face deepened, briefly wondering whether he was truly set to head to the kingdom for the inheritance.

Discarding the nonsensical thought he had just come up with, Valyr went ahead and accepted a few of the tasks related to the orc outbreak, taking advantage of the fact that most of them had something to do with forging weapons.

"Hmm... should I ask Arcenne about it? I have a feeling she knows more regarding the situation." As he took out some of the materials from the furnaces since they had already reached the optimal temperature for forging, the thought of the orc outbreak surfaced in his mind once more, wondering if he should ask more knowledgeable people about it.

"Nah. It's already nighttime. I should just ask Braum and the others about it once we set off for the kingdom instead." However, in the end, he decided not to do so, taking consideration of the current time, as well as the fact that the materials he had taken out were already starting to cool down.

Picking up his trusty forging hammer, he took in a deep breath before starting to forge the weapons he wanted to give to the five tomorrow, making a mental note to forge the weapons asked by the tasks he had chosen afterwards.

And with that, the sound of metal clashing against metal faintly echoed throughout the streets that night.


"Haaahh..." Letting out a long yawn as he was woken up by the sun's rays, it took a while for Wells to get out of bed, giving his consciousness enough time to rouse from slumber.

Standing up from his bed to head to the bathroom, Wells soon heard the faint sounds of clashing metal echoing from the workshop portion of the smithy, prompting him to recall the words Valyr had spoken to him last night.

"He really didn't get a wink of sleep." Slightly shaking his head as he let out a soft sigh, Wells had a bitter smile on his face as he continued making his way to the bathroom, taking a quick shower before changing into a fresh set of clothes.

After that, he made his way to the workshop portion of the smithy, wondering if he should suggest to Valyr that they get breakfast before they departed with Braum and the others for the kingdom. Though, once he finally got a close look at Valyr, he quickly discarded the thought.

At that moment, the expression on Valyr's face told Wells that he was just forcing himself to stay awake at this point, letting his muscle memory take over as he continued to hammer out the imperfections on the weapon he was forging.

Though, just as Wells was about to suggest to Valyr that he should take a bit of rest before they departed for the kingdom, the latter stopped him in his tracks, telling him that he only needed a bit more time before he was finally done.

Hearing that, Wells could only remain silent, the sound of metal clashing against metal being the only thing heard within the smithy as Valyr eventually put on the finishing touches to the weapon he had just forged.

Imbuing a bit of his mana into the weapon he had just forged several times, Valyr eventually nodded in satisfaction once he had gotten the attribute awakening he wanted, letting out a long sigh of satisfaction as he placed the now completed weapon to the side.

"Hey, Wells. Could you get me a Rousing Slumber Potion from the nearest apothecary?" Letting out a long yawn as he moved away from the workshop, Valyr suppressed the urge to head to sleep as he asked Wells to buy him a potion that would wake him up.

In response, Wells nodded as he made his way out of the smithy. Though, before the man truly left, he reminded Valyr that Magis, the blacksmith he and Wells had talked to yesterday, was heading to the smithy a few minutes from now.

Nodding back, Valyr watched as Wells' silhouette gradually disappeared from his field of vision before turning around, letting out yet another long yawn as he endured the strong feeling of drowsiness he currently felt.

"I should have stopped myself after I was finished forging the weapons for the five." With a bitter smile on his face, Valyr muttered a few words to himself as he took a look at the weapons he had forged throughout the night.

"Thankfully, none of the weapons dropped in quality." After that, he separated the weapons he had forged into two groups: the weapons he would be giving as gifts to the five for their help in the Clossbay Killer incident, and the weapons he would be giving to the Blacksmith Guild in exchange for contribution points.

"Is anyone there?" Just as he had finished separating the bunch of weapons he had forged into two groups, a voice echoed from outside the smithy, prompting Valyr to head outside as he already knew who that person was from voice alone.

"Apologies for having you come to the smithy this early." As he responded to the voice's question, a bitter smile adorned Valyr's face as he greeted Magis with a casual handshake.

"It's fine, it's fine. I don't really have any plans for today, after all." Brushing off Valyr's words with a chuckle, the expression on Magis' face quickly returned to normal as he posed a question to Valyr. "So, what's the reason for having me come here?"

"Well, do you still remember what we talked about yesterday?" In response, Valyr asked Magis a question of his own.

"Aside from the talks we had regarding forging techniques and the like?" asked Magis back, prompting Valyr to nod in agreement.

"Yeah, aside from those talks."

"Hmm..." Pondering over other topics he and Valyr talked about yesterday, a frown gradually crept up on Magis' face as he eventually shook his head. "Yeah, I don't really remember anything else."

"You really don't remember?" As he said these words, Valyr let out a soft yawn, continuing to endure the urge to fall asleep. Looking Magis straight in the eyes, Valyr then told the main reason why he had Magis come to the smithy, leaving the latter at a loss for words as he could not believe what he had just heard.

"Didn't we agree on the fact that you'll be taking over the Crimson Forge today?"

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